Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 468 Yinghuo

Hardy knew that if he hung out the petals of the World Tree and could exchange them for high military merit, it would definitely have a great impact.

The impact on the other world should also be great.

But in fact, the impact on real society is greater than he imagined.

Players like Nicai and Tiana only received some harassment and testing.

But game companies are under pressure from all walks of life.

There are so many ‘big men’ in the world, who doesn’t want to live forever and who doesn’t want to regain his youth.

They have a big structure and don't want to catch a few small people to scrape the flesh and suck the marrow. In their view, this kind of immortality technology should be shared. Even if it is not shared, they should have priority to enjoy it.

Now it's given to a group of inferior people who play games. What's going on!

In fact, since the petals of the World Tree first appeared, the game officials have begun to receive a certain amount of pressure.

And Hardy hung out these petals and caused a serious stir in the matter.

Now, those big guys who originally wanted to wait for the game official to announce the "longevity" product themselves were completely unable to sit still.

They all approached the official executives of the game.

Each shows his magical powers, and each has his own hidden agenda.

And Ni Cai is just an insignificant person in this big environment.

Leaving aside the matters in 'reality', in Louisian County, Hardy was sitting in his study, and Gui Wenir was reporting to Hardy on the government affairs of the past two days.

Originally, this matter was handled by Sophie, but Sophie felt that Gui Wenir was very talented, so she intended to cultivate her ability in this area.

Gui Wenir was naturally happy to do this, and she wished she could get along with Hardy every day.

Hardy checked the contents of the government affairs, but suddenly, there was a piece of data that made him feel something was not right.

He looked at it, then took out the data sheets from the previous days, compared them, and frowned.

Seeing him like this, Gui Wenir asked with some anxiety: "What's wrong? Is there any mistake?"

She was a little afraid that she had made some wrong data, which might affect her impression in Hardy's mind.

Hardy continued to watch for a while and said to Gui Wenir: "Call Sophie over."

Gui Wenir immediately trotted out.

Soon, Sophie walked in.

When she saw Hardy, she smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

"This data is not quite right." Hadi spread out a few pieces of paper and said, "There is a problem with grain procurement. A little too much public grain has been sold."

"It only increased by 30%, which is normal." Sophie looked at it for a while, but she didn't think anything was wrong: "And it increased slowly within a few months."

"No, you calculate the population of this city." Hadi chuckled and said, "This data is enough for each household to eat three kilograms of noodles a day."

Sophie is not stupid. When Hadi mentioned this, she understood: "Someone is stealing food?"

Hardy clicked and said: "And the method of moving ants is not scrutinized. You can take the Silver Moon Witch to find out what's going on. If anyone is really brave enough to steal food, deal with it directly."

Sophie nodded: "Okay."

Then she walked out, and when she reached the door, she suddenly turned back and said, "By the way, Patience asked you to go there. She has something very important to ask you. She asked you to go to the laboratory to find her."

Hardy nodded in agreement.

Patience mainly asked herself to go to the laboratory, there must be something important.

More than an hour later, Hardy appeared in the laboratory of the Magic Academy.

There are several more magic instruments here. Judging from their roughness, it seems that they were made by the E.P.R trio themselves.

Also, Aina is here.

Seeing Hardy, everyone turned their attention to him.

The E.P.R trio look at their partners that way.

But when Patience and Aina looked at Hardy, their eyes were so sticky that they almost became stringy.

Hardy walked over and asked, "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Lord Yi's hair seemed to be missing again. He touched the top of Xi's head, and there were not many hairs there anymore: "I invite Mr. Hardy to come here this time. I want to ask you something."

"Please say."

In addition to conducting experiments, the E.P.R trio are teaching in the magic academy.

Although it has only been about a year, it has successfully brought a large number of NPCs and players into the "right path" of the magical world.

In a few years, these people will become powerful people under Hardy.

Maybe there will be a lot of 'hero' units.

Hardy was willing to fulfill the requests of the three of them.

"Come out, Morning Star."

As Master Yi finished speaking, a pretty red-skinned little girl walked out from behind a white cloth.

She has a pair of broken horns on her forehead and is wearing a small white dress.

Although the skin color is a bit weird compared to humans, the face shape is still very beautiful.

After she came out, she hid behind Rosen and looked at Hardy, looking a little scared.

"This is my daughter..."

"Wait a minute." Hardy reached out and interrupted Master Rosen: "What did you call her?"

"Morning Star!"

Hardy smacked his tongue: "This name is not acceptable. This is the surname of the elf royal family, so it is definitely not acceptable."

"But there are quite a lot of humans named Morning Star in this world."

Hardy sighed: "That's because the elves don't want to argue with them. Secondly, they may not be able to see an elf in their lifetime, so it doesn't matter. But here, we have elves coming here from time to time."

Master Rosen pondered, and he thought it made sense.

At this time, Master Yi said from the side: "Rosen, I also think Mr. Hardy is right. If Chenxing wants to live in the human world, he really needs to change his name. He can't offend the elves as well."

Rosen nodded: "Sir Hardy, what name do you think is good?"

Hardy said helplessly: "You are her father, why are you asking me?"

Uh... Rosen smiled awkwardly and said, "I am a magician, not a writer or poet. I am not good at naming things."

Master Yi also said from the side: "Your Excellency Hardy, if Chenxing wants to live in your territory from now on, she will need your care. It's just right for you to give her a name."

Hardy looked at the three of them, and then at the smiling Pei Guangsi, and immediately understood the 'little thoughts' of these three people.

They want this little thing to live well in human territory, so they need a very interested person to act as her 'background'.

In this way, she can live a smooth and happy life without being discriminated against or targeted at will.

And asking Hardy to name this little thing is to let Hardy have another connection with the little thing.

After figuring this out, Hardy understood why this little creature, a hybrid of human and fear demon, was called ‘Morning Star’.

Rosen did it on purpose.

He knew Hardy would make the little thing change its name.

Hardy chuckled and nodded, and then said: "Since you gave her the name of the elves, then continue to use the naming style of the elves, and call her Yinghuo."

Patience clapped her hands suddenly and said with a smile: "This is a good name, very appropriate!" (End of Chapter)

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