Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 235 The big counterattack begins

With more than 10,000 troops as reinforcements, and Victor already arriving at the March defense line, Hardy looked at the map and felt that he could try to counterattack.

After all, in the previous battle, one-tenth of the casualties were enough to knock the enemy's morale to the bottom.

Morale probably hasn't been fully restored yet, so it's a good time to attack.

However, with Kexilan's military strength alone, it is still difficult to launch a major counterattack, which requires the cooperation of the two armies on the March defense line.

Therefore, Hardy directly sent a secret messenger to inform Andrew and Victor, instructing them that Kexilan would launch a counterattack in six days. They could enter the battlefield from the flanks in due course depending on the situation and put pressure on the enemy.

Or even... directly attack the enemy.

Hardy did not issue clearer instructions.

The military situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, and it is far better for the generals to control the situation freely than for the coach to control the situation remotely.

Sandor Hogg, the new young man, saw all this and couldn't help but ask: "Your Excellency Hardy, on the battlefield, shouldn't the commander command each unit and use his fingers like an arm? ?”

Although this young man was older than Hadi, his face was full of curiosity.

Hardy smiled and said: "Concrete situation, specific analysis. We can't control Kaldor's army. The more you control them, the more impatient you will be. As for Victor Jeanne's army, if they can appear on the right side of the battlefield, they will be a threat to us." Positive enough, I don't ask them to do more."

Sandel understood. What Hardy meant was that you can help me share some of the pressure, and I will do the rest myself.

Is this the confidence of the strong?

He looked at Hardy with admiration and felt that he had learned something.

Two days later, Hadi personally led the army in the city out of the city and pushed forward.

They faced the Northern Army at a distance of two kilometers.

Obviously there are still about 100,000 troops on the Northern Army side, but the number of soldiers here in Hadi is only more than 15,000.

But... no matter whether you look at it vertically or horizontally, it is the Southern Army's side, and their morale is even higher.

This time, it was the Black Knight who appeared at the forefront of the battlefield with the Silver Winged Heavy Cavalry Legion.

All the Silver Winged Cavalry followed Hardy's example, erecting their lances and placing them on the ground.

First, you can relax your arms and feel less tired.

Secondly... the lance is very long. If you stand it up, you will see a dense forest of spears, giving you a cold and murderous feeling.

It can shock the enemy's mind.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Especially after the Black Knight appeared, there was even a brief commotion in the enemy's forward legion. The supervisor killed several people before suppressing the commotion.

And those gray orcs who claimed to be brave and invincible were almost scared to death when they saw the black knight.

Gray orcs are strong, big, and even ferocious.

But in essence, this is a group of unorganized and undisciplined people who are as ruthless as wolves when the wind is blowing and like dogs when the wind is blowing.

If they were really so brave and invincible, how could they be captured by so many humans from the South?

If they were really so heroic and invincible, how could they be managed by a dozen human overseers, managing hundreds of people.

The commander of the Northern Army, Ste-Nimi, watched the commotion ahead being calmed down and sighed slightly in his heart.

His army has been frightened by the Black Knight, and he knows this very well.

Not to mention ordinary soldiers, now that he saw the black knight, his scalp was numb.

Why is the power of the Nightmare Knight controlled by a human being, and why is it so powerful?

He was puzzled.

At this moment, he was fully aware that if he could not deal with this black knight, it would be impossible for them to defeat Kexilan, and it was hard to say whether they could even win the war.

One black knight can boost the enemy's morale throughout the entire battle.

In fact, he has already thought about withdrawing his troops. He should not think about attacking the south again for at least the next two or three years.

It would be better to wait until the black knight from France leaves Aijaka and returns home with his troops before making plans.

But the gentlemen at the back don’t think so.

When they think about it, their own number is several times that of the enemy, and the enemy can be killed by the pile.

People who think this way have no idea what war is.

But he firmly occupies a high-level position.

Ste-Nimi sighed.

At this time, the guard came to report: "Commander, two armies suddenly appeared on our right."

"Did you really come?"

Ste walked to a higher point and looked towards their right wing, that is, to the west.

Sure enough, we saw two armies slowly coming down from the high ground to the west.

One army carries a red cross flag on a white background. This is Kaldor's army.

The other one carries the blue Holy Angel flag, and the most conspicuous Silver Winged Heavy Cavalry Legion in front.

Ste-Nimi felt a chill in his heart and couldn't help but lament: "Another general from the Jeanne family?"

As we all know, only France's Jeanne family is qualified to establish the Silver Armored Heavy Cavalry Regiment.

Of course, in theory, other people can also create a silver armor group, but if you dare to use silver as your armor, you will be laughed at by other lords and forces.

You know what your record is, what other people's record is, you don't have that ability, you know!

"There won't be a white knight this time." Ste-Nimi sighed softly, picked up the transmitter, and said, "All the legions move closer to the center, and the spearmen legions are on the outside to form a dense military formation."

This is the safest formation against cavalry.

As long as there are enough people and the crowds are crowded enough, no matter how powerful the cavalry rushes in, they will be 'stuck' and then be chopped off with random swords.

Ste-Nimi could only use this stupid method.

He doesn't seek victory now, he just seeks fewer dead people and the ability to maintain the formation here.

As long as the formation can be held up and this front can be maintained, the Black Knight's power will naturally decline after he cannot attack for a long time.

Only then will there be a chance to counterattack.

And just when he made this decision, the black knight who had been motionless suddenly moved.

He spurred his horse to run slowly and rushed towards their dense formation.

The Silver Armored Cavalry followed closely, raising a huge sandstorm.

Even though they were more than a kilometer away, the soldiers of the Northern Army felt the ground shaking slightly.

And the vibration is getting stronger and stronger.

The spearmen in the front row looked at the thick smoke and dust rolling in, their eyes filled with confusion.

Ste-Nimi's eyes were also full of confusion: "How dare he? This is a dense formation of 100,000 people. Why did he dare to rush over?"

Logically speaking, in this situation, as long as you are not a fool, you should not rush into the battle.

But now the Black Knight is indeed charging with the Silver Wing Knights.

The distance between the two sides is getting closer and closer.

The spearmen on the front line showed despair in their eyes, but they still stuck their spears tremblingly on the ground, waiting for death to come.

And just when the Black Knight was still two hundred meters away from him, he found that the other party had turned a corner, almost four meters in front of them, galloping past them, bypassing them, and heading towards their left wing.

The gunmen were ecstatic about escaping from death.

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