Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 494 A race that lacks supplies has no pride at all

Hardy was a little surprised by Aravind Rosa's performance, but then he remembered.

According to Aina, the Evil Eye clan 'harmed' their Sun God back then.

The current goddess of light is the reincarnation of the sun god back then.

Aina's expression wasn't very good either.

She looked at Hardy with a hint of pleading.

"Then do you have other methods?" Hardy thought for a moment and said, "A method that neither of us can break the agreement with."

Aravind fell silent.

There are no gods left in their demon world, they have killed them all and driven them away.

I thought that without the gods, it was time for them to take charge.

Unexpectedly, if I didn't enjoy the taste of freedom for a few days, it would be the beginning of the decline of the plane.

What they drove away were all natural gods, manifestations of plane consciousness.

If a plane is also a manifestation of life, then the God of Nature is the ‘soul’ of the plane.

When the soul is gone, the 'plane' as the body will naturally die.

"I can't think of it at the moment." Aravind sighed.

In fact, there are several kinds of spiritual contract magic among the Evil Eyes, but these cannot be used on Hardy.'s not equal.

Now it is Hadi who recruits the Evil Eye Tribe, and from now on the Evil Eye Tribe will be Hadi's subjects.

And all spiritual contracts are either equal contracts or master-servant contracts.

An equal contract is impossible, and the Evil Eye clan cannot be 'equal' with their lord.

As for the master-servant contract, without knowing Hadi's character, they couldn't rashly put themselves in the position of 'servant'.

This kind of contract has very few restrictions on the owner. If Hardy has any bad intentions because of this, they can't control it.

Looking at the two people in silence, Hardy thought for a moment, is there any god he is more familiar with?

In fact, there really is...the world tree of the elves.

"Let me make another suggestion." Hardy looked at them and smiled: "How about the Elf World Tree?"

Hearing this, Aravind looked at Hadi in surprise.

The Evil Eyes know ‘history’.

In fact, humans were originally part of the demon clan. They all fought desperately to save the newly reincarnated goddess of light.

But what happened after that was unclear to them, and the records were 'covered up' and 'distorted' by the rules.

But no matter what, the relationship between humans and the goddess of light is relatively good.

And the World Tree of the elves... has nothing to do with humans.

Can you please come over to witness the contract?

If it is true, then Lord Hardy is very powerful.

It is indeed capable of protecting their Evil Eye clan.

Hadi saw Aravind's expression and knew what he was thinking, so he smiled and said: "I just met him once, so I can't guarantee whether you can invite him. In this case, why don't you two come to my territory to have a look?" , take a walk, so that you can have a more realistic understanding of me and us."

Aravind thought for a moment and said, "Okay, then we won't bother you."

Then he turned around, looked at the other big eye, and said: "Xiadia, come out, let's go to Lord Hadi's city and see it."

The female evil-eyed clan member walked out of the big eyeballs again.

After that, they left the two 'outer bodies' here and set up several layers of hidden barriers.

Then he followed Hardy and left.

On the way back to the city, the two Evil Eye tribe members wanted to eat everything they saw.

When I see leaves, I want to eat them. When I see bugs, I want to eat them. When I see small animals, I keep swallowing my saliva.

Seeing them like this, Aina felt a little embarrassed, but at the same time she was very grateful to Hadi.

If she hadn't been captured by Ha, she would probably still be eating ice cubes in the snowfields of the North at this time.

Then I think ice cubes are delicious.

After entering the city, looking at the lively scene in the city, the two of them were as dazzled as Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

In the end, there was a delicious banquet, which completely satisfied the stomachs of the two evil eyes.

At midnight, they moved into Aina's manor.

Because the two are husband and wife, they naturally live in the same room.

After taking a bath, the two lay on the soft bed.

Aravind exclaimed: "This is the first time I have used so much water to take a bath. It turns out that I am so happy taking a hot bath."

Shadia hugged Aravind and said affectionately: "Not only that, just now Aina gave me a special medicine for bathing. I heard her say that it is very expensive in the human world. Smell it and see if it smells good." a lot of."

"I thought Aina gave you perfume. Do humans use such high-end things when bathing?"

Shadia nodded vigorously: "We also ate the meal at night. The energy accumulated now is enough for us to have several children. Aravind, how about we take this opportunity to make germs."

Aravind thought for a moment and nodded.

Then the two hugged each other and melted into each other, forming a ball of flesh... This was melting in the physical sense.

The true reproduction of the Evil Eye clan is like this.

As for Aina, she turned herself into a human-like reproductive system in order to cooperate with Hardy.

The two Evil Eye clan members woke up at noon the next day. They came to the main hall on the first floor and saw that Aina had prepared lunch.

At the same time Aina looked at them with a teasing look.

Both of them were a little embarrassed, and then walked down together hand in hand.

"It seems that you are planning to have a child." Aina said happily.

The two sat down and Xia Diya smiled: "We had this idea more than fifty years ago, but we never found the right opportunity."

What is the right opportunity?

Just enough energy reserves.

"Then you have to keep up with your nutrition during this period." Aina turned to the head maid next to her and said, "Helen, you can buy twice as much meat and vegetables every day."

The head maid bent down to show that she had taken note of it.

Xia Diya asked worriedly: "Will it be expensive? Meat and vegetables are very expensive."

"Relatively speaking, it is a bit expensive, but my monthly salary is very high." Aina said proudly: "I am a senior teacher at the Magic Academy and a senior magic researcher. I have five gold coins per month and a lot of supplies. support."

"How much does that cost?" Xia Diya asked curiously.

"It's equivalent to 200,000 magic crystal coins."

The two evil-eyed bumpkins across from them stared wide-eyed.

An expression of disbelief.

After a while, Xia Diya sighed and said: "The money you earn alone is almost equal to the expenses of our entire Evil Eye clan... Mr. Hardy is so kind to you!"

"By the way, where did Mr. Hardy go?" Aravind suddenly asked.

Aina smiled and said: "He went to the elves to go to the World Tree."

At this time, Hardy used the World Tree's 'astral teleportation' to reach the elves again.

It was still the place where he appeared last time, and as soon as he left the World Tree Garden, he was seen by Angelina Fanhua.

"Oh... look, who did I discover!"

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