Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 175 The Position of the Goddess of Light

Hardy was just about to welcome the goddess of light to 'play' when he heard such a meaningless sentence.

After being stunned for a while, he asked: "Aya, what do you mean, fate?"

Hardy remembered that the goddess of light was previously troubled by the chaos of the fateful line of the brave Ryan, and she even meant to stand in the way.

Now even Deville's fate is messed up, and half of it is on him?

"Yes, why are you causing trouble everywhere." Aiya's voice sounded very helpless: "I don't blame you for Ryan and Karina's affairs, but you have to take the blame for Deville's fateful change. responsibility."

Hardy vaguely understood.

Because he came into contact with De Vere, did he cause changes in future history?

Oh, that's okay.

Hardy thought it was nothing.

He doesn't feel like his future has to be arranged.

Moreover, now that he has appeared, history has changed significantly.

"You don't seem to care at all." Aiya lost her temper inexplicably: "You are messing around down there, and Fina and I are up there. We have to work hard for a long time to help you clean up your mess."

These words made Hardy pay attention.

"Aya, do you mean that my existence has affected you?"

"That's not what it means." Aya thought for a while and then said: "It's like a child playing and making sand all over the house. It's very troublesome to clean. That's probably it. A feeling.”

Hardy asked curiously: "Am I that powerful?"

He has not harmed the entire world, nor does he have that ability.

"It's just a feeling." Aiya sighed: "Actually, you're not bad either. Before, Fina only paid attention to Ryan, Karina and other people who have a lot of fateful power. Now you are also paid attention to by her. ”

Hearing that he had entered the sight of his destiny goddess, Hardy felt a little unhappy.

After all, we are people who have come from the information age, and we have a somewhat inner mentality of ‘my fate is up to me and I can’t help it’.

"Don't be angry, Fina has no ill intentions towards you."

"I know." Hardy nodded.

If a god has ill intentions towards him, no matter what he does, it will not go well.

The goddess of light continued: "It seems that nothing happened here, so I will go back and talk to Fina about it first."

"Wait." Hardy called to the goddess of light.

"Can I help you with anything?"

Hardy shook his head, the help of the goddess of light?

That sounds great, but what’s the cost?

Hardy knows very well that everything has a price, especially the help of such a 'big man'. How much favor will be repaid afterwards?

"What's that for?" The goddess of light was quite curious.

"Aya, what do you think of the civil war in Ajiaka?"

"No opinion."

Hardy:? ? ? ?

"Whether they are humans, orcs, or demons, there is essentially no difference." The goddess of light said indifferently: "Even if we prevent this civil war, sooner or later the east-west war, or some other war, will break out . The instinct of living things is to compete for resources. If you have this, you want that. There is no end to desire."

Hardy smiled bitterly: "I thought you would distinguish this war into good and evil."

"In my teachings, there is no distinction between good and evil in war." The goddess of light sighed softly: "There is no good or evil in war, only positions. Only the individual intelligent life itself can distinguish between good and evil."

Hardy understood what she meant.

She doesn't care who wins or loses in this civil war.

She only cares about whether her followers can implement goodness in a personal sense.

Then the goddess of light left.

Hardy stayed at the high place for a while. After the entire camp was built and his tent was set up, he went back to rest.

Of course, other generals will naturally be responsible for arrangements for things like night patrols and defense.

Early the next morning, when the sky was slightly bright, Hardy came out of the tent and found that the camp had begun to bury pots to make food.

The smell of slightly roasted baguettes floats in the air.

Hardy walked around the camp and found that the soldiers in the entire army were very high-spirited. He nodded with satisfaction, came to the commander's tent, and asked: "Mrs. Sissi, can I go in."

"come in."

Hadi went in as instructed and found Madam Sissi helping Nicai put her hair up.

The relationship between the two seems to be very good.

Alice, who had short hair, sat aside with some envy.

The three people's outfits all tend to be simple and convenient.

Hardy asked: "Breakfast is coming soon, do you want to have a pre-war meeting?"

"Okay." Mrs. Sissi smiled.

Then Alice went out and told the messenger guarding the door.

At this time, Mrs. Sissi also helped Nicai fix her hair style.

Nicai is already married, and after her hair is tied up, she has the air of a good wife and mother in a high-class compound.

Hardy subconsciously took a second look.

Then he exited the coach's camp.

After Hardy left, Mrs. Sissi smiled and said, "After you put your hair up, you are indeed much more beautiful. Even Hardy was amazed by you."

Nicai was a little shy and said, "What's the matter? It's probably the first time I've seen my appearance, so I'm just curious."

At this time, Alice brought in a large basin of baguette bread and some heated dried meat.

"It's breakfast, it's breakfast."

The three of them finished the not-so-delicious breakfast, and then generals came in one after another.

After a while, everyone arrived. Thirty-three generals from France counties gathered here.

Hardy is naturally among them.

This is the first real coalition generals conference.

Madame Sissi stood behind a low table with a topographical map on it.

"I'm not good at fighting, but you are very good at it." Mrs. Sissi glanced at all the generals and said, "So I will delegate the command to Mr. Hardy. If anyone here has an opinion, you can express it."

Everyone looked at Hardy, not surprised.

Originally, Hadi was a vassal and confidant of the Jeanna family, so it was normal for him to delegate command to him.

Logically speaking, no one should object.

But at this time, someone said: "I object."

Madam Sissi frowned slightly, but when she saw that the speaker was actually Hardy, she was stunned.

Not to mention her, the other generals were also stunned.

Are you against yourself?

Madam Sissi took a breath and her chest bulged even more. She asked, "Hardy, what do you think?"

"I stood on a high place last night and took a look at the terrain." Hardy pointed to the map and said: "This is our station, and further to the left is the station of the Kaldo reinforcements. Maybe Alcado Teutonic The coach was afraid of conflict between our two armies, so he deliberately moved our two armies further apart. But I think this is exactly a bad thing."

Mrs. Sissi looked at the two points on the map and found that they seemed a bit far away, so she asked: "What do you think?"

"If we don't take precautions, if the enemy sends a secret team to make a detour from this fortress, our logistics will easily have trouble." Hadi took back his finger from the map and said: "So we must draw at least two thousand or three thousand people. It is more suitable, and then stationed there. Moreover, the infantry regiment must be the main part, and the archers must be the main part. Therefore, we must be divided into two commanders to act independently.”

Everyone looked at the map and felt that what Hardy said made sense.

At this time, the guards outside came in and reported: "Coach Jeanne, the commander-in-chief of Kaldor, wants to visit you and is waiting outside."

In the camp, everyone looked at each other.

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