Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 476 If it weren’t for her, it would be me

Hardy's settlement was in a very large manor.

There are more than a dozen women with long legs, waists and big waves inside, and every one of them is quite beautiful.

Duolun and even a dozen of Hadi's soldiers were arranged, and each of them also stuffed a beautiful woman of higher rank into them.

Hardy, on the other hand, took a very enjoyable hot bath in a large hot water pool, served by five or six maids.

Although the scenery in the pool was very fragrant, Hardy did not move a single woman.

He doesn't know if these women are clean, so... he usually doesn't touch women he doesn't know casually.

After taking a shower, Hardy held a glass of warm milk, put on a bathrobe, and stood on the balcony on the third floor, looking at the scenery ahead.


Ms. Ainoline died in the hands of this family.

A year ago, the then Madam Sissi wanted to invade the Ajiaka Empire and kill all the bloodlines of the Maga family.

But those were just angry words after all.

After she became the queen, she came into contact with a lot of the dark side of politics, and she knew that... sometimes, revenge was a very luxurious thing for senior officials.

Moreover, during this mission to the Aijaka Empire, Queen Sissi wrote a letter and did not ask Hadi to do anything to the people of the Maga family.

It seems that she has put this matter down...or perhaps buried it in her heart.

As a daughter, she can openly take revenge, but as a queen, she cannot do this.

If you really want to take revenge, you have to find the right opportunity to do it privately.

While he was drinking milk and admiring the scenery and thinking wildly, Duolun Maga came in from outside.

He waved to Hardy from the atrium and pointed in the direction of the pavilion.

Hardy understood what he meant, came out of the building and came to the pavilion.

Next to the pavilion is a small artificial lake. Several colorful water birds swim in the blue waves, occasionally diving down to pick up a whitebait.

Hadi sat down opposite Doron.

On the wooden table between the two of them, there were several delicacies and some drinks.

After sitting firmly, Hardy looked at Duolun, who had a glass of milk in his hand.

Drinking slowly.

Seeing Hadi's gaze, Duolun shook the glass of milk and said with a smile: "I don't like drinking very much, but this thing is still to my liking."

Male aristocrats don’t like to drink alcohol but like to drink milk. Are they not afraid of others finding out?

This guy is interesting.

Hardy smiled, picked up the container next to him, poured himself a glass of milk, clinked a glass with the other person, and then took a sip.

In fact, Hardy doesn't really like drinking, but he usually takes a few sips for social entertainment.

Looking at the old man in front of him now, he seems to be living more comfortably than himself.

Duolun also took a sip, and then laughed and said: "Sir Hardy, I think we get along very well."

Hardy just smiled and did not answer.

Although he admired the other party a little, he didn't think the two would get along.

After all, if he finds the opportunity, he will avenge Ms. Ainolin.

Not to mention Madam Sissi, Madam Ainolin also takes great care of herself.

Seeing that Hadi didn't speak, Duolun didn't pay attention either.

He put down the cup in his hand and suddenly asked: "You don't seem to like the beauties I gave you?"

"Not interested at the moment."

"You like someone younger?"

Hardy shook his head: "I like mature and sexy people."

"Yes." Duolun suddenly remembered something: "I heard that among your women, there are two beautiful succubi. I guess you shouldn't like little girls."

Hardy was a little confused.

I don’t know why the other party said this to me.

But Doron continued to talk.

"Did you know? There is a small island in the ocean southwest of our Aijaka." He looked into Hadi's eyes and asked, "Have you heard of it?"

Hardy shook his head.

"Girls' Island!" Duolun's eyes were full of expectation as he continued to ask, "Haven't you heard of it?"

Hardy shook his head.

He really hadn't heard of it.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it." Duolun's eyes were a little sad: "Our Aijaka Empire is sick. Only when we are sick can things like Maiden Island appear."

Hardy still doesn't understand.

What the other party said was confusing.

Seeing Hardy's increasingly confused eyes, Duolun suddenly burst into laughter. After laughing for a while, his voice became softer, and then his expression gradually became dull.

"Since you don't know about Maiden Island, then don't talk about it." Duolun sighed: "Let's talk about something else. Our great elder was very rude just now. You should have seen it."

Hardy smiled inexplicably.

That great elder is obviously old and confused. He probably can't even take care of himself, let alone handle government affairs. How can he become the great elder who governs a country.

But the weakening of the Ajiaka empire will do more good than harm to France.

He likes to see this happen.

Duolun suddenly slammed the table and roared: "Such a person can become a great elder not because he has the support of the Jefferson family. He is actually a puppet, and everything he does is done by the Jefferson family. What he does, he’s a sounding board.”

Looking at the angry Duolun, Hardy asked: "Can't your Maga family compete with the Jefferson family?"

Hardy found this strange.

According to his understanding of the Ajiaka Empire, the power of the Maga family is extremely strong.

On the contrary, he had never heard of the Jefferson family.

"The Jefferson family has given birth to several good daughters, and they have all been married off in recent years." Duolun sighed: "There are sons-in-law at home and abroad, and they are all powerful."

Hardy understood that after the marriage, Jefferson's power increased greatly, so the Maga family could no longer withstand it.

Many people believe that the rise of a family may have to go through many hardships and tests.

But some families can become upper class by marrying off their daughters.

Things just don't make sense sometimes.

Hadi smiled and flattered him: "It is a matter of persistence and honor that your Maga family does not do this kind of thing of selling your daughter..."

"No, you are wrong, Mr. Hardy." Duolun Maga looked at Hardy and said seriously: "The Jefferson family has inspired me a lot. If they can marry their daughters, so can we."

Hardy was now shown off, and for a moment he didn't know what expression to show.

Duolun looked at Hadi's appearance, smiled, brushed the blond hair on his forehead with his hand, and said: "So, I want to introduce my eldest daughter to Mr. Hadi. Anyway, you are not married."

This... Hardy was about to refuse, but the other party interrupted him again.

"Sir Hardy, you should meet my daughter." Duolun said with a proud face: "She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Both appearance and figure are top-notch. If she hadn't been My daughter... alas!"

Hardy's expression became even weirder.

Is this what a father can say? (End of chapter)

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