Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 631 Meeting Parents

Hardy sat up from the virtual cabin.

I haven't been here for more than a month, and then I found that this body was very weak.

This is normal. Anyone who has been lying in bed motionless for more than a month will behave like this.

It's just... Hardy always feels soreness in his lower back. This feeling is very familiar.

He finally climbed out of the virtual cabin, but with just a few movements, he felt that his whole body was weak, weak, and sweating profusely.

He walked to the edge of the bed and sat down, using his mental power to forcefully extract the weak magic power from the air to repair his body.

It took about half an hour, but he finally felt more comfortable.

He looked around and found a lot of snacks on the table next to him. He happened to feel hungry, so he picked them up and started eating.

After eating for about ten minutes, the electronically locked door opened with a beep, and a beauty walked in from the outside.

As soon as she saw Hadi, she became excited: "Ah, you're awake!"

Hardy turned his head, saw her and smiled: "Long time no see, Dove."

"Hehe." Dove sat next to Hardy and hugged the latter's arm: "I miss you so much."

She smiled brightly and her face was full of joy.

"How have you been lately?" Hardy smiled and said, "Please take care of my health."

"It's all trivial matters." Dove blushed a little.

The care is indeed taken care of, but it is a bit too frequent with frequent use.

"Where's Tiana?" Hardy asked while eating the black and white pairing.

"She took people to get the express delivery from the logistics company." Dove thought for a while and explained: "Our original focus of life was in Donkey City. Now that you are here, we decided to shift the focus of life from there. , the first thing to do is to transport the two virtual cabins.”

Without the virtual cabin by their side, the two of them couldn't even play games.

I see.

Dove turned her head and thought for a moment, then said, "By the way, I'll call Tiana and tell her you're awake."

After saying that, Dove called Tiana.

Only two sentences were said.

"Hardy wakes up."

"Then I'll hang up."

Half an hour later, Tiana rushed in panting.

When she saw Hardy, she rushed over to him and buried her head in Hardy's arms, smiling happily with tears in her eyes.

After the two got tired of each other for a while, Tiana said, "My father said, go see him as soon as you wake up."

"Okay." Hardy nodded.

Seeing Hardy agree, Tiana breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, in her opinion, Hardy is a great lord, and in terms of status, he is much stronger than her father, a capitalist.

Normally, it would be the father who came to see Hadi.

But Hardy had no such idea.

No matter which world, strength is respected.

In this 'real' world, he has no power or wealth, and his only connections are Tiana and Dove.

The other party is a big industrial capitalist. In terms of influence, it is much stronger than ordinary financial capitalists.

In this case, it is really not appropriate to let the other party come to see you.

More importantly...he is Tiana's father.

It is a proper courtesy to take advantage of someone's daughter and give the other person a little respect.

"Wait a minute, let's go out to eat and change your clothes..."

After saying that, Tiana pulled Hadi up.

Then she and Dove walked out, one on the left and the other on the right, each holding Hardy's arm.

At the same time, he did not forget to put on big sunglasses for Hardy.

I chose a good-quality restaurant nearby. The food there was quite expensive, and it cost almost 6,000 yuan for three people.

And they are all home-cooked dishes, without any rare ingredients.

On the one hand, the food is expensive, and on the other hand, Hardy eats a lot.

He was really starving.

After finishing the meal, it was already around 14 o'clock in the afternoon.

Tiana drove the car and took Hardy to another villa area.

Then he took him into a quite large courtyard.

This courtyard is in the style of a southern garden, with small bridges and flowing water, greenery and rockeries, and bright willows and flowers.

According to Hardy's judgment, the cost of this villa is at least two small goals.

We crossed two small bridges and made six twists and turns.

This courtyard, which is not too big, has the feeling of a small park.

Amidst the sound of flowing water, Tiana held Hardy's arm and entered a traditional building with black tiles and cornices.

The antique, dark yellow furniture decoration style also has a touch of incense.

As soon as they entered the house, they saw an old couple sitting.

The old man sat in the main seat, while the old woman sat sideways.

They saw Tiana holding Hardy's hand with strange expressions.

At this time, Dove was standing nearby. After all, she had a boyfriend and did not dare to be too presumptuous in front of her elders.

"Dad, Mom, we are here." Tiana greeted with a smile.

The sound is even a bit flattering.

"Everyone, sit down." Lao Yan said with a straight face, trying to look as serious as possible.

The woman stared at Hardy with interest and kept looking at him.

The three of them sat down.

Both Tiana and Dove looked a little nervous.

On the other hand, Hardy was calm and generous.

At this time, Lao Zhou came out from the side, carrying a tea set.

He smiled at everyone, then placed a purple clay cup in front of everyone, and poured everyone a cup of green tea.

The aroma of tea overflowed, and Lao Zhou sat down next to him.

Lao Yan held the tea cup with both hands and rotated it gently.

After a few seconds, he said: "Hardy... right."

"Yes." Hardy nodded: "If Mr. Yan feels that my name is not in line with the customs here, you can call me Zhao Changsheng. This is the name I gave myself."

The eyebrows of the three old men were slightly raised.

The older a person gets, the more things they think about.

When ordinary young people hear the name "immortality", they will only think that this person's name is a bit middle-of-the-road, and they won't think much about it.

But these three people had many thoughts running through their minds.

For example: Does this name mean anything?

It’s no wonder they have so many ideas. After all, the ‘scrolls’ that their daughter gave them more than a month ago were really amazing.

It is indeed the rebirth of a severed limb.

A severed finger can be regenerated in a day or a night.

If it is a broken arm or leg, it will take about a month.

This can no longer be explained by ‘science’.

It is completely magic, even if it is said to be magic, no one will refute it.

After thinking for a while, Lao Yan said: "Now I have something very important to ask you."

"Please say."

"What do you think of my beloved daughter Nana!"

Is this the problem?

Hardy thought the other party would ask about the output of those scrolls and whether they could cooperate.

Tiana also looked at Hardy curiously.

Although she never expected Hadi to marry her, she also wanted to occupy a higher proportion in Hadi's life.

Hardy thought for two seconds and said: "A companion and traveler who will never let go." (End of Chapter)

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