Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 627 You have crossed the line

Goebbels's face turned a little pale. As a red archbishop, he also wanted to save face.

Being hit by a boomerang thrown by oneself... no matter how you look at it, it feels awkward and embarrassing.

What's more, this time it's about the position of the pope, his own interests and future.

The Pope came down from the high platform at this time. He looked at Karina with a dark expression on his face. After a while, he said: "Saint Karina Minter, what do you mean?"

"Don't His Majesty the Pope want me to be elected?" Karina asked with a smile: "I remember that you were very optimistic about me before."

The pope's turbid eyes stared at Karina's eyes, staring hard. His expression seemed a little angry: "But you broke the rules like this."

"Rules are set by people and can be changed, Your Majesty the Pope." Karina said calmly: "Am I only allowed to form gangs, but not me to exercise my power?"

When the Pope heard this, he felt a little dizzy.

But he had to admit that although Karina's approach was not in line with the rules of the Church of Light, it was in line with common sense.

"The rules can be changed, but there must be a bottom line." The Pope's scepter knocked on the ground hard and said angrily: "You are not standing upright if you rely on the power of outsiders."

Karina smiled indifferently: "I remember that several popes relied on their own strength to sit on the throne. If you strictly follow your Majesty's statement, they also relied on external forces."


The Pope almost suffered a myocardial infarction from his anger.

It is true that several popes have relied on family power, but they are connected and reach agreements through the exchange of interests.

And what do you mean by this... just surround the Church of Light with an army and force the palace?

The Pope looked at the thirteen red archbishops next to him, then at the priests and nuns under the platform, and immediately said: "Today's election was unexpected and has been temporarily canceled. Everyone leaves the square and goes back to their residences to rest. ”

There was already a lot of discussion below, and they had heard the previous conversation between the Pope and Karina.

At this time, the square became quiet, and the priests and nuns gradually left.

But they looked back from time to time, and it could be seen that they were very curious about the follow-up to this matter.

Of course... there are also many people who are angry at this time.

After all, the fact that the Light Church was surrounded by a large army was more or less a humiliation.

The Pope watched the crowds leave in the square. He turned back and said, "Follow me back to the temple hall."

A dozen people walked quickly to the main hall not far away.

Four women made it to the end.

Lapis approached Karina, laughing so hard that she could hardly open her eyes: "Hadi really brought an army here, he is really awesome."

Although Lapis has the demeanor of a strong woman, she still has a attachment to the strong in her bones.

She was filled with admiration when she saw that Hardy was so majestic and His Majesty the Pope, who seemed to her to be extremely noble, was so rude.

When I thought again, this was my man, I became even more excited.

Karina chuckled and said, "Hardy always keeps his word."

There is a natural trust in the words.

Sharon also came over and asked, "What does Hardy usually like?"

"I like sweets." Karina chuckled: "Otherwise, why do you think I should learn how to make delicious pastries!"

The two women took these words to heart.

Only Elena sighed softly next to her and shook her head slightly.

While talking, a group of people entered the hall.

The Pope walked to the red throne and was slightly stunned.

This position will soon be lost to him. Thinking of the people here, he feels extremely uncomfortable.

After waiting for a few seconds, the Pope sat on the throne.

He looked down, his eyes swept across everyone, and finally landed on Karina.

"Holy girl, what you did today should not be done!"

"Why?" Karina smiled and said: "I have the ability and strength, why can't I be the pope."

The expressions of the ten male cardinals now all stink.

Especially Goebbels.

The Pope continued: "No matter how discordant we are within the Church of Light, no matter how noisy we are, we should close the door and continue noisy again instead of bringing in outsiders."

"Hadi is not an outsider." Karina said with a smile: "He is a favored person blessed by our goddess, and he is also a saint recognized by the Church of Light!"

This is indeed true.

When Hadi was blessed by the goddess of light, he was considered a saint by the light cult.

But it's just a title and has no real benefits.

It's just that the Church of Light made an instinctive move to 'follow' the Goddess of Light.

And over the years, the Church of Light has recognized many saints posthumously.

Saints are actually worthless.

It's just that... a saint may not be valuable, but you can't say that the person recognized by the goddess of light is not one of your own.

In that case, even the goddess of light is no longer one of her own.

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

Hadi is very famous in the Aroba area.

Everyone present had heard of his name.

The Pope stared at Karina quietly for a while, and then said after a long while: "Please ask Mr. Hardy to come up and talk to us."

"Okay." Karina laughed.

The Pope waved his hand, and a bishop in charge of diplomatic matters walked out next to him.

At this time, everyone's eyes fell on Karina.

These sights were very piercing, but Karina took it calmly, still smiling sweetly and generously.

After all, she is a woman who can fight against demons. This pressure is not worth mentioning to her.

Not long after, several people came into the main hall.

The one in front is a diplomat from the Church of Light, and the two behind are Hardy and... Ryan.

Seeing Hardy and Ryan, Karina's eyes were as bright as gems under the sun.

She trotted over, squeezed in between the two of them, held one person in her left and right hands, and said with a smile, "You are finally here."

On the throne, the Pope narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw this scene.

The other male cardinals had strange expressions.

Because the saint was too close to these two boys.

Karina walked to the center of the hall with her arms around the two of them, and said with a proud smile: "Let me introduce to you, the black-haired one is Hardy, my best friend, and the blond-haired one is Ryan, the Brave of Light... At the same time He’s also my fiancé.”

In fact, the Church of Light has been mentally prepared for the relationship between Ryan and Karina.

After all, the hero and the saint are partners who easily develop feelings for each other.

Only the occasional saints and warriors did not come together.

The target they pay more attention to is Hardy!

Why is a great lord willing to support a saint to become the pope? What does he want?

The Pope looked at Hardy with a cold expression: "Your Excellency, Lord Franci, you have crossed the line. Mortals should not get involved in the affairs of the religion." (End of this chapter)

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