Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 450 The Secret of the Goddess of Light

Along the way, male elves wearing cotton coats looked at Hadi curiously.

They also heard about this man.

The humans who took down two of their own queen candidates.

They were very surprised by this.

It occasionally happens that elven women fall in love with humans.

But those are just ordinary elf women, and the proportion is actually very low.

It’s rare to find a pair every year.

It was precisely because this was so strange that it became known to everyone.

But this is the first time that two queen candidates have feelings for a human male at the same time, and the current queen is also very interested.

In fact, they had wanted to 'get to know' Hadi for a long time, and now that they met the 'real person', in terms of appearance alone, he was indeed worthy of their two queen candidates.

Hardy was greeted by this curious "passage" and came to the handsome tent of the elves.

Different from the gray and plain tents of the human race, the tents of the elves are colorful.

The handsome tent in front of him is dark purple.

This is the color commonly used by the elven royal family, and it is also the color taken from the World Tree.

There were two elf female guards guarding the door. They were wearing thick fur coats. When they saw Hardy, their eyes suddenly lit up, and then one of them said:

"Sir Hardy, Ms. Morning Star is waiting for you inside. Please go in."

Hardy nodded to the two female elves.

The two female elves immediately chuckled and seemed very happy.

Hardy opened the handsome tent and went inside.

At a glance, Lisa was seen walking over quickly. She took Hardy's hand and led him to a large, thick, and warm blanket.

Then after Hardy sat down, she chuckled and said, "You finally come to sit with me. In fact, I have been waiting to come over."

"You can invite me." Hardy smiled.

Lisa sat in Hardy's arms and said with some resentment: "I am a woman after all. How can I take the initiative to ask you for explanation every day? As a man, you have to be a gentleman."

Well, be more proactive next time.

Holding the elf's slender waist, Hardy recounted what happened last night.

After listening, Lisa nodded and said: "I have heard about this on the front line, and I also knew that they would not cause any harm to you, but I didn't expect that they were actually going for a prisoner."

"I came here to ask, do you elves have any information about the Evil Eye Clan?"

Lisa blinked, then sniffed Hardy's clothes for a while, and said quietly: "You ate that Evil Eye woman again, right?"

Hardy smiled awkwardly.

He didn't expect that the elves' noses were so sharp, almost like those of puppies.

"Forget it." Lisa ignored this matter. It was rare for Hardy to come to see her. She didn't want to make both of them unhappy because of this matter: "So, you want to conquer the Evil Eye clan?"

Hardy nodded.

Lisa thought for a while, and then said: "Actually, this matter has a lot to do with the goddess of light?"

Hardy: "Why does this involve the goddess of light?"

Lisa thought for a while and said, "You also know that the mother tree wakes up from time to time and lives with us."

"I know that."

World Tree can be said to be the most confident god, bar none.

"So we will have a special historian to record these things, which is called "Notes on the Daily Life of the Mother Tree."" Lisa spoke in Hadi's arms while feeling his tenderness and consideration. She paused for a while and pursed her lips. After a while, she continued: "In her daily notes, she once said that in the beginning there were no elves like us, only humans."

Hadi only heard about this from Aina not long ago.

Lisa took a deep breath and said: "We were created by the mother tree in the shape of humans. But humans are actually not native creatures of this plane!"


Hardy was stunned.

This was the first time he heard about this.

Lisa continued: "Actually, in the beginning, there were only plants and some non-intelligent animals in this world. Only the mother tree was the only intelligent creature in this world."

Hardy opened his eyes slightly.

These are knowledge that he had no access to in his previous life.


He became interested.

"According to the mother tree, about two hundred thousand years ago, the goddess of light suddenly appeared in this world. She brought humans and dwarves with her."

Hardy raised his eyebrows, as if he vaguely knew something.

"Humans and dwarves at that time were not as smart as they are now. But the mother tree still felt the potential of human beings. She even changed the shape of her spirit body to that of a human being, but because she felt that human beings were not beautiful enough, He created a new image for himself."

I see.

Then, Yggdrasil recreated the elves in his own image.

So in general, there is nothing wrong with the fact that the elves were created in the likeness of humans.

Lisa continued: "And the mother tree once said that except for her, all the gods appeared one after another after humans appeared in this plane. And the plane where the goddess of light originally resided was most likely the demon world."

Hardy was stunned for a moment, then marveled.

There were several pieces of information connected in his mind.

Then we came to an interesting conclusion.

"The current goddess of light is actually the sun god of the demon clan." Hardy muttered softly.

Lisa kissed the corner of Hardy's mouth: "You have the aura of light in your body. I believe that you have a good relationship with the goddess of light. You can ask her about this. I believe that she will tell you the matter based on her discretion." clearly."

Hardy nodded, stood up, then hugged Lisa and gave her a deep kiss.

"Then I'll go back to the station first."


Although Lisa nodded, her eyes were full of reluctance.

But Hardy left anyway.

When he returned to his handsome tent, he originally wanted to call the goddess of light, but thinking that she had just left not long ago and was obviously very busy, he decided not to disturb her.

Then he asked Aina who had just woken up from her sleep at the side: "Did you really kill the sun god of your demon clan?"

Aina was rubbing her eyes, but when she heard these words, her body suddenly stiffened for a moment.

Then she said with a sad expression: "It seems that you must have guessed something."

Hardy nodded: "Now the goddess of light here is actually your sun god."

Aina was silent for a while, then nodded: "That's right."

"This is really interesting."

Hardy felt that the demons were really interesting.

No wonder many members of the Rida family are willing to come to live with humans and fight against their original tribesmen even though they are members of the royal family.

It’s no wonder that in legends, brave men can always get some help from the goddess of light.

It turns out that they are all ‘people’ from the demon world.

"You seem to be feeling very uncomfortable." Hardy asked, "Is there any hidden secret in this?"

Aina was stunned for a while, then sighed and said: "According to our clan's epic records, the main reason for the fall of the Sun God was actually our Evil Eye clan." (End of Chapter)

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