Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 726 I seem to have seen this technique somewhere before

"Dear Sir Hardy."

Alianben knelt down.

This is the surrender ritual of Inrodo.

Alian Ben continued: "My master, Billy Wal-Mart is willing to respect Lord Hardy as my Lord. I just want to get your protection."

Hardy looked down at the other person and smiled: "So, can I get any benefits?"

"The master is willing to give 20% of the tax revenue to you."

Hardy chuckled: "I am at a disadvantage like this. You see... I conquered this city, and now everything here belongs to me. The 20% tax on your territory is estimated to last a hundred years." , It’s not as good as the wealth of this city.”

This is normal. The decades of accumulation in this territory were directly emptied by Hadi. The other party only paid some taxes, which naturally cannot be compared with the large amount of wealth that was grabbed.

"You also get the friendship and respect of the Walmart family," Alianben continued.

"I don't need that thing." Hardy yawned: "Okay, you can go back and tell your master, I will go find him next."

Alianben looked helpless: "In this case, we will give Mr. Hadi an unforgettable resistance."

Hardy smiled: "I'm looking forward to it."

Alian Ben then left.

Hardy did not take this matter to heart.

In his opinion, he had already put a lot of pressure on Yinluoduo by beating away the descended god Kainluo.

Otherwise, this member of the Wal-Mart family would not have sent someone to sue for peace.

Of course, from the perspective of the Inrodo Kingdom, Hadi only killed the great prince, Gareth the Great Elephant of Light.

But it was enough to make them feel scared.

After all, the giant bright elephant is very powerful, and it is also the favored one of the god Gainluo.

Hardy can kill such people... There is nothing else he can't do.

It is estimated that Hardy's body will be able to move around in two or three days, and then when the magic and mental power are almost restored, he can go out again.

Of course... it's not entirely without benefit to stop for a few days.

At least you can wait for the north and south fronts to keep advancing, and you won't let yourself go too deep alone.

And it was also under this circumstance that some very speechless things happened in this occupied city.

Here's how it happened.

At that time, Xixi was leading a team of players on a routine patrol in the city.

Then he heard screams in the alley.

After all, a professional's ears are very sensitive. He rushed in with his team members and saw several men with half-yellow skin, not black, surrounding a dark-skinned girl.

The girl had been violated and was screaming and struggling.

Except for the man who was committing atrocities, several men had actually taken off their pants and were lining up impatiently with smiles on their faces.

The players became angry on the spot, rushed over, beat the men until they were crawling on the ground, and rescued the girl.

Then he felt uneasy and cut off all the fifth limbs of those men.

There happened to be a priest among the members of the team who used severed limb regeneration to reattach them, then cut them off, reattached them, and cut them off again.

After repeating this for more than ten minutes, the men's spirits collapsed.

Then Xixi left with her team members, leaving a few men in the alley.

And the same number of fifth severed limbs were left on the ground.

For those players who are jealous of evil, this kind of punishment is actually very light.

At least they stopped the bleeding of those people and saved them a life.

But what happened next was beyond their expectations.

Those Yinluo people who did not dare to resist when faced with strong power actually resisted and gathered in crowds to protest.

The families of those young people who have been repeatedly 'caught off' are quite influential in the city, and now they have joined forces.

He encouraged the civilians in his manor to come and die.

Ling Xixi stood in front of Hadi with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Lord, I'm very sorry. I seem to have exerted too much force."

And he was reflecting on his mistakes day and night.

At that time, he was indeed so angry that he lost his mind. He should just beat those people half to death, then put them in jail and wait for someone to redeem them.

This can also help the victim receive compensation.

Hardy shook his head and smiled: "No, you did a good job indeed."

After one night, his body recovered a lot and he was now able to sit on his own.

But there were still three elves leaning against him, acting as backrests.

Xixi looked at Hadi enviously and said, "Then what do you mean..."

Hardy asked: "What are their demands?"

"They asked us to pay compensation and hand over the murderer."

Hardy snorted: "How is it possible... to arrest their leader and put them in jail? Without anyone to organize them, they will naturally disperse."

Xixi nodded and smiled ferociously.

Hardy thought that this matter should be settled like this.

But unexpectedly, less than two hours later, Bing Xixi came back, and he looked a little embarrassed.

His face was darkened and his hair was burnt a lot.

Hardy asked in surprise: "You encountered a fight? Do they dare to resist?"

Xixi's expression became very strange. He hesitated and said, "Actually, I was trying to save people, and that's why I got into this mess."


And Xixi told what happened.

It turned out that he had just rushed to the square with his men to drive away those who were making trouble.

As a result... those people did not resist. They did not fight back when they were beaten by Bing Xixi. They just sat down with bloody hands and allowed Bing Xixi and other players to attack them.

The moral bottom line of the players is actually quite high.

Moreover, the protesters were all pale and thin civilians, so they could not use heavy hands.

Then, Bing Xixi stared at the organizer, a priest with fair skin.

From the robe on the other party, it can be seen that he is a believer of the god Gain Luo.

As a result, before Bing Xixi approached, the man put his hands together, then smiled and poured fire water on himself, and then lit it with flint.

As a result, he turned into a sitting fire man in Bing Xixi's eyes.

Bing Xixi rushed to save people, but he failed to save them, and he was burned and screamed.

Then, several other people who were suspected to be organizers also poured fire water on themselves.

It has not been lit yet, but they said that if Hadi does not hand over the murderer and give them an explanation, they will come to the door of the lord's mansion to protest tomorrow.

After saying this, Bing Xixi looked ashamed.

Hadi had a scorching expression: he seemed to have heard of this method somewhere.

"Next, what should we do?" Bing Xixi had a headache: "We did go a little too far this time, otherwise we hand ourselves over... Anyway, we can be resurrected."

Hadi looked like he saw an idiot: "Why do you want to die? If they want to commit suicide, let them do it... Anyway, we will leave here tomorrow."

"Huh? What about the people of this city!"

Hadi laughed: "In fact, as long as all those nobles are killed, the matter will be over, but there is no need, that will shed too much blood. Let Cardo worry about this matter. Anyway, it was agreed that we France will take money and they will take land!" (End of this chapter)

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