Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 337 Some positions cannot be solved

Time goes back twenty days.

The sky in Hailian is still so dark.

Full of musty smell.

Florian emerged from the crypt, holding several pieces of chitin shell.

This is her dress.

Humans have always believed that the chitin shell of the Dread Demon is permanently on their bodies and will become wider and thicker as the Dread Demon grows.

But this is actually a misunderstanding.

This thing is actually just the fear demon's 'clothes'.

Because the fear demon's blood has a strong corrosive ability, and its body is very weak, it is easily scratched by slightly sharp things.

Then the blood that flows out will corrode and corrupt everything in general.

Therefore, there is nothing that can serve as their clothing, and only this special substance can resist corrosion and protect them from being easily harmed.

And this kind of thing is extracted bit by bit from food and soil using magic power in their lives.

Every fear demon has several sets of chitin clothes like this.

It can also be considered as armor.

Every once in a while, they will be taken out to dry to prevent mold from growing.

As soon as I put the 'clothes' on the flat ground, waiting for the rare light to shine on them, I heard the sound of running in front of me, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

Fulilian looked up and found her husband, Videl, running over happily.

Before she could speak, Videl rushed over, hugged Fulilian, then lifted her up high and spun her around three times.

Florian laughed cheerfully.

Videl put his wife down and said excitedly: "It has been decided. The royal family has decided. Let us set off from the teleportation array within five days, go directly to the enemy's rear, choose a big city, and then station ourselves there."

"A big city of mankind?" Fulilian touched her belly and asked excitedly: "Does that mean there is enough nutrition to nourish our children?"

Videl nodded vigorously: "Yes... This is the opportunity specially given by His Majesty the Demon King after he found out that we have a child."

There was a motherly light in Florian's eyes.

"I heard that human flesh and blood is very nourishing." Fulilian touched her flat belly: "Our child has not grown for two years, and now we finally have the opportunity to bring it into this world."

Because the environment in the demon world is too harsh, most races in the demon world have evolved an ability...fertility stagnation.

When food is scarce, the fetus can actively stop growing and enter a dormant state.

When there is enough nutrition, it will grow or hatch intermittently.

It can be said that thanks to this ability, the Demon Realm has a strong ability to explode troops in wartime.

Especially a long protracted battle.

She looked at her husband: "When do we leave?"

She can't wait for her child to get better nutrition.

"The day after tomorrow!" Biddle laughed.

Then time passed to ten days ago.

They were transported to the human world by a strange teleportation array and transported to a deep mountain.

This is a random teleportation in general direction.

Although the accuracy is limited, it can ensure that the foothold will not be too outrageous.

When I first arrived in the human world, everything here was full of the smell of 'food'.

The greenery here is connected in patches.

There is a lot of flesh and blood in the deep mountains here.

If they didn't leave this deep mountain, the two of them could live half-fed and half-starved in the mountains and forests.

Whether it is plants or animal flesh and blood, it can become their nutrition.

But unfortunately, they still have a child in their belly.

Children are big consumers of nutrients.

So they ate some wild animals as planned before, and after accumulating a certain amount of flesh, blood and energy, they walked out of the mountains and occupied a human city with lightning speed.

Then a magic circle was deployed to seal the entire city.

Then came their happy moment.

Human beings are really as nourishing to the body as the legend says.

Whether it is men, women, old or young, it can replenish energy and nutrition for the child in her belly.

Fulian especially likes to eat human brains. She grabbed the girl's head with one hand and her body with the other, and twisted the girl hard, and the head and body were separated.

Then he raised his head, turned the other person's body upside down, and let the blood flowing from the food's throat fall into his own throat like a thread.

That kind of taste is really refreshing and comfortable, and even has a kind of beauty in style.

This is what the upper class nobles in the demon world say, be elegant.

Then put your head first on the table and taste the flesh of the other person's body first.

The human girl's flesh is so soft and glutinous that it melts in your mouth.

The meat of an adult man is relatively tough, so you have to chew it slowly before you can taste it.

After the body has finished eating, you can then start eating the brain. Gently opening the human brain and sucking the gray soft matter inside will give them a taste that is addictive for their species.

Moreover, this kind of gray matter can supply energy to the child in the belly far more than the flesh on the body.

Biddle was very busy. He first spent several days without sleep to build the teleportation array, then transformed the undead creatures, controlled them to drive humans into the teleportation array, and sent them to the back of their world of Hairien.

These are food and cannot be wasted.

And they also kept a lot of them... and put them in a newly dug large cave.

Fearful demons all have a good habit of storing food.

After the main work was almost done, Videl finally had time to take care of Fulilian, a pregnant woman.

Those humans were cooked by him in various ways, and they were made to look like flowers.

"This time I have developed a method that can make humans scream louder." Biddle held up a huge pottery cylinder, which contained various strange seasonings and floating human limbs: "This The second soup should taste better than last time."

In the concept of fear demons, the harder the food struggles and screams before it dies, the tastier its meat will be.

Fulilian took a deep breath, smelling the aroma of the soup, her eyes filled with happiness: "My dear, you are so kind to me."

Then... the time came to today.

Humanity began to attack.

In fact, they knew it when the human army appeared.

But they didn't care.

There have been many human armies in the past, but as long as they enter the dark magic circle, they will lose consciousness and be at their mercy.

Only this time it's very different.

They were very calm and began to set up the magic circle outside.

At this time, Fulilian felt a faint feeling of uneasiness in her heart. She stroked her belly. Thanks to the large amount of nutrition in her belly in the past few days, the child had grown a lot.

Although she couldn't see it from the outside, she could already feel the child's pulse.

"My dear, let's go back." Fuli advised.

Biddle stood on the city wall, looking at the human army in the distance: "These humans have strong will and mental power, and are the best tonics. As long as we take them down and give them to our children, our children will be better." When he was born, he was the most genius baby in the clan, bar none."

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