Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 452 Magic Attack and Defense Battle

Hardy's answer made the eyes of the men around him soften and become less piercing.

A smile appeared on Yejieka's beautiful face: "The territory of Kievan Rus is very vast, and it is not comparable to that of France. After you become the king, the territory you gain will definitely be five times more than that of France." .”

The area of ​​​​the king of Kievan Rus is indeed very large, and even the area of ​​​​the black land is very large.

It is very suitable for growing crops, but its disadvantages are also obvious.

It’s just that Kievan Rus is too cold.

The time suitable for crop growth here is very short, only about four months, and the rest of the time is covered in ice and snow.

It's very difficult to make a living here.

It's not that there's not enough food, but it's easy to die in winter.

The medical conditions are poor. In winter, even a small injury may lead to a fatal disease.

Especially respiratory diseases, when the weather is freezing, they are simply deadly weapons.

Therefore, although the land area of ​​Kievan Rus is more than ten times that of France, their population is even slightly smaller than that of France.

Hardy knew this information. He shook his head: "Sorry, I still prefer my identity as Lord Hukaro."

After all, Francie has a soft queen, a crisp and pleasant Lady Anna, a gentle and clinging Sophie, a bone-sucking Petola, and a little head maid.

There’s also Ryan and Karina.

and many acquaintances.

These are emotions that he can't let go of.

"But Franci is only a small country after all, and his upper limit is only so big." Yejieka looked at Hadi, her eyes full of passion: "But you are different, your upper limit is very high, Franci can't tolerate it. Really you, but we Kievan Rus can.”

In the past two days, information about Hadi has been delivered to her one piece at a time.

Looking at Hadi's deeds in the past two years, Yejieka, with her political vision beyond ordinary people, understood that as long as this handsome young man did not die prematurely, his future was limitless.

I also know that what limits Hardy’s future achievements is the platform of ‘country’.

The greater the help he gets and the greater his achievements, the greater the benefits that will be fed back to the ‘platform’ in the future.

Yejieka wanted to catch him.

Just like the elves trying to catch Hardy.

As for the threat from the elves... If Hadi can be caught, the power of the elves is nothing.

She could see that the elf baby was very hardy.

At that time, it will not be the elves that threaten them, but Kievan Rus who will take advantage of the elves.

Hardy still shook his head: "Sorry, I can't agree."

"It's okay, you should think more about it." Yejieka did not think about making Hadi surrender to her with just one solicitation: "As long as you figure it out, the door of Kievan Rus will be opened for you at any time, including me!"

After she finished speaking, her sassy temperament became more feminine.

Everyone can understand what it represents.

The male generals around him all clenched their fists subconsciously.

Hardy smiled and said: "Thank you Queen for your love. I will consider this matter carefully when I go back."

After saying that, Hardy bent slightly and left here.

Looking at Hardy's straight back, Ye Jieka subconsciously tutted: "This little guy is quite difficult to deal with."

"Queen, do we want to be tougher?" A general next to him whispered.

"Force?" Ye Jieka looked at the other party: "Are you out of your mind? You have no impression of how scary the red moonlight night and the black knight that day was?"

The general retreated with a stern expression.

He said this just to please the queen.

Hadi returned to his previous location, keeping a distance from the rest of the army.

He waited quietly.

Soon, the army's general attack began.

First, the green dragons of the elves flew side by side in the air, exhaling green venomous dragon breath, sweeping across the long city wall from left to right.

A large number of demons were on the city wall, turned into pus by the venom.

The green dragon's venomous breath has very different effects.

For people with average strength, this thing exists every second.

For those who are strong enough, this thing is just a chronic poison, and it can also be driven away.

Despite this weakness, the 'clearing' effect of this thing is excellent.

After all, there are always only a few who are powerful.

The six green dragons flew from left to right, and then from right to left. After two circles, they flew back to the Green Dragon Clan's position.

Transformed back into an elf.

It's not that they don't want to continue fighting, it's just that their magic power is almost exhausted.

Dragon Transformation is a spell that consumes a lot of magic power. If it is still in the flying state and breath attack is required at the same time, the consumption will increase five to six times.

Two air strikes back and forth, leaving one third of the magic power to prepare for accidents, was a decision the elves made just yesterday.

After all, they don't want to experience another blue phoenix raid.

During that raid, they lost two great druids.

At this time, the city wall was filled with boiling and bubbling venom, and there was no place to stay.

The venom corroded the stone bricks of the city wall, emitting black smoke columns.

The demons on the city wall danced and screamed in the venom.

They looked pitiful, but after a while, they turned into black mist and disappeared.

The human coalition forces who were still cheering were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

But experienced people have already seen it.


Massive illusion.

Ye Jieka snorted: "The elves are also stupid. They also said that they are good at magic, but they didn't even notice the phantom spell. It was a waste of the magic power of the Great Druid."

It can be said that the enemy used a wave of phantom spells to replace one of the coalition's trump cards.

Although he was mocking the elves, Ye Jieka also understood that although the elves were indeed deceived into a wave of 'output', the enemy's magic power must have also consumed a lot.

After all, such a large-scale phantom technique cannot be without consumption.

A war in the magical world not only takes into account the strength of both sides' troops, the terrain on which both sides are located, material replenishment, etc., but also the magic power consumption of the 'hero units' on both sides.

Many times, heroic units, with the cooperation of ordinary soldiers, can exert combat power or effects that change the battlefield situation.

Just when Yejieka finished speaking, a black tornado suddenly appeared on the city wall.

It whizzed from the left side of the city to the right side, sweeping away all the venom.

Rolled up into a ball, and finally came towards the direction of the human coalition.

The color of the tornado also changed from black to dark green.

This thing was extremely poisonous at first glance, and the human coalition was instantly frightened.

Many soldiers already have the idea of ​​​​escape.

At this moment, a golden beam of light shot over from the snowy peak on the side in the distance.

In one fell swoop, the thunder-green tornado was scattered!

Everyone looked over and saw that there was no sign of life on the snowy peak. (End of chapter)

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