Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 330 The two goddesses did not fight

Hardy was naturally very happy after getting the Starlight Scepter.

He already knows the function of this holy instrument, which can resonate the spirit, strengthen spells, and reduce the difficulty of casting spells.

Expressed from the player's perspective: spell power +30, spell casting cost reduced by 33%.

Spell strength is a calculation indicator that only exists in the system. It is difficult to calculate the real damage because the strength bonuses of different spells are different, the algorithms of the auxiliary system are different, and the bonus calculations of the major damage systems are even weirder.

This is a fixed value on the surface, but in fact it is only an approximate value.

But the higher the intensity, the more powerful the spell, and everyone understands this.

Hardy put away the Starlight Scepter, and nothing happened to him next.

How many people to send out and when to take turns to fight are all things that Queen Sissi should consider.

It has been more than a year since she was crowned, and she is already a qualified queen.

She already had a vague idea of ​​how many people should be sent to fight, how many petals should be exchanged, and how they should be distributed.

He wandered around the elven King Seris City.

After all, the folk customs of the elves are unique in the world, so it wouldn't be a bad thing to take advantage of these few days to appreciate them.

At the same time, Alice and Nicai were also going shopping like crazy.

They bought a lot of elven clothes.

Alice is still a little restrained. After all, she is not a rich woman in reality. She still has to exchange gold coins for RMB to live a petty bourgeoisie life.

But Nicai no longer had such worries. She had spent almost all of the gold coins she had saved for more than a year on this.

King Seris City is very large. Although many people were shopping, Hardy did not meet anyone he knew.

He didn't know how comfortable he was wandering around alone.

Occasionally, a young lady from the Elf tribe will come up and ask if they want to get to know each other.

Hardy refused.

Just walking around like this, Hardy found that the scenery around him was getting more and more beautiful, and there were fewer and fewer people.

After walking for a while, I turned a corner with a green wall, and a huge purple tree trunk suddenly appeared in front of me.

This tree trunk is so big that it looks like a city wall with no sides visible. Moreover, the tree trunk is very high. If you look up, you will see the purple ‘zenith’.

world Tree!

How did you get here?

This should be a core area, why is there no one defending it?

Hardy is a bit strange.

A faint and strange fragrance came from the front.

In front of the purple tree trunks is a seemingly endless green meadow.

It's like a grassland.

Unexpectedly, there is such a deserted land in the city of King Seris, where every inch of land is precious.

But considering the status of World Tree, it is not surprising that there is such an uninhabited grassland.

Hardy stepped on it and kept walking.

The grass is soft and the green grassland breeze blows, which is very refreshing.

The closer you get to the World Tree, the more obvious the fragrance becomes.

The World Tree looked very close, but was actually quite far away. Hardy walked for more than half an hour and finally reached the World Tree.

At this time, he felt that he was surrounded by a strange fragrance, the air was very comfortable, the temperature was also very comfortable, and he just wanted to sleep.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a warmth flowing through his soul, and the voice of the goddess of light sounded.

"Cheer up and don't be fooled by that little girl from World Tree."

Hardy:? ? ?

Then the power of light reverberated in his soul, and he gradually woke up.

"Aya, what's wrong with me?"

"You are affected by her divinity." The goddess of light explained: "The World Tree has the godhead of 'sleep', so ordinary people will be affected if they are too close to her."

At this time, the illusion of the World Tree appeared in front of Hardy.

Her eyes were looking at Hardy, but she was not talking to Hardy.

"Aya, you're really here."

"Can't you?"

"It's not impossible, let's have another fight."

"No fight." The goddess of light refused without even thinking: "This is your territory, only fools fight you. If you have the ability, come to heaven."

The World Tree on the opposite side chuckled: "You are still so cowardly."

"It sounds like you dare to start a war on my territory." The goddess of light was not provoked by the other party: "I came here this time to give you a favor."

World Tree hummed: "Give me a favor?"

"A beam of light pierced the dense crown of the World Tree, burned a small hole, and then fell on Hadi."

Hardy felt huge heat generated in his body, and then the heat concentrated on his hands and turned into a ball of light. Finally, the ball of light solidified and turned into a milky white glass ball.

There are faint white clouds flowing inside, which looks very beautiful.

"This is a fragment of my godhead, given to you." The goddess of light smiled and said: "In order to protect the people of Kievan Rus, you are willing to give away a large number of your petals. I, Aya, can't help the world. This fragment can Get some energy back."

"Are you so kind?" World Tree snorted: "Why did you go there so early?"

"If I hadn't instigated a bloodline of demon kings to become brave men, and if I hadn't made arrangements every time, the human world would have been taken over by demons." The goddess of light said with some pride in her voice: "Do you understand the difference between brave men and saints? The gold content of women.”

Indeed, in every battle between humans and demons, whether the brave team succeeds or fails, it can greatly weaken the power of the demons.

What he followed was a flank strike and a decapitation route from the rear.

Yggdrasil thought for a moment and took the milky white glass ball from Hardy's hand.

"Okay, I'll keep this favor in mind, but I still have to say, you're not as beautiful as me."

"Hmph! No one agrees with this, you are just bragging." The goddess of light snorted coldly, and then said: "Hadi, I won't chat with you this time. I have important things to deal with when I have time in the afternoon. , I’ll come find you again.”

"Well, walk slowly."

Then, the warmth in my soul gradually disappeared.

World Tree first pressed the milky white ball of light into his body, then looked at Hadi up and down, nodded with a smile and said: "As expected of the little guy favored by Aya, he is indeed very good. Well, let me give you something as well. .”

Then, Yggdrasil stretched out his index finger and tapped Hadi's forehead.

Hardy found that he couldn't dodge at all.

He could only watch helplessly as the other person pointed his finger.

The jade finger on the opposite side was pulled away, and Hardy felt as if his whole soul was tumbling.

Up and down, swaying from side to side.

His body was also swaying from side to side, and his vision was blurring.

He soon fell to the soft grass and fell unconscious.

When he woke up, he found that it was already evening.

He sat up and looked around. No one was around.

Yggdrasil is not here.

Then he stood up, patted the grass clippings on his body, and walked out slowly.

He estimated that he must have slept for at least six hours, because he came here near noon.

And now, it's almost dark.

‘What did World Tree do to itself? ’

Hardy felt a little strange.

As he was walking, he suddenly heard a very strange voice saying: "Ah, there is a human over there, exuding the stench of a carnivorous hunter. Everyone, run quickly, don't be seen by him."

Hardy followed the sound and found a group of small squirrels desperately escaping from the edge of the grassland, then climbed into a nearby tree and hid.

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