Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 697 Troubled Times

The elves have never regarded Hardy as an outsider, so the elves have never made it difficult for Hardy.

Originally, the elves only wanted to give them a temporary place to stay since these people were refugees, let them rest for a while, and then let them stay.

Knowing that Hardy is dealing with the Masons and Semites, how could the elves take in these people anymore.

This is just humanitarian help, not an attempt to antagonize Hardy.

But this kind of pure kindness was still taken a step further by the Semites.

At this time, in the southern area of ​​the 'New' Elf Forest, about three thousand Semites were gathering in groups, shouting and cursing madly at the elves in front.

"Since you took us in, you should be responsible to the end."

"Aren't the elves famous for their kindness? So what if you give us a piece of land."

"My son is already twenty-four years old and he doesn't have a wife yet. So what if you send an elf girl to be his wife? Anyway, you elves have many women."

"We need better food, not just eating fruit all day long."

Looking at the angry humans in front, a group of male elven warriors lined up in a long line with expressionless faces, holding square-pointed oak shields and staring ahead.

And behind this line of elf warriors, Philaire was sighing helplessly.

As one of the members of the royal family, she was now assigned to handle the matter.

This is an exercise.

As one of the future kings, she is still young and needs to experience various accidents and learn from them in order to grow up.

"What would Hardy do if he were here?"

Philaire thought about this unconsciously.

Based on her understanding of Hadi, she quickly came to a conclusion: first kill some of the leaders who danced the most happily, then suppress the rest, and finally expel them.

At this time, another elf girl walked next to her.

It’s Yumi-Flower.

As a member of the royal family, Yumi has been a key figure in training since she was a child, and she will also be a high-ranking member of the Elf clan in the future.

Seeing her, Philaire walked over and asked with a smile: "What was Hardy's reply?"

"He said, if possible, tie up all the people and send them to him." Yumi said in a calm tone: "He will get rid of all these people."

Philaire chuckled and said, "It seems that Hardy has murderous intentions."

"Because these people threaten us." Youmi said with a smile: "After all, Hardy actually cares about us."

Philaire glanced at Youmi with a strange look, thoughtfully, and then said: "Hadi cares about us so much, so we can't make things difficult for him. Send the order and kill those who shout the most fiercely, those at the front The platoon of humans and everyone else were driven out of the forest and out of Louisian County."

Soon, the elf warriors took action.

Those Semites who pushed further were soon under attack.

No matter how they screamed before, the elves always gently advised and comforted them.

This made them feel that the elves were afraid of them, or that the elves were weak and could be bullied.

As long as the voice is loud enough and shameless enough, they can get everything they want.

However... now that the sanctions have been lowered, they don't even have a chance to resist.

After paying the lives of more than a hundred people, these Semites were driven out of the Elf Forest.

At the same time, the elves announced that they would never accept any Semites into the elven forest, and listed the Masons as an evil organization.

If France and the Netherlands launched a 'clean-up' of the Masons at almost the same time, which caught the Semites off guard and even made them feel angry and helpless, then... this announcement from the elves made the Semites The status of the Mit people has become embarrassing.

Although there are only more than 10 million people in the elves now, and they still recuperate on human territory, the elves are still the mainstream race in this world.

In the human world, people are born with filters.

After all, they are the race that almost destroyed all the four evil gods.

The goddess of light just came down to finish her off.

They are also the world’s recognized ‘conscience’.

Now this conscience believes that the Masons are an evil organization, so... the Masons are really an evil organization.

In Hardy's study, Petola said with a smile: "As soon as the elves make this announcement, the Masons and Semites will be in an awkward situation."

"This is a good thing." Hardy sighed: "A human organization actually has connections with the demons and wants to destroy the world. I don't understand why they have such an idea."

"Would you like to check it out?"

Hardy snorted: "No need to investigate, no matter what his reasons are, if he destroys the stability and peace of the world, just destroy him. I don't care what excuse he has for bitterness and hatred."

Petola chuckled: "The other thing is that Sophie escorted Charles and his wife to the Royal City of Boris for the honors. They should be back soon."

The annexation of Sgard County to France naturally required a grand ceremony.

Of course... Amaibiao and Yejieka's rebel organizations are opposed to this matter.

Both sides sent several groups of envoys to protest here in Hadi and also to the Royal City of Boris.

But none of them had any effect.

Although Queen Sissi is not very smart, her political ability is also qualified.

Such a big piece of fat, with few negative side effects, would make a fool not to eat it.

At least it can expand France's strategic depth.

"Speaking of Amikan and Queen Yejika, both of them are desperately trying to absorb the Masons and Semites who escaped from the Netherlands and us."

"They must be very happy."

Petola smiled: "A large population, a good level of talent, and... a lot of wealth."

The wealth of Semites and Masons is relatively large.

They left the Netherlands and France in large numbers, and naturally they would try their best to take away all their wealth.

"So both of them now have the energy to fight again." Petola laughed when he said this: "The fight was even more fierce than before."

Hardy shook his head helplessly: "The more ferociously they fight, the easier it will be for the masons parasitic on them to suck the host to death. Now we will have a good show."

Petola was curious: "Aren't you afraid that the Stonemasons and Semites will control the country of Amiken? They have a grudge against us. Once they get power, they will probably start a war with us."

"No... once they successfully parasitize Amikan and establish a country in the name of the Masons or Semites, that will be their death." Hadi said coldly: "In that case, I will have a reason to send troops. , Gustav from the Netherlands will also be very interested."

At this time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Serena walked in.

She looks more and more like Karina, both in temperament and appearance.

"Hadi, we found more than twenty dead bodies in the north direction outside the city. After investigation, they are the envoys of Inrodo."

Hardy frowned: "Who killed him? Do you have any clues?"

"Not yet!" (End of chapter)

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