Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 173 Rushing to the front line

Deville still has the same beautiful wavy red hair, paired with a close-fitting leather jacket and leather pants, giving people a very heroic feeling.

But this is just an external disguise.

Deville is a hot bitch in front of her subordinates, vassals, and even her husband, but in front of Madam Sissi, she is just a little fangirl.

She grew up listening to the story of the Saint of Light. The beautified first-generation Saint of Light was gentle and powerful. With her own charm, she could summon countless heroes and use her to her advantage.

Therefore, she admires Madam Sissi, a truly gentle and truly aristocratic woman, and feels extremely charming.

Mrs. Sissi looked at Hardy and saw that he did not express his position, so she asked with a smile: "Ms. Pell, you are welcome to rest in our station. But I am personally curious, where is your army?"

Seeing that Mrs. Sissi agreed, De Vere breathed a sigh of relief and said helplessly: "The Teutonic leader pressed hard. The militiamen in our territory were all infantry and moved slowly, so I took a dozen light cavalry with me. Came here first."

"Aren't you going to leave some militiamen to guard those gray orcs?" Madam Sissi asked worriedly.

Gardes County has sent all the regular troops to the front line, and now only some militiamen are left to garrison.

Even some time ago, due to the attack by Big Muscle Ba and others, even the militia lost almost half. It can be said that the armed forces of Gardes County can only barely maintain the level to prevent the gray orcs from turmoil.

De Vere smiled bitterly and said: "I have no choice but to canonize part of the territory to three knights, and they will bring their own villagers and tribesmen to help me maintain security near the castle."

"This is a good idea." Madam Sissi nodded: "Let's take my carriage to the station together."

Deville nodded repeatedly.

In this way, Deville temporarily lived in the French coalition.

Hardy didn't care about this. He could see that Deville was very insecure now.

And if Deville becomes the queen of Kaldor like in the original world line, then a small help now will become a big favor in the future.

Why not?

Two days later, all the supplies from the Teutonic side arrived, and the promised gold coins were also delivered.

To this end, Hardy planned a pep rally.

He asked Mrs. Sissi to stand on the high platform and open the boxes of gold coins in a condescending manner, scattering a small portion.

And he said in a very cold voice: "This is a reward for you. If you kill the enemy bravely, the reward will be doubled afterwards."

Looking at the beauty on the high platform, France's soldiers and officers let out harsh wolf howls, and their morale suddenly improved.

Deville was not far away, looking at Madam Sissi who suddenly became as cold as ice on the high platform, and then at the excited and excited soldiers, and nodded thoughtfully.

She felt as if she had learned a lot.

In this way, the French coalition forces were ready to really leave.

De Vere's militia group also followed at this time. At her request, the militia group of more than 200 people was incorporated into the French coalition and was temporarily under the jurisdiction of Hadi.

To be honest, Hardy doesn't want to care about it.

After all, the quality of these militiamen is really not high, they are lazy, lack vitality, and have no fighting spirit.

But after thinking about it, I still accepted it. After all, sometimes, more people are more useful.

For example, help with some chores.

After that, these militiamen took on a lot of chores, but Hadi did not deduct their rations because they were militiamen, but treated them equally with the regular army.

In this way, the militiamen's recognition of Hadi increased.

Because most of the time, the rations of the militiamen are incomparable to those of the regular army.

It will be much different, and they have already been mentally prepared.

As a result, here in Hardy, he was treated like a human being, so he felt that thieves were interesting.

It only took a few days for Gardes' militia to almost fully identify with Hadi as their new commander.

Then Kexilan County is also close at hand.

Because they wanted to support, the French coalition troops marched hastily.

There was a time gap of at least three days with other reinforcements.

The dark city wall is towering, with mountains and cliffs on both sides, one stretching for hundreds of miles.

This is the southern faction's last pass on the eastern front.

If it is broken through again, the northern faction can really completely suppress the southern faction's strategic space.

There were many guards on the city wall. When they saw an army coming from behind, they knew it was one of their own.

However, a small team was sent over to check the situation.

This time it was Madame Sissi who contacted them.

Seeing the angel battle flag and the beautiful Lady Jeanne, these people went crazy with joy. They ran back to the city and reported the situation. As they passed by the city's roads, they kept shouting: "Descendants of the Saint of Light" Come, the bad luck brought by Aenolia can be washed away.”

The people in Kexilan City are actually quite nervous, because the front line will soon collapse to them, and it is said that it is already less than fifty kilometers away.

But after hearing this, they were stunned for a while, and then they all shouted happily, and soon the whole city began to boil.

When the lord of Kexilan heard about this, he immediately asked people to open the rear city gate and personally led the guards to the city gate to welcome the French coalition.

After waiting for a while, the old and skinny lord looked very excited when he saw the angel battle flag with a blue background. When Mrs. Sissi stepped out of the carriage, the old man even knelt down on one knee. , with tears in his eyes.

Things became easy to handle after that. It only took Kexilan half a day to gather enough supplies.

He also sent someone to inform the front line that France's army had arrived.

The next day, the French coalition troops passed directly through the hinterland of the city from outside the city and rushed to the battlefield ahead.

On both sides of the street, citizens were standing, waving the objects in their hands wildly, shouting over and over again: The Holy Army of Angels is invincible.

Such an atmosphere made Madam Sissi in the carriage very puzzled.

Why is my family so popular outside?

But Deville thinks this is normal.

After the coalition forces left the city, they immediately rushed to the front line. On the way, they encountered a cavalry team, under the banner of the Southern Faction, and came directly to guide the French coalition forces into the center of the battlefield.

It took most of the day, and towards evening, the coalition forces finally entered the front line.

In front is a densely packed tent spread out in a long snake formation.

Lots of soldiers, priests, walking around.

The wounded wailed in the camp.

This is the front line, but it is behind the front line.

There is a faint smell of blood in the air, drifting in the wind.

After a while, several people came from the front on horseback. As soon as they came, they fell off their horses. The brown-haired young man among them asked: "Please, Commander France, report to the commander-in-chief quickly."

Mrs. Sissi got out of the carriage. The road ahead was somewhat bumpy, which was no longer conducive to the carriage.

Then she mounted a war horse.

Although she is not good at fighting, Madam Sissi's equestrian skills are actually quite good.

"Please lead the way." Madam Sissi chuckled.

The young man was stunned for a moment, then blushed and quickly mounted his horse, not daring to look at Madam Sissi.

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