Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 168 I need high-end combat power like you

Hardy didn't know that the two female players were talking about him. He was reading books in his tent.

After a while, a messenger from Ajiaka came over and said: "Your Excellency Hardy, Your Excellency Teutonic Lord has invited you."

"Not Mrs. Sissi?" Hardy asked strangely.

Chuan Xun Bing shook his head: "I'm just asking Mr. Hardy to come."

Hardy was a little strange, and he said: "Then please wait for a while, Your Excellency Teutonic, I have some small things to deal with here, and they will be over soon."

The messenger soldier saluted and left.

Hardy waited for a while, then went to Xixi's army and told him that he would patrol the perimeter of the coalition forces. If he found anything wrong, he would immediately launch a vigilance or even attack.

And nodded Xixi.

Then Hardy went to Madam Sissi's place, where she was chatting with two female players.

At this time, Nicai had already returned with her armor.

The three women chatted very happily, chatting and making a scene.

After entering, Hardy said: "Mrs. Sissi, I'm going to the Teutonic Lord's Mansion."

Madam Sissi frowned when she heard this and said, "Is there any danger?"

"How is it possible!" Hardy chuckled: "We are also allies after all, and there is no real conflict of interest. How could he attack us."

Mrs. Sissi smiled: "That's because I'm too worried. Go and come back quickly."


Hardy then left.

Madam Sissi looked at Hardy's back for a while.

She didn't notice at all that the two female players next to her looked at her in a condescending manner.

Then there was another post about CP in the forum, with several large high-resolution pictures attached.

New York City is the capital of the Southern Faction and the most prosperous city in the entire Aijaka Empire.

Excluding the gray-skinned orcs, their population is more than half a million. If the gray-skinned orcs are included, the population reaches nearly two million.

Unlike Gardes City, the gray-skinned orcs here can even go to the streets to help pull carts, help their owners set up stalls, etc.

The gray orc race is very similar to humans, but there are two differences.

First of all, their skin is gray-black, and secondly, their faces are ugly, and they have a pair of long fangs growing out of their mouths.

Hardy rode his war horse through the city. He counted secretly and found that the number of gray-skinned orcs on the street was only about half of the normal civilians. The other gray-skinned orcs should all be working in the fields.

It seems that the Southern Party is still very strict in the management of gray-skinned orcs.

Not long after, he arrived at the Lord's Mansion.

The lord's mansion here is very large and exaggerated, with a big character protruding from almost everything.

The load-bearing columns are very large and thick, and the front stairs are fifty meters wide.

Not to mention the main hall after entering, the queue is estimated to be able to accommodate about 3,000 people.

Maybe it was because he had given instructions a long time ago, so as soon as Hardy appeared in front of the Lord's Mansion, an old butler came over and asked, "Excuse me, is this Mr. Hardy?"

"it's me."

"Please follow me. The Teutonic leader is already waiting for you above."

After climbing hundreds of stairs with the old housekeeper, we arrived at the main hall. Then we walked for another two minutes before we reached the stairs on the first floor.

After climbing up and around for about five minutes, we arrived at a huge study room on the third floor.

Behind the big mahogany door is the polished, smooth marble floor.

The study room is very spacious and has many bookshelves, but the books on it...can't even fill a quarter of the bookshelves.

Teutonic was sitting behind a white wooden table. He heard the sound, looked up and saw Hardy, and smiled: "Please sit down."

Opposite the wooden table, there is a chair.

Hardy sat down and asked with a smile: "Your Excellency Teutonic Lord, what do you want from me?"

"There is indeed something very important for you."

Teutonic signaled, and the old housekeeper left, closing the door.

"Sir Hardy, do you know which race is the most powerful in the world?" Teutonic asked.

Hardy thought for a while and said: "Dragon clan."

"I don't think so." Teutonic said seriously: "I think it's the elves."

"In terms of group strength, they are indeed right. After all, the number of dragons is too small." Hardy nodded in agreement with Teutonic's statement.

Teutonic sighed: "With a life span of three to five hundred years, their natural magic is extremely strong, and their cultural inheritance is also powerful. If it weren't for their small ambitions and low desires, they would have nothing to do with us humans."

"Indeed." Hardy said a little strangely: "But what does this have to do with His Excellency Teutonic Lord looking for me?"

The elves... Hardy had no chance to enter in his previous life, and very few players could enter the elf forest.

His knowledge of the elves is also extremely limited.

"A magician named 'Yi' once told me that the reason why the elves are so strong is not because they are born with strong spiritual power, but because they possess the World Tree."

Teutonic did not answer Hardy's question, but kept talking to himself.


Is it the Master Yi he knows?

The core of the E.P.R trio.

Master Yi, Patience's teacher.

"The World Tree is their mother tree, but what does this have to do with whether they are strong or not?" Hardy was still a little confused as to why Teutonic told him this.

"I wonder if you have heard of the Kiwanis Club?" Teutonic asked a new question.

Hardy's eyes narrowed slightly: "The one founded by stonemasons?"

Teutonic nodded and said with a smile: "Since you have heard about it, it will be easier. I am also a member of the Kiwanis Club. Now I want to invite you to join us."

"Why are you inviting me?" Hardy squinted his eyes and said, "As far as I know, every member of the Kiwanis Club is a real big shot. I am still young, so I don't have the qualifications."

Teutonic shook his head: "No, you are qualified. When you transform into a Nightmare Knight, when you can kill a dozen beasts with one fireball, you are already qualified. Don't underestimate yourself."

"I know about the Kiwanis Club, but I don't know your specific mission."

"Human beings are supreme, and the rest are slaves." Teutonic smiled: "It's that simple."

"Including the elves? Are they also slaves?"


Hardy understood. He smiled and shook his head slightly: "You want to kill the Elf Mother Tree!"

"Yes, you are very smart." Teutonic eyes were full of appreciation: "You can judge our intentions from just a few words."

"If the Elf Mother Tree falls, the elves will go crazy. The humans will not be able to resist those crazy elves."

"When the Elf Mother Tree falls, the Elf race will be useless." Teutonic said sadly: "According to Master Yi's calculations, the reason why the entire world's magic power is so scarce now is that most of it has been absorbed by the Elf Mother Tree, so the Elf The clan is so strong, but we are so weak. In the elven forest, the concentration of magic far exceeds that in the human world. If the big tree falls, everyone can eat."

"There is little hope." Hardy shook his head.

At least before he traveled through time, the Elf Mother Tree was 'living' well.

"How will you know if you don't try!" Teutonic stared at Hardy and said sincerely: "We humans need high-end combat power like you."

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