Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 304 Fishing is a special activity regardless of race or plane.

In the lord's mansion, Hardy was talking about life is short, and several player officials gathered around a map.

The map is an overhead view of the Magic Academy.

"Now the three areas in the east, west and south have been completed." Life is Short pointed at it, and then said: "The warehouse in the north area still lacks a large piece of material, and it will take some time to transport it. It is estimated that it will be shipped within a week. , can also be completed.”

Hardy nodded with satisfaction.

He has inspected the Magic Academy twice and found it to be very well built.

Then he looked at Tiana next to him: "How is the current investment situation?"

Tiana smiled and said: "It's going very well. More than half of the shops in the Southern District have been rented out, and the merchants are very interested in our contracts. And some merchants have already made their first pot of gold."

Hardy nodded again.

The shops in the Magic Academy are only for rent, not for sale.

The merchant signed a contract with the Magic Academy and only collected 10% of the monthly turnover tax, and the tax verification was also carried out by professionals from the Magic Academy.

Of course, these professionals are naturally players.

The Magic Academy took one year and three months to build, during which time more than five thousand of Hardy's gold coins were consumed.

It can be said that almost all the spoils from Hardy's victory and the taxes from the three counties were invested in this magic academy.

Compared with other nobles of the same level, his living standard is actually very simple.

And the Magic Academy will have to burn through his money for at least another year or so before it can truly be self-sufficient and even give something back to Hardy.

But it's still worth it.

"Then get ready to start recruiting students." Hardy said to Dove who was standing next to him: "Give rich students and poor students different classes."

Dove nodded.

Their staff has taken this into consideration.

Rich students will have a better learning experience, while poor students will have more work-study opportunities to ensure that they can study for at least four years.

And four years later, it's time for them to go out and make money independently.

Hardy now really feels that the presence of players in this world will do more good than harm.

Although there are some random groups like the Jialan Guild, generally speaking, the players are still very well-behaved.

And the ability is also very strong, especially in management and organization.

At this time, a panting guard came in from the door. He saluted and said: "Sir Hardy, Ms. Patience, who you specially asked us to pay attention to, is back, and she has indeed brought back three magicians. "

"Very good."

Hardy hammered the table hard, excitement leaping across his face.

The E.P.R trio is the most important part of his plan.

Of course, in fact, powerful magicians can also improve the teaching quality of the magic school. For example, the natural magic of the twenty elves can also become a feature of the magic school.

There is also the witchcraft of the cat people and fox people, which is also a highlight.

But if we want to develop a systematic magic theory that is suitable for human beings to learn, naturally we still have to rely on the E.P.R trio.

He said to the staff: "Please continue to improve the future teaching policy and business route of the Magic Academy. I will go to receive the distinguished guests first."

Several players smiled and nodded.

Then Hardy left the study first.

After Hardy left for a while, a player sighed: "This kind of corporal style of courtesy is really a bit like the ancients."

"Hady has a very good character." Tiana's eyes were full of admiring stars: "And he is actually quite democratic, not as arbitrary as ordinary feudal lords."

"It's just that I'm too carefree." Life is short, thinking of Gui Wenir, and feeling sad in his heart.

The others chuckled.

Talking to a feudal lord about being a philanderer is just a joke.

Although Hardy has shortcomings in his personal ethics, it does not affect his personal charm.

This is also the reason why players are gradually concentrated in Louisian County.

Hardy was quite excited at this time. He took several guards and cavalry and galloped to the Magic Academy, and then went straight to the special teachers' residential area.

Soon, Hardy quickly found Patience and the E.P.R trio by the lake.

They had already settled on the small manor where they lived, and were talking to two male elves and a dozen players by the lake.

Hardy initially thought they were exchanging magic, but when he got closer, he found that they were exchanging fishing experiences.

"Let me tell you, if you want the fish to take the bait, you must make a nest. It is normal to make a nest with food. There is also a kind of metaphysical nest making, which is to throw a wooden sculpture into it..."

The two elves chatted happily with several players, while the E.P.R trio listened with interest and seemed a little eager to try.

Patience, on the other hand, looked quite helpless. Then she heard the sound of horse hooves, turned her head and saw the person coming. She shouted in surprise: "Hardy... Your Excellency."

Everyone's eyes moved over.

The elves and players have seen Hardy many times without much reaction.

The E.P.R trio approached.

When Master Yi saw Hardy, his first reaction was: What a handsome young man.

What followed was: What a strong pressure.

He is a master of magic, and their sect's spiritual perception is extremely high. They can easily discover that Hardy's mental power is indeed huge, and it is indeed the fluctuation of their sect's mental power.

I felt extremely close right now.

Hardy stepped forward, gave a noble student salute, and said with a smile: "Hardy is very happy to meet the three teachers, and is very grateful that the three teachers can come to this magic academy."

If Hardy can make people feel good at first sight, then his behavior now really makes the E.P.R trio feel enthusiastic and sincere.

The three of them knew that this time they were stable and could live here for a long time and study magic in peace and contentment.

At the moment, several people were chatting happily.

Just standing aside and chatting, Patience stood, watching the teachers and Hardy's relationship becoming more and more harmonious, very happy.

After chatting for a while, it got dark.

Master Yi said: "Sir Hardy, let's go back and rest first. After all, we have been traveling for more than a month."

"Of course." Hardy said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will officially visit again to discuss the teaching policy for the Magic Academy."

The faces of the E.P.R trio all straightened up.

Master Yi said: "I will be waiting for you at the manor tomorrow."

After that, the three of them left first.

These three... are old and mature, and they have already noticed that Patience and Hardy seem to be a little ambiguous, so they left first, leaving the two of them alone.

Patience looked at Hardy with a smile: "The manor I chose should have been sorted out. Do you want to go in and sit down?"

The lake breeze at night made Patience's robe fit snugly against her body.

The sunset and the lake turned amber, and she smiled in it.

Hardy nodded.

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