Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 446 The Goddess’s Warning

The goddess of light has not appeared for a while.

Hardy was quite happy to hear her voice, but from the other person's tone, it seemed that things were not going well.

"Long time no see, what happened to you?"

Things that even gods cannot control, Hardy probably has something to do with gods.

"Fina's web of fate is completely broken." The goddess of light said with solemnity in her voice: "Now we can't clearly see the direction of the war between humans and demons, so you must be careful."

Hardy rubbed his forehead. In fact, the appearance of the former warrior had already made Hardy feel that something was not quite right.

In the previous life, the first war between humans and demons was over. The demons temporarily withdrew from Kievan Rus and hid on the border of the snowfields in the north to survive. The former hero did not appear.

But now, halfway through the battle between humans and demons, the former hero jumped out.

And the Evil Eye clan also appeared.

These powerful races generally have no way of appearing in the early and mid-term.

The reason is simple, it requires ‘resources’.

Although the plane where the demons are located is close to the human plane, they are not 'bordered'.

It takes space teleportation magic to come over.

The more powerful an object is, the more difficult it is to teleport it.

And it is a coefficient increase, definitely not as simple as a multiple.

Therefore, the demons that appear in the early and mid-term are relatively weak.

They need to transport the abundant supplies from the human world back before they can build a better teleportation magic circle and then transfer the powerful individuals of the demon clan over.

"Aya, why did this happen? You don't have any idea?"

"There are some clues, it should be related to the God of Space." Aiya paused, and then said: "It should also have something to do with your people."

My kindred... players?

As if hearing the questions in Hardy's soul, Aya continued: "Yes, they are your kindred. All of you kindred spirits are more or less rebellious."

"The power of disobedience?"

"It's what you always say, my fate is up to me!"

Hardy felt a little helpless and a little embarrassed.

"This is the common understanding of your race, so you are naturally resistant to the power of fate." Aya sighed softly, and then continued: "A person is nothing, but a group of people gather together. It’s an unobservable force.”

Hardy understood immediately: "So, when you said before that the God of Space lied to you, did you mean this?"

Aya hummed slightly.

"Then why did you initially agree to the God of Space to let us tribesmen in?"

The goddess of light was silent for a while, and then said: "For the sake of evolution."

"Huh?" Hardy was a little confused.

"This world has not moved forward for a long time. It has been unchanged for tens of thousands of years." Aya said lightly: "Our culture and our system have not evolved. So we are all very anxious. Then the space God said that he discovered a strange plane where the people have a culture and system that are far more advanced than ours."

"So..." Hardy understood: "You want to bring in a group of people to stimulate the world?"

Aya chuckled and said, "Yes."

"Aren't you afraid that our tribe will pull you all down?"

"It's okay, we were pulled down once before." Aya said in a very calm tone: "When human society evolves, we will evolve with it. To put it bluntly, we are the aggregation of human will."

Hardy kind of gets it.

"So what's unexpected to you now? Is it just that the web of fate has been torn apart? You should have expected this when you brought my people in."

"No, you can resist fate, but you cannot tear apart the web of fate." Aya thought for a while, then explained: "To give a simple example, the web of fate is a path of different choices. We control someone's destiny The best way is to drop something he likes somewhere at a fork in the road to lure him in that direction. Your people are rebellious by nature. When they see the bait, they will instinctively doubt whether there is a trap behind it. This is your The ability. But you don’t have the ability to cut off the road of destiny. It’s okay if you don’t want to go, but you can’t stop others from running on this road.”

Hardy nodded slightly: "In other words, someone is hiding behind my people and blocking the path of destiny?"

"Yes!" Aya sighed: "And it cut off a large area. Because of the damage to the web of fate, Fina's health is quite bad now, and she has suffered backlash."

"Give her my regards."

Fina had also come to Hadi to cry before, so she was considered an acquaintance.

But at this time, Hardy suddenly said: "I remember, you said that I also destroyed the web of fate."

"You are very special among your people." Aya seemed to feel that she had said too much. After coughing slightly, she said: "I have to go back to take care of Fina, and she may have some symptoms during this period. It's dangerous. There are unknown enemies hiding in the dark. We may not have time to take care of you in the recent period, so be careful."


Then, the goddess of light left Hadi's soul.

At this time, Hardy's consciousness returned to reality, and he suddenly realized that Aina's face was right in front of him.

He was startled.

"Why are you so close?"

"I called you several times, but you didn't respond." Aina felt aggrieved: "What are you thinking about, so absorbed?"

"Some magic problems." Hardy stood up.

He went outside the handsome tent and looked around.

At this time, the sky had completely darkened. Except for the light of torches and windproof oil lamps inside the camp, the area around the camp was so dark that one could not see even one's fingers.

The words of the goddess of light just now gave Hardy a certain sense of vigilance and urgency.

Looking at the darkness around him, he subconsciously opened up his mental power and explored the surroundings.

This is also one of the important cores in the magic theory of the E.P.R trio.

Mental power is a thing. The more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes.

After practicing Fire Phoenix Swordsmanship, Headless Horseman Spearmanship, and E.P.R's mental training, Hardy's personal strength has become very strong.

Some time ago, he attracted the blue dragon's arms again. Now his mental strength is not comparable to Master Yi, but it is not too far behind.

But in terms of control, there is still a certain distance.

Hardy's huge spiritual power spread out in the camp and soon enveloped the area around the camp.

He simply wanted to exercise his mental strength, but then his expression became serious.


Under the ice, there is actually a tunnel in the mud.

Moreover, there are many spiritual powers in it, large and small, with different strengths and weaknesses.

And the moment Hardy discovered the other party, the other party also discovered him.

Forces interact.

The same goes for mental strength! (End of chapter)

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