Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 325 Weird sister knows how to abduct children and take them home

Do all elves have such sharp noses?

Hardy's heart was filled with the desire to complain.

Their long ears can prove that they have excellent hearing, but their noses are almost the same as those of humans, so their sense of smell is too sensitive.

Besides, he even took a shower.

Hardy could only smile awkwardly and said, "Lisa chatted with me for a while in the afternoon."

"Are we just chatting for a while?" Lulu's expression was a little strange, and she said, "We are being watched, let's talk as we walk."

Hardy looked around and found that there were indeed many elf girls staring at him.

Seeing his gaze sweeping over, most of the girls lowered their heads shyly or looked away.

But there are also a small number of people who will talk about his gaze, wink or wink.

"Okay, let's talk while we walk."

The two walked side by side.

Hardy discovered at this time that although Lisa's face looked the same as the Lulu in front of him, the two were really different and could even be distinguished at a glance.

Lisa's temperament is as cold as spring water, while Lulu's temperament is as warm and moist as jade.

Lisa walked like a breeze, fast and graceful.

But Lulu twisted her waist slightly and walked like a cat.

"Ms. Chenxing, what I saw you handle just now seems very familiar." Hardy asked curiously: "Have you often dealt with this kind of thing before?"

"That's right." Lulu looked a little helpless: "The war between humans and demons happens every hundred years or so. This is the fourth time I have experienced it. Every time because of Luoduo's mission, something will happen. The most outrageous Once, they caught a bison outside the city, and eight people lined up. Isn’t the cow their sacred animal? I was the one who handled it at the time. It was so disgusting.”

Hardy was speechless. After a while, he said, "Then it's really not easy for you."

"We didn't want to invite them again, but they still try their best every time in the battle between humans and demons." Lulu said with a bitter smile: "We can't deny their achievements, so we can only invite them again and again. At most It’s just more troublesome and monitor them more.”

Then she said: "Stop talking about this, Mr. Hardy, will you also attend the meeting tomorrow?"

"Probably so."

The meeting stipulated that each country could send three representatives to participate.

Francie's candidates for attending the meeting should be Sissi, Abelon, and Hardy.

It corresponds to the three power classes of the royal family, the Light Cult, and the lords (nobles).

"Then you may see our mother tree tomorrow...she should also like children like you."

Uh... Actually, I already saw it in the afternoon.

Hardy smiled and said, "I hope so."

He felt that the world tree didn't seem to be very good to his senses.

"Actually, I have always had a question in my mind." Lulu looked at Hardy: "What is the relationship between you and your sister? When I sent someone to the magic academy before, she nervously asked me a lot of things. And... The smell on your body now also proves that you are indeed very familiar with her."

"Do I have to say it?" Hardy was a little troubled.

Lulu's expression and smile were gentle: "As a sister, isn't it normal for me to want to know something about my sister?"

After thinking for a few seconds, Hardy replied: "They are like a couple but not a couple, but they are very close."

"Oh, I understand." Lulu nodded: "A partner in that area."

This explanation is so accurate that Hardy cannot argue with it.

But he also saw that the other person didn't seem surprised or angry, but had a normal expression on his face.

It is rumored that elves are a very conservative and loyal race, and in fact they are; but after getting along with Hardy, he found that the elves are actually very easy to get started with, whether it is Lisa or Angelina.

As long as you know them for a few days and flirt with them, you can almost push them away.

Really light and soft.

Hardy smiled awkwardly again.

Lulu looked at Hadi thoughtfully for a while and suddenly asked: "Will you stay in the Elf clan in the future? If you stay, I will give up the future throne to Lisa."

"Can the throne be given up like this?"

"Otherwise Lisa is not qualified to keep you." Lulu said helplessly: "She will have many competitors. If she doesn't have some skills and status, she may not be able to control the situation."

Hardy thought at first that the other party was referring to him having too many women, but then he realized that it didn't seem to be the case.

He asked: "What do you mean?"

"Have you not noticed that many girls are looking at you?" Lulu smiled.

Hardy nodded, he had noticed it before.

And now it’s just more confirmation of this.

"Why is this happening?"

Hardy couldn't help but ask, even if his soul is different, this is too strange.

Lulu explained calmly: "We elven women only look at three conditions when choosing a mate. Do you know which three conditions they are?"

It will definitely not be a car, a house, or a deposit.

Hardy shook his head.

"Appearance, soul, taste." Lulu looked at Hadi with admiration: "You have all three. You are almost the most perfect partner in the eyes of us elven women, what do you think?"

"I can understand the first two...what is the smell?" Hardy smelled his sleeve subconsciously: "Does my body odor feel weird?"

"It doesn't refer to body odor, but to the smell of a temperament." Lulu explained: "You are full of sunshine. We don't even need to get close. We can feel it when we see you from a distance."

So that’s what happened.

Philaire also said something similar, saying that he had a bright aura about him, and then he came to the door. It turned out to be this.

Hardy subconsciously looked around, and it seemed that more elf girls were staring at him.

"So for the sake of my sister and to avoid any accidents, you'd better go back and rest early." Lulu said with a smile: "If you go shopping too late, you might be abducted by the weird sisters."

All right.

Hardy took good care of himself, said goodbye to Lulu immediately, and then returned to the guest house.

Lulu stood there, watching Hardy's leaving back, then took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled it.

"It's terrible!" She shook her head helplessly and said, "From now on, I don't know how many girls will regard him as the lover of their dreams."

At this time, a group of girls immediately gathered around.

They asked questions all at once.

"Sister Chenxing, where did that boy come from?"

"Where does he live?"

"What does he like?"

"Whether he has a lover or not, I don't mind being an underground lover."

"I feel like he's so fierce. A few more people should be able to handle it. Let's form a team."

"Are you sure you can let him stay in the elves?"

"Sister, can you lend him to me for two days? I can give you all the money in the family."

The noise was so loud that Lulu’s ears hurt.

A group of people surrounded her, but they couldn't squeeze out, so they had to jump up, transform into a white owl, and fly away directly.

Then a group of girls were left behind, shouting in despair.

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