Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 482 The land of Ajiaka is full of evil

Listening to Hardy's inquiry, both Bobby and Hunter fell silent.

At this time, the group of little girls nearby ran past them happily, chasing the beautiful colorful butterflies together.

They are very happy.

After the group of little girls ran away, Bobby slowly said: "Sir Hardy, we have invited you to join the Masons before. Why are you still unwilling to integrate with us?"

Hardy chuckled: "Because it's not necessary."

"Your Excellency Hardy is very confident in himself."

Hardy sighed softly and said without mercy: "How can the Masons help me?"

Bobby was stunned for a moment, and then said: "There are many people in our association, from various industries, there is always something that can help you."

"So, what's the price?" Hardy said with a smile: "If you help me make more money, you have to give me a piece of territory."

What Hardy said seemed very rude, but he didn't feel like he needed to be too polite at the moment.

The other party had arranged the surprise for 'Dan' first, so he has shown restraint by not directly targeting the Masons.

Moreover, Hardy is now wearing soft leather armor and carrying a long sword, which already explains a lot.

Hunter looked at Hardy and was extremely unhappy, but then saw the sword on Hardy's body and said nothing more.

Bobby's eyebrows furrowed more and more. He felt that Hardy was completely different from the nobles he had seen.

The other party is very strong and straightforward.

But when I thought about the fact that the other party was a businessman, I didn't feel strange anymore.

"Sir Hardy, we are really sincere." Bobby continued to force a smile.

Hardy spread his hands and said, "Show your sincerity first. You can't just say what you say."

Hardy would not join the Stonemason Club, but he was curious about what means the other party would use to win over him.

Bobby was silent for a while, then rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Okay, how about your Excellency going to sea with us tomorrow?"

Xikagou City can barely be regarded as a seaside city. Walking fifty kilometers to the west is the seaport.

"What are you doing at sea?"

"A dreamy place, a place where people can feel the kingdom of God, and a paradise where all men can never leave."

Hardy raised his eyebrows slightly: "But I am here to discuss the alliance with your country."

He really didn't want to get into trouble...and going to sea would be a bit troublesome.

Now that his strength is at the master level, Nightmare Knight has unlocked all-terrain adaptability, and Nightmare can run on water.

Going to sea is not a big problem for him.

But walking on water will quickly consume magic power. If he is too far from the shore, he will drown when the magic power is used up.

Bobby smiled and said: "After landing on that island, everything will be easy to talk about."

Hardy frowned.

There won't be any danger on that island.

Want to trick yourself into it?

Looking at Hardy's suspicious expression, Bobby continued: "Don't worry, we can swear to the gods that we will never let anyone threaten you. When you get to that island, you will understand how powerful our masons are. Great, it deserves your joining and your loyalty.”

Hardy narrowed his eyes for a moment, and then said, "Should I think about it for a day or two?"

"Of course." Bobby nodded: "I hope you can make a decision earlier."

Hardy smiled, stood up, drank his fill of red wine, and was about to leave.

But I heard a sudden exclamation coming from the big house in front of me.

The three of them looked over, and then all three of them ran over.

Bobby ran the fastest, followed by Li Te, and Hardy fell behind.

It's not that he can't run as fast as the two people, but as a guest, he just needs to join in the fun if something happens here.

Don't take it too seriously.

Soon, the three of them rushed into the hall.

Then he saw Great Elder Jojov Robinette lying on the ground, his eyes closed, and his body twitching from time to time.

Next to him was Bobby's wife Jenny.

Jenny looked nervous.

"What happened?" Bobby rushed over and asked urgently.

Jenny quickly replied: "My father wanted to eat pastries, so I planned to make him one. He took a few steps here, suddenly his feet slipped and he fell to the ground."

Bobby shouted hurriedly: "Go and ask Pastor Juggs to come over."

Then he looked at Hadi: "Please help me help my father go up to the second floor and lie down to rest."

There are almost all maids in this house.

Moreover, as a professional, Hardy is stronger and more adaptable to carrying the injured.

Hardy nodded, he was still willing to help with this small favor.

Then, Hardy and Bobby carried the elder to the second floor, one on the left and the other on the right, and laid him down on a big bed.

Not long after, a very strong male priest entered the room led by his attendants.

The priest used magic to check the condition of the great elder, and then said: "Don't worry, he just fainted after falling. After all, people are old and can't bear the fall. With a slow healing spell, he will wake up after sleeping for a few hours." .”

Bobby breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the priest began to treat the great elder.

Slow healing requires continuous casting for a long time, and it will probably take a while.

Hardy looked at it and said, "Sir Bobby, I'm going back first. I will consider your suggestion carefully and will give you a reply before tomorrow afternoon."

Bobby looked at the great elder worriedly, thought for a moment and said, "Sir Hardy, I won't send you away. You go down below to find Li Te. He will take you out of the manor."


Hardy responded and went downstairs first.

But when they got to the hall downstairs, they didn't see Hunter.

He walked out of the gate and looked around, only to see a group of little girls still playing on the lawn.

These little girls have been running for nearly an hour and are not tired.

When Hardy was thinking this, he frowned and realized something was wrong.

Normally...although children are energetic and lively, they cannot run around non-stop for an hour.

They should play for a while and rest for a while.

Hardy walked over and observed these little girls, feeling more and more something was wrong.

Then he blocked in front of the little girls. After they ran over, he grabbed a little girl and was about to ask questions. However, he saw that the little girl's eyes were dull and she had a simple and almost constant smile on her face. , what seemed to be a happy laugh came out of his mouth, waving his hands and running in place.

Hardy's eyes shrank, and his mental power immediately detected it, and then he found that... this little girl's soul was broken.

That is to say, from the perspective of the soul, this little girl is actually dead. She just runs here instinctively and makes sounds.

Other little girls are in exactly the same situation as this little girl.

They are just the ‘scenery’ here.

It's just an object with temperature.

Hardy let go of the little girl, and she quickly returned to the group of little girls, running happily together.

Circle and circle.

The sun is blazing in the sky and the weather is very hot.

Hardy covered his mouth with his hands. He was a little queasy, but he suppressed it.

He looked at the big mansion behind him, then expanded his mental power, and soon found Hunter Robinette.

He was hiding behind a grove, holding a woman in his arms. (End of chapter)

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