Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 629 Victory Points

Normally, Hardy's fighting power does not require the protection of others.

But this is the Temple of Light.

It is the place where the light power is strongest.

There is very little dark magic here.

Hardy wants to transform here... he can!

But it takes time, at least about five minutes, to condense the dark magic power.

During this period, he was almost unable to move, which put him at great risk.

It's just... Hardy doesn't need to transform.

He also has good fighting ability in human form.

This is also the reason why he wants to absorb the blood of the blue dragon.

On the other side, the Pope looked at Ryan with a livid face. He was attacked again.

The transparent light shield collided with the long sword with blue flames. A large amount of light power and blue flames exploded, forming two beautiful blue and white haloes.

On the floor around the two of them, cracks like spider webs were spreading.

The pope's face was dark, with anger and a trace of fear in his eyes.

Ryan's eyes were filled with surprise.

He didn't expect that the Pope was so powerful.

They have almost reached the lower limit of their brave team.

This is not like the strength that an old man who has been in a high position all year round should have.

Just the fact that this triggered light shield could block his three attacks was enough to explain a lot of problems.

It's just... this is just the lower limit of the brave team.

As the upper limit of the brave team's combat power, Ryan took it seriously, and the Pope flew backwards again with his shield, hit the wall next to him, and then crashed back.

Only this time his shield shattered.

No matter how powerful the defense method is, there is a limit to what it can withstand.

The pope fell to the ground and vomited blood.

On Hardy and Karina's side, a golden cover blocked all the attacks of several red archbishops.

There were also several male cardinals with twinkling eyes, seemingly weighing the pros and cons.

After blocking two rounds of attacks, Hardy rushed out of the protective cover with a 'swish' sound.

The silver giant sword suddenly appeared in his hand, and with a horizontal strike, the two red archbishops vomited blood and flew out.

Although one cardinal formed a light shield in a hurry, it still shattered the moment it came into contact with the silver giant sword.

He also screamed and flew backwards.

Of course, his injury wasn't that serious.

The other three cardinals who took action saw this situation and were about to use attack magic again.

With such a short distance, how could he possibly compete with a professional with melee combat capabilities? Hardy used small steps to accelerate between the three of them, interfering with the enemy's sight of casting spells.

At the same time, three horizontal shots were taken, and the three of them were knocked to the ground.

The last person to be subdued by him was Goebbels.

This skinny middle-aged man looked at Hadi hatefully, his eyes full of dissatisfaction.

At this moment, a figure fell next to Goebbels. It turned out to be the Pope.

Ryan walked over with a relaxed look on his face.

Looking at the two people who were vomiting blood, the cardinals looked angry.

But no one dared to take any action.

Everyone present was a human spirit, and they all saw that the saint was prepared.

Within the church, she had the full support of the three cardinal archbishops and also attracted a group of supporters, as evidenced by the nearly reversal of votes in the end.

Outside, she was married to the brave man, and she was a child of the now-famous lord Hardy.

He even asked the great lord to bring a large army to surround the Church of Light.

At this time, there were shouts of killing outside.

It was obvious that France's army was coming.

The tide is over.

This was the thought of all the cardinals.

An old cardinal suddenly shouted: "I personally approve of the saint becoming the new pope."

The shout seemed a bit abrupt, and everyone looked over.

The old man laughed naturally.

Then another red archbishop reacted and shouted: "I also approve of the saint becoming the new pope."

These two people are actually relatively weak in this election contest, and they focus on participation.

In fact, whoever becomes the pope doesn't mean much to them, and they don't even get much benefit.

So these two people also slipped and knelt very quickly.

The Pope looked at them angrily.

At this time, Karina walked up to the Pope and asked with some confusion: "Your Majesty, weren't you very optimistic about me before? Why has your attitude changed drastically now that I can become the Pope?"

This is a question that Karina is confused about now.

In the past, the Pope had given her various hints and was optimistic about her.

But now it is... so opposed and targeted.

"You broke the rules." The pope forced his body to sit up. He looked at Karina with the eyes of an enemy: "The church can have a female pope, but it cannot rely on external forces. This is our internal matter. , which is also the bottom line.”

Karina frowned slightly.

I have to say that what the Pope said actually makes sense.

But at this time, Hardy suddenly said: "Don't believe him. His preference for you is just a cover-up to divert attention, because he knows that under normal circumstances, it is Goebbels who wins after all."

Everyone looked at Hardy, extremely puzzled.

