Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 300 Even the Archmage has to give up for five buckets of rice.

Patience reluctantly rolled the parchment back onto the table.

Instinct made her want to start studying this new magic theory now, but she knew that she was here to do business this time.

"Teacher, how have you been living recently?" Patience looked at the messy environment around her, and then thought about the slums on the way here. She felt even more sad in her heart: "Why are you so weak? ”

"It's been a bit hard lately." Master Yi said, and then slapped his head: "Look at me... You have come all the way, so you must be hungry. I'll get you something to eat. of."

After saying that, Master Yi walked to a shelf, rummaged through it for a while, and brought out some big black lobsters.

"I happen to be hungry too. Let's eat together, Peppa." Master Yi laughed, his smile clean and pure.

Patience looked at the yellow-faced, hungry Master Yi, and then at these hard-boiled ribs, and she almost cried.

She sniffed and said, "Teacher, I'll be back in a while."

After that, Patience left the room first.

Master Yi looked at Patience's back and then at Lieba on his desk. He seemed to understand something, and his expression was a little embarrassed and a little lost.

The E.P.R trio have taught many students, but Patience is the one who respects them the most.

Almost worshiping the three of them as gods.

If possible, Master Yi didn't want his most proud student to see him in such a miserable state.

But there is no way.

He let out a long sigh.

In fact, although Master Yi was kicked out of the palace and lost his source of income, he was still a teacher for the children of several wealthy families here.

Of course... the money given was not too much, it was enough for him to live on.

But as a researcher, it consumes a lot of money and materials.

The total of that month's tuition was not enough for four silver coins, which was not enough for him, let alone buying parchment and magic materials.

He has reduced his food ration to one-third of its original value.

This has been going on for three years.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have starved to death long ago. Fortunately, he was a magician. From time to time, he would go out to hunt wild animals and roast them to fill his stomach.

But he prefers to spend his time on research.

Hunting takes time and effort.

In his opinion, it was a waste of his life.

He sat down, waiting was too boring, and he began to think about magic again.

Not long after, Patience came back.

Both left and right hands carry a basket.

As soon as you enter the door, the fragrance wafts away.

Patience put the two baskets on the table and said, "Teacher, let's eat together."

In the basket are honey bread, beef shank, lamb shank, and the kind with spices added.

Master Yi took a deep breath, picked up a piece of meat, and ate it slowly.

Although he was very hungry, he still ate slowly and gracefully.

This is what a scholar has to stick to and the bottom line.

No matter how hungry or miserable you are, etiquette is still a must.

After eating for a while, Master Yi felt that he was not so hungry anymore, so he asked with a smile: "It seems that you are marrying well. It's a shame that I advised you not to marry that boy before."

Patience was silent for a while, and then said in frustration: "No, teacher, you are right, Clovis is not a good match. I have fallen out with him now."

Master Yi was stunned for a moment. He put the food in his hand back into the basket with a gloomy expression: "Don't worry, I will vent your anger. That kid is still in Francie, right? I'll break all three of his legs."

Patience is a student that the E.P.R trio likes very much. They have watched her grow up and almost treat her like a daughter.

"Thank you, teacher." Peixing smiled to herself: "But he is also the father of two children, so let's forget it."

Master Yi's momentum suddenly stopped, and then slowly weakened.

"Yes, you have been married for almost twenty years." Master Yi touched his white hair, which was as messy as weeds: "I am getting old too."

"So how's your life going lately?"

"Very good." Patience's expression became much happier: "I came to see the teacher this time just to tell you that the Magic Academy has been rebuilt."

Master Yi had an expression of disbelief on his face.

"How can it be!"

When the Magic Academy was destroyed, it was indeed magicians like them who had touched the bottom line of those in power.

Some of their theories have greatly affected the interests of those in power.

Although nearly twenty-five years have passed, can the Magic Academy be rebuilt under such circumstances?

"The one who rebuilt the Magic Academy was not the Ajiaka Empire, but a lord of France." Patience said with a smile: "Speaking of which, he is still half your student."

Master Yi said doubtfully: "I have never taught students in France."

"He has read your "Basic Theory of Magic", teacher. He follows the path of our school, focusing on the combination of mental power and data."

Master Yi suddenly realized.

In this way, he is indeed his own student.

"Then how old is he?"

Master Yi thinks that the person who can build the magic academy should not be too young.

After all, this requires sufficient financial resources and power to do so.

"Seventeen years old. After winter, you will be eighteen years old."

After saying this, Patience was in a daze: It turned out that he was only seventeen years old.

Although Hardy is young and handsome enough, his strong aura always makes people subconsciously ignore his age.

From the moment they met until now, Patience has always subconsciously treated him as a peer, or as an adult.

Now when I look into it carefully, I finally feel Hardy’s ‘greenness’.

"So young?" Master Yi asked worriedly: "The magic academy he built couldn't be just a small manor, right?"

The previous magic academy was actually a small manor, covering an area of ​​only about one hundred acres.

It is said to be an academy, but it is actually a gathering of a dozen magicians to conduct research, discuss and learn magic from each other.

Recruit some more students to help with the job and so on.

Including the gray orcs and servants, the college's 'population' did not exceed one hundred and fifty.

"No, it's about 30,000 acres." Patience said proudly: "When I set out to find the teacher, the college was already half-built."

How many?

Thirty thousand acres?

Even the well-informed Master Yi was shocked: "Isn't that a large city?"

"Yes, Hardy built the magic academy according to the city's specifications."

Master Yi's eyes widened: "Is he crazy?"

Patience spread her hands: "Who knows? He wants to recruit many magicians, and you, teacher, are also one of his targets."

Master Yi frowned.

"The conditions he gave are very generous." Patience said: "A salary of three gold coins per month, as well as an equivalent supply of magic materials. The most important thing is that every special teacher will be given a small manor!"

Master Yi was stunned for a moment: "Send it to a small manor?"


He thought for a while and said seriously: "When will we set off to meet that young and promising student?"

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