Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 288 There will be no food again

After a brief panic, Kaldor's soldiers also became quiet.

They dragged their limp bodies and started to do things.

After all, he is a professional fighter, so his physical fitness is quite good and he recovers quickly.

At this time, Andrew looked frightened and lay weakly on the carpet.

In Andrew's memory, after their routine patrol last night, they saw a red magic circle flashing in the sky, and then everyone lost consciousness.

Hardy also had to admit that the profession of spellcaster was really a super model.

Like a pure physics profession, as long as the opponent doesn't run away, he can still be killed by the sheer number of people.

Unless it really reaches the legendary level.

But spellcasters are different. As long as they are prepared, when super-large magic comes down, it feels like no matter how many lives they take, they are still used to fill the sea.

But fortunately, both the enemy and ourselves, there are powerful spellcasters who can restrain each other and prevent the spellcasters from becoming too arrogant.

Of course... the Nightmare Knight is actually half a spellcaster, and can be regarded as a profession that is superior to others.

"Sir Hardy, thank you very much this time." Andrew looked grateful.

At this time Hardy had already told Andrew the general story of the matter, but of course concealed some key information.

For example, the matter of the magic sword Porphyr.

He only said that there was a big-headed monster who wanted to sacrifice a group of them in order to gain power.

Then Hardy discovered and stopped him.

"You're welcome." Hardy waved his hand: "Now we are grasshoppers on the same rope. The March defense line needs to be maintained by our two countries, otherwise our life will not be easy."

Andrew smiled, and then said: "No matter what, I will remember your great kindness and you will be rewarded generously in the future."

Hardy nodded indifferently.

At this time, Mrs. Anna has slipped into Hardy's shadow, and she likes to be close to Hardy like this very much.

This feeling of "I am in you" is simply a heavenly enjoyment for an emotional woman.

"Also, Mr. Hardy, can I trouble you with something?"

"Please say."

"Can you escort me to Gardes County?" Andrew still had residual fear on his face: "I want to go there to rest for a short time."

Deville was his niece, where he could still feel a little safer and it would be easier to recuperate.

Oh, Hardy nodded and smiled: "I just happened to be going there too."

Thanks to the influx of a large number of players and the migration of some free people from surrounding areas, Louisian County's food is not enough.

Although several main roads have been repaired, only Boris in France has a large amount of food. It takes a long time to transport it, and water from afar cannot quench the thirst of nearby people.

The seaport city of Tacoma is a commercial capital, and it is purely engaged in business. The food itself is barely enough, and it cannot supply the consumption of Louisian County.

The only option was to go to the Pell family in Gardes County for help.

Of course, it's not just about letting others sell food. Hardy also has business that he wants to benefit them.

"So we're leaving tomorrow?" Andrew asked cautiously.

"Okay." Hardy agreed: "I'll go back and tell Victor about the situation here first, and I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

In fact, Andrew was a little afraid that another powerful spellcaster would come and knock them all unconscious, but as the commander of Kaldor, he could not show his cowardice like this.

At that moment, he could only laugh and said: "Then I'll be waiting for you to arrive tomorrow."

In fact, Andrew is scared to death now.

Hardy returned to Francie's defense station and told Victor what happened.

After listening, he asked doubtfully: "What about the enemies we encountered a few nights ago?"

Hardy didn't know what was going on.

But at this moment, the magic sword Porphyr had Hardy's mind, and said with some embarrassment: "That's Big Head's fault. He was afraid that when we were doing trouble over there, he would send people over to check and ruin our good deeds." , so I used my mental power to control some people and raided this place, making them feel at risk and not dare to patrol around at will."

I see.

Hardy thought for a while and did not say what Porfil just said.

It is a good thing that they have fear and scruples.

This can increase alertness.

Then Hardy slept here one night. In the middle of the night, Mrs. Anna came out of the shadows and had sex with Hardy.

But there was no actual ‘battle’.

After all, the other Mrs. Anna is still sleeping next to her husband. If they mess around, the real Mrs. Anna will have a hard time.

The next day, Hardy took more than a hundred cavalry to Kaldor to pick up Andrew.

The other party also brought forty light cavalry guards.

Then nearly two hundred people went all the way south to Gardes County.

Andrew has worked really hard for him these days.

His energy was drained and he was in bad health, and he had to ride a horse for several days on a long journey.

My health got worse and worse. I felt nauseous and wanted to vomit along the way. I even almost fell off my horse once.

But luckily I endured it.

Once he arrived in Gardes County, he found a hotel to stay.

Hardy asked curiously: "Aren't you going to stay in the castle in Gardes County temporarily?"

How can I say that the environment of the castle is better than that of the hotel.

And having a maid at your service makes it easier to take good care of yourself.

"It's not very convenient." Andrew smiled: "I am a foreigner. I came in rashly and need to wait for the local lord to receive me."

This is true.

Hardy doesn't have this worry, he can just come to visit as a guest.

After all, he saved the lives of the Pell family.

And the two parties have also reached a strategic cooperative relationship.

However, Hardy also found a hotel, settled the cavalry, and then took two of his confidants to the local lord's mansion.

Then Charles Pell received Hardy with great joy.

A sumptuous banquet was also held.

Because the southern faction and the northern faction have reached peace talks, both sides are now vigorously developing people's livelihood and economy.

The southern faction, which had a large number of gray orc slaves, naturally recovered faster.

In the past half year, the economy of Gardes County has returned to about 80% of the pre-war level.

It's already quite prosperous.

And this time the banquet was more sumptuous and luxurious than the last time.

"Your Excellency Pell, we in Louisiana County need more food, and for this we are willing to buy it at a price that is 20% higher than the market price."

Pell smiled happily: "No problem, happy transaction."

He did not object to this matter. There was still a lot of food in Gardes County, mainly because of the continuous bumper harvests in the past few years and a lot of food was stored.

The price of grain is not expensive now, and Hardy is willing to pay 20% more for it. The Pell family has made a lot of money.

And this can also help his savior Hardy, so why not do it.

"I wonder if you would like to do some stone business?"

"Oh, tell me in detail." Charles Pell's eyes were shining.

Who wouldn't be happy if you make money?

Dejoer-Pere's expression was dull and he seemed to be uninterested in anything.

Just her feet gently stepped on Hardy's calf three times under the dining table.

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