Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 255 Jialan Guild wants to raise the banner

On the game forum, Jialan Guild posted its own recruitment post.

‘Hello everyone, I am Beiyouyu, the vice-president of the “Jialan World” guild. ’

'It's great to be posting at this time. ’

‘Our guild has experienced one Waterloo before... to be precise, two Waterloos. There was one time when I was a big muscle tyrant, and there was also one time when I was leading a team. ’

‘This has caused a significant drop in the strength of our guild, but this game is very free, and we have always felt that there is always a strange sense of imbalance in the world, and we always feel that something is missing! ’

‘Now we understand that the world is missing the red-name camp. ’

‘Any game that focuses on PVP cannot have a red-name camp. ’

"As long as there are PVP games, our "Jialan World" guild will always be a famous player. And now we have woken up, it is not too late!"

"Guess what level we are now? We are back to LV5 again, hahaha!"

"Not only that, we have also picked up a lot of money now. If converted into real money, it would easily exceed 30 to 40 million."

"Sure enough, this game is free and fair! As long as you untie the shackles in your heart, you can have everything you want."

"And our Jialan Guild wants to create a camp of red names, a gathering place for red names, and a city where red names stick together to survive!"

"We steal, we rob, we kill! We are the enemies of good, we are the agents of evil!"

‘Games are meant to be played happily, and played however you want. Players and future companions who are willing to join us, please dye your names with proud blood, find us, and become us! ’

‘Become a noble Jialan! ’

Jialan Guild's recruitment post and what they did caused an uproar on the Internet.

Some players find it very exciting and fun.

But more players think these people are too evil.

They called the game official to report them and asked them to ban these evil players. When they called, the official customer service line was busy and they couldn't get in at all.

They also went to the game forum to report it, and tens of thousands of posts were posted in an instant.

In less than half an hour, the official gave the answer: Jialan Guild’s actions were within the limits of the game rules.

Then, the discussion on the Internet became even bigger.

Some media even suspect that game officials are using this method to experiment with social ethics and human ethics.

In the game, Ys City is in flames.

Beiyouyu put on his pants, and then pierced the heart of the girl lying at his feet with his sword.

The girl's eyes were wide open and refused to close, full of resentment.

Beiyouyu stared at the girl's eyes for a while and clicked his tongue: "The game is quite realistic. This kind of emotion and this kind of touch are no different from real people, but the data is data! The official is also very interesting, saying The ultra-high degree of freedom is indeed true.”

He felt so good just now, and the evil thoughts in his heart grew more and more.

At this time, several people came from outside, holding a young man on his arm.

The young man who was being held up that year was covered in blood, and his hands and feet were limp and even bent at an unnatural angle. He must have been damaged.

"What's going on?" Beiyouyu turned to ask his men.

Someone replied: "This guy went against us and killed two of our members in a sneak attack."

"A bunch of scum, you are no different from shit." The young man who was being held up yelled: "You just kill people, and you actually commit adultery. It's so fucking disgusting! How dare you do this in such a real game, you are so realistic Chuuya is not a good person."

Beiyouyu chuckled: "Don't put the game into reality. You don't kill people or massacre cities when playing stand-alone games? I don't believe it!"

The young man was immediately stunned.

"So there is no difference between you and us." Beiyou Yutan spread his hands and said with a smile: "The only difference is that this game is more realistic. You don't dare to mess around."

The young man stared hard into Beiyouyu's eyes, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

"As for games, it's a good thing to have a strong sense of immersion." Beiyouyu stepped forward and grabbed the young man's face with his hands: "We will remember your face. We will kill you every time we see you in the future. Our Jialan Guild will show up." You'd better get out of here and don't let us see you again."

"I'm afraid of you? I also remember your faces. From now on, I will fight with your Jialan Guild until death!" The young man gritted his teeth and said, "My name is Asi. Remember, I will become the digger of the Jialan Guild." Grave Man.”

Beiyouyu didn't care and stabbed the young man through the heart with his long sword. Then he watched the young man collapse to the ground with a smile.

"Ah, it feels so good!" Beiyouyu gave his hair a hairspray and combed it into a long back.

"Are you still going to kill NPCs? Vice President!" A member of the Jialan Guild asked.

"Let's leave here first. I think the enemy's guards or those players who claim to be self-righteous will come to attack us." Beiyouyu pointed to Asi's body on the ground: "Just like this stupid young man. "

One of the Jialan Guild members took out a whistle from his clothes and started blowing it.

A group of people then quickly evacuated the town of Ys.

As for Hardy, he was rushing to Ys Town at full speed.

The speed of 62 kilometers per hour is actually quite fast in this world.

His level has reached the master level, unlocking the talent of 'all-terrain adaptation'.

The nightmare horse seemed to sense the anxiety in Hardy's heart. It almost only walked in a straight line and could break things that were broken and hit them directly.

If you can't hit it, you just turn a small corner.

The Nightmare Horse can already run on water, so when it encounters a river, it runs directly there, saving a lot of time.

Hardy has been riding for two hours, and it is estimated that it will take another two hours to reach Ysou Town.

He was obviously very anxious in his heart, but he felt very calm and sober.

There are more than a hundred red-named players, if you really let go and kill them, it will take only three or four hours to kill the twenty or thirty thousand people.

When he thought about this in his heart, Hardy felt anger welling up in his head.

At this time, he felt a familiar aura suddenly appear in his soul.

It is the goddess of light who has come.

But the feeling she gave Hardy was cold.

"Hadi, those people have left Ys Town." The goddess of light said coldly: "I will show you the way, catch up with them, kill them, leave no one behind, and when they die, I will be there for them The mark is left on their souls and they will never be able to come back to life again.”

Hardy nodded, and then asked: "What about the Falling Star Plains?"

"Don't worry, I have sent the brave team to deal with it." The goddess of light said with obvious regret in her voice: "It is the fault of our gods, we should not agree to Besedith's plan, he lied to all of us. "

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