Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 366 Meet your parents?

When the unicorn screamed, Hardy jumped up.

He jumped directly onto the unicorn's back, holding its abdomen tightly with his legs, riding it as if he were riding a nightmare.

At this time, the white leopard transformed by Philaire also appeared, jumped directly in front of the unicorn, and then transformed into an elf.

"Hardy, control it and keep its head facing me."

Hardy leaned over and clamped the unicorn's head firmly between his hands.

And the unicorn emitted a mournful chirp, like a bird's chirp, which was very clear and pleasant.

Hardy heard the cry of a unicorn for the first time. He thought it would be similar to the sound of a horse, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

After Philaire saw the unicorn's head being straightened, she immediately pressed it down with both hands.

A clear green magic circle appeared in front of her palms, and then the magic circle stuck to the unicorn's head, turning into green lines that spread across the unicorn's body.

The unicorn, who was screaming in terror, softened slightly and even closed his eyes, seeming to be enjoying himself.

Not long after, the magic circle covered the unicorn's body, and then turned into beautiful magic lines, soaking in the unicorn's hair.

Then the golden unicorn became gold and green, which was more beautiful and artistic than when it was pure gold.

"Can you let go of me, the human on your back?" A clear voice sounded: "You pinch me so much that my stomach hurts."

Hardy was stunned for a moment and looked at Philaire.

Philaire's face was full of joy and she nodded towards Hadi.

Hardy jumped off the horse, and at the same time, Philaire also removed the magic of vine entanglement.

The freed unicorn looked around, then looked at Philaire and said, "Sister, what's your name, and what should I be called?"

"Ah! That's great, that's great." Philaire held the unicorn's head and rubbed it hard: "It calls me sister, it's so cute. I finally became a unicorn summoner, and I'm a Golden Unicorn.”

Hardy stood aside, a little strange.

Because he discovered that the unicorn's voice was almost exactly the same as Philaire's.

"What's going on?" Hardy pointed at the unicorn: "Its eyes and voice seem to be a lot like you."

"It is my clone." Philaire stroked the hair on the unicorn's neck and explained with a smile: "Our two souls are now connected in parallel, sharing the same knowledge base."

"So its voice is based on me, and its knowledge is also based on me." Philaire walked up to Hadi happily and gave him a kiss: "And I can use its huge magic pool, Coupled with my magic power, our strength will double.”


Hardy was surprised.

Hardy understands CPU Crossfire, but Soul can also be overclocked in ‘Crossfire’, which is a bit outrageous.

Is this the reason why the Elf Summoner is so powerful?

Wait, can similar theories and methods be used between Nightmare and Knight?

Hardy felt that this idea seemed feasible.

"File, can you teach me this method of soul streaming?"

Philaire looked at Hardy and said seriously: "Hardy, I can guess that you want to use this method on Nightmare, but it's impossible."

"Why?" Hardy felt a little strange.

"Because the souls of our elves have a 'tolerant' nature." Filer explained sheepishly: "The souls of humans have a very strong exclusiveness. It is impossible for you to compete with unicorns." The souls are connected in parallel.”

"But I have something to do with the nightmare, which can be regarded as a soul."

"That's your soul, the soul that controls the nightmare." Filer explained: "It is fundamentally different from our contracted unicorn."

Hardy understood and had to abandon this seemingly interesting plan.

"The unicorn is caught, I should go back." Hardy stood up, patted his clothes, and shook off the grass clippings.

Philaire was originally very excited, but after hearing what Hardy said, her face darkened.

She pouted her lips and said faintly: "After contracting a unicorn, I have to go back to Siris and receive at least two and a half years of basic unicorn magic guidance. During this time, I cannot leave, and others cannot come to visit me. .”

Hardy looked at each other, smiled and touched his head, and said, "It's only two and a half years. For both of us, it's just a moment."

The immortals of the elves have a very vague concept of time.

Hardy has now begun to 'evolve' towards the method of immortality.

Once the strength reaches a certain level, no matter which race, the lifespan will become very long.

"But we elves also have a proverb: One day without seeing you is like three autumns." Philaire put her head on Hadi's chest, with a cry in her voice: "I feel so uncomfortable when I think about not being able to see you for two and a half years."

"It's uncomfortable." Hardy thought for a while and smiled: "I heard that there is a way to treat discomfort."

Then Philaire was put on the grass by Hardy.

The unicorn shook his head, walked aside and lay down on his stomach.

After accepting Philaire's knowledge base, its intelligence has been greatly improved, and it already knows what these two people are going to do.

About two days later, Philaire was carried away by the unicorn when she was completely limp and even a little unconscious.

Hardy wasn't worried about what might happen to her.

First of all, this is the back garden area of ​​the elves, and secondly, the unicorn's footsteps are very fast, and even if it encounters danger, it can quickly escape with Feilaier.

Seeing Philaire and the unicorn walking away, Hardy injected his magic power into the beads of the astral teleportation technique.

The surrounding scenery changed rapidly, and then Hardy landed in a somewhat familiar place.

The wooden light golden platform on the ground is very large, with layers of clouds on the edge.

Hardy was stunned.

Isn’t this the Dawn Plaza of the elves?

The place where the Council of Kings was held.

How did you get teleported here?

Then he felt someone behind him, and while turning around quickly, he jumped back.

This is a standard back-cutting action. Players who want to play PVP must practice this move well.

Hardy landed on the ground, and then he saw that the person standing behind him was a female 'giant' with long purple hair.

World tree soul body.

Hardy breathed a sigh of relief: "Is it your Majesty's trick to teleport me here?"

"Of course I am the only one who can affect the astral teleportation technique." World Tree walked up to Hadi, looked down at the latter, and said with a smile: "You touched my great-daughter, and then you touched my great-granddaughter. Next time Are you trying to take advantage of my daughter?"

"Who is your daughter?" Hardy asked subconsciously.

"Of course she is the current Elf Queen!" World Tree's indescribably pretty face was full of depression: "Although from a personal point of view, I hope you will join the Elf Clan and have children with many elves, but This is not the reason why you specifically target members of the royal family."

"By the way, Angelina can be considered to have royal blood, although her bloodline is very weak."

Hardy swallowed and asked, "Then what will your Majesty do with me?"

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