Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 276 He doesn’t know how scary he is

After having a substantial relationship with Hadi, Sophia's status in the lord's mansion rose.

Although she is still the head maid, she is not the lord's wife, but she is better than the lord's wife.

Gui Wenir's status has also undergone substantial changes.

Gui Wenile didn't dare to run around casually before, but it's different now. She can go anywhere except Hardy's study.

No one would stop her, and even the maids had to watch over her in case something happened to her.

Sophia was quite pleased to see her daughter jumping around.

It's not like I sacrificed myself in vain... I can't even call it a sacrifice.

Looking at Hadi who was working at the desk, Sophia suddenly blushed.

She did approach Hardy with a sacrificial mentality before, but I have to say that Hardy is so handsome.

And it’s still pretty cool.

A field can be plowed all night long.

It made her miserable and helpless.

I feel like my first ten years have been wasted.

She was thinking wildly here, but Hardy frowned.

Because he received a letter from Louisian County.

The sender is the player ‘Life is short’.

It turned out that they had already built the main road near Tacoma County, but were blocked by an army and prevented them from continuing to build it.

Hardy knew what was going on as soon as he saw it.

Between Lewis County and Tacoma Tower, they are very close, but there is a long "leg" running across them.

Those are the ‘legs’ of Dasuni in the northeast.

A long and narrow territorial tentacle blocks the middle of the two counties and provinces.

Hardy took out the map, looked at it for a while, and then had an idea.

He raised his head and said, "Sophia, I'm going out for a short time, and I'll leave the affairs of the Lord's Mansion to you."

Sophia nodded.

She had been the lord's wife before, so she had no problem managing the internal affairs here.

"If you encounter any problems, you can ask Roger to help solve them." Hardy stood up and said with a smile: "He has pretty good abilities."

"where are you going?"

"Go and talk to the lord of Dasuni." Hardy said with great anticipation: "Open the passage between Tacoma and Louisian County and connect the two places together."

Sophia's eyes moved slightly, and she suddenly asked: "Do you want Gui Wenir to change her name?"

Hardy was stunned for a moment: "Why do you want to change it? This name is quite nice."

Sophia rolled her eyes at Hardy angrily: "I mean, should she change her last name from Tacoma to Hardy?"

Guiwenier Hardy?

Hardy looked at Sophia thoughtfully for a while, then smiled and said, "It's up to you."

Then he walked out of the room.

Sophia twisted her hands together, feeling a little regretful, knowing that she had been anxious just now.

Originally, she asked Gui Wenir to recognize Hardy as her 'godfather', which was just a temporary measure to gain some power for Gui Wenir so that she could live and play freely.

But after hearing that Hardy wanted to connect Louisiana County with Tacoma, he had other thoughts in his mind.

Because she has learned that Hardy has three fiefdoms.

After Hardy came out of the study, he went straight to the military camp, told Rogge some things, then ordered 300 heavy cavalry and 100 logistics, and headed straight for Dasuni.

After walking for two days, we stopped at the border line of Dasuni.

Now Tacoma belongs to France, and Dasuni belongs to the Ajiaka Empire. If they cross the border rashly, it will be a diplomatic problem between the two countries.

So he stationed himself here and unfurled the Silver Angels flag.

I believe the lord of Dasuni will come soon.

Sure enough, four days later, a combined regiment of infantry and archers of about two thousand people appeared in Hadi's field of vision.

The two sides faced off on the border.

Hadi took the lead to walk out of the military formation and shouted to the opposite side: "I am France, the lord of Hukaro City, Hardy. Is the opposite side the lord of Dasuni?"

"Not yet a lord." A young man walked out from the opposite side, riding on a horse. He took the lead in saluting Hardy: "Luthor's eldest son, Jules, I am very happy to meet you."

He looked Hardy up and down, with envy and jealousy in his eyes.

The other party is much younger than him, but he is already the lord of the three places, and he has no hope of getting the title of lord.

"Sir Luther, I have a deal I want to discuss with you."

"Please say."

Luther's voice was loud, but seemed to have a little vibrato.

Hardy felt a little strange.

In fact, Hardy didn't feel wrong.

Luther's voice was trembling, he was afraid of Hardy.

The Luther family also participated in the Civil War, and their family faced Hardy head-on in Kexilan.

Their own heavy infantry, as well as two thousand gray orc infantry, were trampled by Hardy with his silver heavy cavalry and fled in all directions, not daring to fight.

All men in Luther's family witnessed this scene, which is why his father was reluctant to come.

Although the intelligence indicated that Hardy only brought about 300 heavy cavalry, but even with more than 2,000 troops, Luther still felt insecure when he saw those silver-armored heavy cavalry.

It was just because of the honor of the Luther family that he had to come.

"I want to exchange a small piece of territory with the Luther family."


In fact, the Luther family also knew about Hardy's acquisition of Tacoma County. After looking at the map, they knew that Hardy would sooner or later cut off the tentacles that squeezed his family's two territories.

I have already been mentally prepared.

And he had no intention of resisting or making any noise.

But now Hardy actually said he wanted to exchange territories?

Hardy dismounted, took out a map at the border line, and said with a smile, "Lord Luther, can you come over and take a look at the map?"

Jules Luther thought for a while, then dismounted and walked over.

It's just that his movements are somewhat stiff, but fortunately he's wearing armor, so it's not very noticeable.

Soon, he walked up to Hardy and looked at the map above.

Hardy pointed to the long 'tentacle' and said: "This place prevents my two territories from being connected together, so I plan to divide a mine in the northern part of Louisian County into Suni Central in exchange for This territory belongs to me."

Jules was stunned for a moment, and he asked in disbelief: "That is a mine, and that long territory has no resources worth mentioning."

“For me, it’s more important that the territory stays together,” Hardy said with a laugh.

A mine... or a stone mine, Hardy didn't care too much.

In his opinion, this kind of natural resource is indeed good if it is available, and it is not bad if it is not available.

The main output of Louisian County is various crops.

There are also processed products of various crops, as well as excellent servers and logistics transfer station effects.

Rather than mining mineral spots that will be depleted of resources in more than ten years.

Luther looked at Hardy's handsome face and couldn't connect the man in front of him with the terrifying Black Knight.

He took a deep breath: "Sir Hardy, you can't go back on your word if you change."

"Of course."

"Okay, let's sign the contract." Luther said hurriedly.

Hardy smiled even more happily. He did not expect that this matter was simpler than he imagined.

He also thought that people from the north would have objections to him and set up various obstacles for him.

Now he is very happy. After the two territories are connected, Francie will immediately have a deep-sea port.

His territory will soon become prosperous.

Once the fox people and cat people are in place, the first step to build the cornerstone of troubled times will be established.

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