Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 742: Never Taste Meat in Your Life

Hadi stood on a high place, and dozens of black smoke appeared inside the holy city of Haravar.

This was obviously a state of burning, killing and looting.

"Is it so outrageous?" Hadi felt a little incredible: "Even if the statue was torn down and the illusion of the god was defeated, there is no need to quarrel."

Will the power of faith be so great if it is reduced?

At this time, Hadi suddenly found that the time in this area stopped again.

The scale is about a circle with a radius of 300 meters.

The elf girls all stood still and maintained their previous movements.

And in the distant Haravar City, shouts and killings were still faintly heard.

There was a strange sense of contradiction.

Because of the experience once, Hadi knew that it was the Hades coming.

He turned his head left and right, and sure enough, not far away, a tabby cat girl walked slowly towards him with cat steps.

"See you again, Your Majesty the Hades." Hadi smiled and waved.

The cat girl walked up to Hadi. Although her face was cold, there was a smile in her eyes: "You succeeded. You did better than I thought."

"You're welcome."

"Open your hand."

Hadi stretched out his hand as he was told.

The cat girl took two steps closer. She held Hadi's right hand with one hand, and at the same time placed a fist-sized, colorful crystal in the boy's palm.

"This is the reward promised before."

"Thank you."

"I should thank you." Hades laughed: "I got a lot of benefits this time. The god of heaven, Gain Luo, can no longer get involved in the power of the underworld. At the same time... I also took away part of his power."

At this point, Hades' expression was a little proud.

And the look in his eyes when he looked at Hadi seemed to be a little...expecting, as if saying, 'Praise me quickly, praise me quickly'.

Hadi thought it was his own illusion.

Would a god like Hades, who had lived for at least 10,000 years, have such emotional needs like a little girl?

It's unlikely.

But then, Hades' expression became very normal.

She let go of Hadi's hand and said, "Lord Pomp has now intervened in the fight in Inrodo. At the same time, the Inrodo royal family has its own troubles. The entire administrative and military systems of Inrodo are in chaos. Next, your army will be unstoppable."

"That's good." Hadi was quite satisfied with this matter. After all, every city in Inrodo occupied was a sum of money.

Hadi could give up the land and people, but he would not think that the gems were too few.

He would not think that this thing was depreciating.

There are more and more students in the magic academy, and many magics need gems as a medium. Therefore, a large number of cheap gems are the foundation of the magic academy.

"And..." Cat Girl's eyes sparkled: "Soon, we will have our first real meeting. At that time, please be more tolerant of me."

"What do you mean?"

Cat Girl smiled, stepped back lightly, and disappeared into the woods in the distance with a few leaps.

Then the time stopped and the surrounding environment came alive again.

The elf girls were busy with their own things, but a few girls still found that something was wrong with Hardy.

Because they had been paying attention to Hardy, their eyes were almost glued to him.

And in their field of vision, Hardy suddenly took a few steps forward, and there was a piece of glittering and colorful thing in his hand.

This switch was very sudden, without any process.

It seemed very strange.

"What happened." Yumi walked over and asked nervously.

Hardy shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, it's just that I completed the task requested by the god, and she gave me a good thing."

The eyes of the elf girls were a little big.

But then they calmed down again.

After all, if you really count, their mother tree is also a real god.

"Is it this thing?" Yumi asked.

"Yes." Hardy handed over the divine crystal: "Do you want to see it?"

Yumi took it, looked around, and said: "It's beautiful."

Then she handed the thing back to Hardy.

For the elf girls, this thing is just beautiful.

There is nothing else special.

After all, they don't need this kind of thing.

Hadi thought for a while and said, "I plan to stay in this forest for a few more days. Can you protect me?"

The elf girls' eyes lit up.

They naturally wanted to stay with Hadi for a few more days.

"Then let's go back to the lake." Meili came over and suggested, "The environment there is good, and there is a water source. It's convenient for everything."

It's really convenient.

After fighting all night and sweating, they went to the nearby clean water source to wash.


Hadi nodded.

Then everyone returned to the lake.

Because they were going to stay for a few more days, the elf girls even built a tree house here, which was quite beautiful.

It was very carefully decorated, and it even felt like a new house.

Hadi lived in the largest tree house, and the bed was also the largest.

It could accommodate seven or eight people rolling around together.

After that, he stuffed the beautiful five-colored divine crystal into his soul.

He then sat cross-legged and entered a state of meditation, hoping that his consciousness would sink into his soul.

The elf girls set up fortifications with the small lake as the center.

They have a lot of experience in this area.

By nightfall, while Hardy was still meditating, the meat on the grill had been changed three times.

From rabbit to tiger to bird meat and more.

The elf girls were divided into several groups to chat according to their relationships.

But the group with the largest number of people must belong to the small group dominated by Yumi and Meili.

Mei Li sucked a berry and said: "We are very lucky this time. The one who is close to the water is the first to get the moon. Success has a substantial relationship with Hardy. But this does not mean that we will be Hardy's women in the future."

"Ah, don't we count as his women?" Several elf girls were shocked.

"Of course we have to treat ourselves as Hadi's women." Meili said with a smile: "But we can't ask Hadi to do things for us as wives and lovers. Do you understand what I mean?"

The elven girls nodded and understood.

"Hadi is our future prince, and his legal wife can only be the next queen."

At this time, an elf girl said timidly: "Actually, I think the current queen is also good."

The elven girls looked at the young girl who spoke with very surprised expressions.

"Why do you think so?" Youmi felt that this matter seemed to have something to do with her: "The current queen and the next queen are mother and daughter. You let them rob..."

Although the next words were not finished, everyone knew what he meant.

"Why do you want to rob? Why don't we go together?" The timid girl whispered: "The current queen is so pitiful. She has never had a husband, and she has to rely on division to have a daughter. If Hadi doesn't want her, she may never know a man for the rest of her life. What does it feel like?”

All the elven girls were silent. (End of chapter)

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