Only the Pope's eyes were filled with surprise and doubt.

Karina's beautiful eyes were full of inquiry. She walked up to Hadi and asked, "Do you know anything?"

Hardy touched his beardless chin and said: "As far as I know, this Lord Goebbels is the illegitimate son of the Pope."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

The Pope's eyes were horrified, while Goebbels' eyes were filled with disbelief and even humiliation.

He shouted: "Hardy, although I lost, it's shameless for you to insult my character like this."

Karina said in disbelief: "How is this possible?"

"Yes, according to the intelligence I collected, the Pope was forced to step down by Goebbels." Lapis, who was in charge of intelligence collection, said from the side: "How can they be father and son!"

Hardy smiled: "But you have also seen how strong this Pope is! If he really wants to resist, how can Goebbels be his opponent!"

Ryan nodded beside him.

This old pope is indeed very powerful. He can barely defeat the opponent by using half of his strength.

All the cardinals looked at the Pope, and they realized belatedly that the old Pope was so powerful in combat.

The exaggerated divine power of light before was really amazing.

It's just a pity that he met the ceiling of human combat power, brave!

Goebbels also looked at the Pope suspiciously.

He always thought that the old pope was just more popular, and he secretly bribed many people, so he thought of forcing the old pope away and becoming the new pope himself.

And these plans went very smoothly, and it was quite easy for the old pope's men to instigate rebellion.

In addition, Pope Pingjin was indeed more... gentle towards him.

Could what Hardy said be true?

Everyone was doubtful at this time.

The Pope sat up, straightened his clothes, and snorted coldly: "Is it interesting that you slandered an old man?"


Hardy suddenly said a female name.

The Pope felt as if he had been struck by lightning and remained motionless for a while.

Seeing his expression, everyone knew that this was probably true.

Goebbels looked at the Pope suddenly and asked angrily: "Ajeka is my mother... Isn't she the godmother of the orphanage?"

The old pope laughed in shame: "She is indeed your mother, and I... am indeed your father."

Then the old pope looked at Hardy: "Your Excellency, your intelligence network is very powerful."

Hardy accepted the compliment calmly.

Of course, the truth is not that Hardy's intelligence network is powerful. His intelligence network has not yet spread, and it has not even reached France's border.

In fact, the news was told to him by Aya, the goddess of light.

just now.

But Goebbels seemed to have suffered a huge spiritual blow at this time, and his whole person became depressed.

Everyone looked at Goebbels and then at the Pope with different expressions.

Some despise, some sympathize, and some ridicule.

But then, the other cardinals knelt down on one knee almost at the same time.

"I agree with the Holy Lady becoming the new pope."

Almost at the same time, he said this sentence.

Karina looked around. Although she knew that with Hardy's help, she would definitely become the Pope, but when this moment came, she still couldn't believe it.

Female Pope!

Eighteen years old!

Just become an adult in the true sense of the word!

It has already reached this height.

But thinking about the achievements of the first generation Jeanna, the pride that Karina had just risen disappeared again.

After all, the performance of the first generation Jeanne was too exaggerated.

He started from scratch at the age of fifteen and became a queen at the age of eighteen.

No need for help from noble people, it all depends on your own efforts.

The old pope saw that almost all the red archbishops were kneeling to Karina, and he smiled: "Congratulations to the saint for fulfilling her wish, but for the installation ceremony in two days, you still need to pass the test of the goddess of light. She may not Recognize a pope who came to power by force.”

These words made several red archbishops hesitate.

Karina smiled indifferently: "It's okay, the goddess of light has always liked our Jeanna family."

This is true.

Almost everyone nodded.

The Pope sighed softly, knowing that the end was over.

"Saint, stop the attack of the army."

Thus, this farce ended.

Although the Church of Light was captured, the losses were not significant.

Firstly, the people here know the magic of healing and protection, and are relatively resistant to beatings.

Secondly, the soldiers showed mercy.

The Pope changed his clothes, supported his injured body, walked to the high platform, and announced using amplification magic.

"Two days later, Saint Karina Minter will receive the crowning ceremony!"

As soon as these words came out, the Guangming Church suddenly became noisy.

There are those who agree and those who oppose.

There is even a small procession, and the procession is made up entirely of nuns.

The reason for their opposition is simple: it goes against the rules and there has never been a female pope.

Then they were suppressed in less than an hour.

Nearly three hundred nuns were all thrown back to their birthplace to become ordinary nuns, and then a new batch of nuns were replaced. (End of chapter)

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