Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 472 There will be sacrifices in cracking technology

Hadi had arrived at the palace at this time.

In the large dark bedroom, Hardy and Queen Sissi were playing the game of picking carrots.

Alice assisted and waved the flag.

Four hours later, after the three of them had enjoyed themselves to the fullest, they became quiet.

A group of loyal maids came in, helped change the bedding, and also helped the three of them change their clothes.

Then the three of them moved to the living room. Queen Sissi sat high on the throne, looking at Hadi below, and asked gently: "Do we really ignore Kievan Rus's letter asking for help?"

"It's too late." Hardy shook his head: "The undead's defection to the demons was just a hook. What really destroyed Kievan Rus was the arrogance of Queen Yejieka. I don't know what she did to make the demons suddenly appear. With so many coming out, it stands to reason that it is impossible to support an army of tens of thousands of demons with the resources of the snowy plains in the north."

Tiana asked people to collect information on the forum. Thanks to this, Hardy also roughly knew how many troops the demons had this time.

At least fifty thousand people.

Compared with the last war between humans and demons, there were 20,000 more people.

Kievan Rus is finished.

This is Hardy's judgment.

The resources of Kievan Rus will become a bargaining chip for the demons to move south.

So now France, instead of going to the rescue, it is better to start defensive preparations.

At the same time, it is best to unite neighboring countries and negotiate an offensive and defensive alliance.

Sissi listened to these words in her heart and nodded repeatedly.

She smiled and said: "Thankfully, we have you, otherwise we wouldn't know what to do."

Hardy smiled and walked out of the living room.

At this time, Queen Sissi signaled to Nicai who had been standing aside for a long time.

Nicai immediately chased after her.

Hardy walked for a while and heard a voice calling him from behind.

He turned around and saw Ni Cai trotting over.

"Sir Hardy, can we talk privately?"

Hardy was a little surprised, nodded and said: "Of course."

The two came to the royal garden.

Only members of the royal family or related persons can enter here, so it is very secluded.

Nicai was wearing iron armor and no helmet. She looked at Hardy, hesitated for a while, and then said, "Actually, I have something to ask you this time."

"Please say."

"Can you share a petal with me?"

Hardy looked slightly shocked.

Logically speaking, given the relationship between Nicai and Queen Sissi as best friends, she should be able to get one or two petals.

Do you want to eat more and live longer?

Looking at Hardy's suspicious look, Nicai pursed her lips.

I don’t want to say why I want petals.

She always felt that in front of Hadi, she would feel extremely ashamed if she said that she was asking for flower petals for her husband.

Hardy looked at Ni Cai's face quietly for a while, and then he seemed to understand something and said: "No problem, but I don't have it with me. You can come to my territory and I will give it to you when the time comes."

"I'll go with you." Ni Cai apologized and said, "It's quite urgent."


Hardy agreed without asking any further questions.

Nicai returned to the living room, asked for leave from Queen Sissi, and then came out quickly, riding horses with Hardy, and spent thirteen days arriving in Louisian County.

As soon as he arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, Hardy asked Sophie to fetch a World Tree petal and handed it to Ni Cai.

In the palm of the white jade palm is a crystal clear purple petal, which is extremely beautiful.

Nicai put the petals into her system backpack, then looked at Hardy and said seriously: "Sir Hardy, I owe you a favor. Whatever you have in the future..."

Hardy waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay. When I'm with the Queen, you usually take a lot of trouble. I'm very grateful to you."

Ni Cai's face turned slightly red. She knew that Hadi was talking about her 'letting go'.

This kind of thing requires hard work without merit.

She gave Hardy a deep look and then left the Lord's Mansion.

After the others left, Sophie sat on Hardy's lap and said with a strange smile: "That woman's spirit is a little twisted."


Hardy was a little confused.

Sophie explained: "Her mental emotions are distorted, and she has suffered a lot of dissatisfaction and grief. If it goes on for a long time, something will probably go wrong."

Hardy just raised his eyebrows and didn't pay much attention.

Nicai wasn't very familiar with him, so he didn't want to pay too much attention to the other person's feelings.

Of course, he would write to Queen Sissi in his branch about this matter. After all, he cared about Queen Sissi, and Queen Sissi and Ni Cai were best friends.

After Nicai got the petals, she immediately found the best hotel in Louisian County to stay, and then logged off here.

After all, this is Hardy's territory, and safety is guaranteed.

Under normal circumstances, no one would dare to use dimensional anchors to randomly 'hook' offline players.

Nicai's consciousness passed through a long black and white tunnel, and then there was a colorful light in front of her eyes.

She opened her eyes and sat up from the virtual cabin.

Surrounded by a group of frail technicians, most of them wear glasses.

When her man saw her waking up, he asked excitedly: "Did you get the things?"

Ni Cai's face looked a little pale. She looked around and then nodded.

The man jumped up excitedly, and then hurriedly said to the people around him: "Then let's get started."

Ni Cai hesitated to speak, but at this time the people around her had already begun to arrange equipment outside the virtual cabin.

They took apart the virtual cabin, connected an extra line to a port, and then connected it to a 'helmet' that was obviously rushed.

There are many electrodes on this thing, forming a circular arc top.

A middle-aged researcher came over and said, "Ms. Nicai, please put it on."

Ni Cai looked at her husband, who was looking at her expectantly.

She lowered her eyebrows slightly, put on this ugly helmet, and sat on the edge of the bed.

The researchers next to him immediately checked the instruments.

"Ms. Nicai's brain waves have been recorded and the values ​​are stable."

"The instrument is available normally."

"The connection with the virtual cabin was successful."

"Sir, please lie down in the virtual cabin."

Nicai's husband took off his coat and lay down in the virtual cabin excitedly.

The researchers immediately got to work.

"The man's brain waves were detected and the values ​​are normal."

"The woman is normal."

"The virtual cabin is working fine."

"The virtual cabin starts detecting brain waves."

"Quickly, change the brain wave value, disguise the data packet, and send it to the terminal."

"Sent successfully."

"Test passed."

"The man is sleeping, we are..."

At this moment, the red indicator light of the virtual cabin suddenly flashed and a harsh alarm sounded.

Then the man in the virtual cabin suddenly twitched.

Ni Cai, who was sitting on the edge of the bed and wearing a helmet, also twitched.

His body was shaking.

"Something's wrong. Something went wrong. Turn off the power."

Before Nicai fell into coma, she only heard this sentence.

When she woke up leisurely, she found herself lying in a white house.

The strong smell of disinfectant hit my face. (End of chapter)

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