Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 233 Sometimes looking at things from another perspective can lead to surprises

Although Hadi completely took over the city of Kexilan, he specifically stated that he would not replace the flag of the great prince Kamath Rommel for the time being.

He wanted to take advantage of the Northern Army.

Since the Northern Army likes to attack cities, let them do it.

Hardy's plan worked.

On the third day after the French coalition took over the city defense, the Northern Army launched another siege.

The gray orcs are still the vanguard.

At this time, a small group of French soldiers appeared on the city wall, waving the Rommel family flag, showing that they were resisting with great difficulty.

Then, when a large number of gray orcs climbed up outside the city wall, the ambushed soldiers rushed out from the left and right, killing the gray orcs to a rout.

Afterwards, Hardy rushed out of the city gate with his heavy cavalry, crushed three infantry regiments, and won a major victory in the battle.

And the process was almost exactly the same as the last time he defended Kexilan City.

The Northern Army was frightened and quickly retreated five kilometers.

This victory directly brought peace to Kexilan City for nearly half a month.

There was no way, this time the losses of the Northern Army were more serious than last time, with more than 5,000 people dead and more than 7,000 people seriously injured.

On the surface, this number of casualties seems to only account for about one-tenth of the Northern Army.

But people can have random thoughts and be afraid and frightened.

It is also more empathetic.

Looking at the mangled bodies of their comrades, looking at their pitiful disabled appearance, the morale of the entire Northern Army almost dropped to freezing point.

The huge black knight has become the devil of the Northern Army.

Now many people in the Northern Army call him the Black Devil.

He even thinks that he is invincible.

But Hardy didn't think so.

He was currently in his room, reading the book "Dismantling and Upgrading of Magical Structures".

Now he is preparing to conduct his first experiment.

The ‘Disintegration’ of the Nightmare Knight.

This disintegration is not disintegration in the physical sense, but the separation of man and horse.

Normally, the knight and the nightmare horse are one.

The knight's mental power and magic power are transferred to the nightmare, and then the nightmare combines the magic power with its own magic power to create a steel body that can be 'stationed' by the host's soul.

At the same time, the flexibility of this body of steel is relatively good, making it easier for the host to control it to make various movements.

However, E.P.R's research found that the magic power transmission between knights and nightmares actually only requires the initial summoning period.

Afterwards, the magic power of the knight and war horse were restored separately and used separately.

In other words, after transforming into the Nightmare Knight, the human body and the horse can be separated.

What would be the benefit if humans and horses could be separated?

E.P.R believes that after the separation of man and horse, the biggest disadvantage is that the mobility is weakened, but it can be exchanged for a great advantage: the greatly enhanced magical ability.

According to their calculations, when the Nightmare Knight is on horseback, his own magic power will fluctuate and interfere with the nightmare's magic power.

Then they jointly form a special resonance force field, which can strengthen the physical resistance and magic resistance of the Nightmare Knight.

However, every gain must come with a loss. When the Nightmare Knight is riding, the magic powers interfere with each other, so the magic is more difficult to form. This is why it is very difficult to use magic after becoming a Nightmare Knight.

The vast majority of Nightmare Knights also believe that their magic power has been transferred to the nightmare, so their magic power is reduced.

Even Hardy thought so before.

Now it seems...he couldn't be more wrong.

"You have to try." Hardy closed the book and walked to the atrium.

There was no one here at this time, except for a few guards patrolling in the distance.

Seconds later, Hardy transformed into his nightmare form.

He calmed down and began to want to jump off the nightmare's horse.

As a result, he was surprised to find that he was 'fixed' to the mount.

In other words: his whole person is attached to the nightmare.

"What's going on?" Hardy was stunned.

This is not mentioned in the book.

Then he tried again and found that he was really stuck to the horse's back and couldn't jump off.

To be precise, the steel knot after his incarnation was integrated with the nightmare vest.

The moment the magic armor was formed, the human armor and vest were already stuck together.

Could it be that something went wrong when he was transforming?

"What exactly is the problem?"

Hardy began to think.

He made a lot of assumptions, transformed and untransformed many times, hoping to find out the patterns and reasons.

But it still didn't work. As soon as he transformed, his armor and vest were stuck together.

He even deliberately guided the magic elements during his transformation, turning himself into a strange "barrel" knight, but he didn't find out anything important from it.

After trying for a long time, Hardy still couldn't get himself off the horse.

I feel quite helpless.

At this time, Mrs. Sissi came out of the house with two female players.

They had been drinking afternoon tea on the balcony before. They saw Hardy transforming and untransforming repeatedly. They were quite curious and came down.

"Hardy, what are you doing?" Mrs. Sissi asked.

Hardy smiled and said what he had just done.

Mrs. Sissi was also quite interested after hearing that Hardy's magical ability would not be restricted after the separation of the people.

After all, the more powerful Hadi is, the stronger the Jeana family is.

"Then you work hard slowly. If you need magic materials for experiments, you can ask me for money...I will buy the materials for you." Mrs. Sissi said gently.

Alice looked at Hardy with admiration.

This NPC, who gave her wonderful feelings in the game, has become a frequent visitor in her dreams.

Hardy looked at Madame Sissi gratefully.

This experiment does not require any magic materials, but Mrs. Sissi's attitude is very popular.

At this time, Nicai suddenly said: "Sir Hardy, if it is not your wish, is it possible that the adhesion between the human armor and the vest is the wish of the Nightmare War Horse?"

Hardy was stunned for a moment: "It's unlikely. It's just an animal without much self-awareness."

Nicai shook her head: "I don't think the nightmare horse can use magic, it is just an ordinary demon world creature. What if it really has consciousness or a soul? You can ask it."

Hardy was deep in thought.

As a male, he rarely considers issues from this perspective.

Does the Nightmare Horse have a soul and a strong sense of self?

But it sounds like it makes some sense.

So he summoned the Nightmare War Horse again, then leaned over and patted the horse's neck and said, "I want to go for a walk, don't stop me, okay?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hardy heard a bang underneath him, as if some metal instrument had broken.

Then Hardy felt his body relax. He tried it, and sure enough he jumped off the horse.

He was more than four meters tall when he was riding on horseback, but when he jumped off the nightmare horse, he was only a little over three meters tall.

But even so, it's still extremely scary.

A black, fully armed, three-meter-tall giant stared at whoever was pregnant.

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