Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 771 Why are there such powerful humans?

Although the quilt in the guest room looked clean, it might be because there had been no sunlight for a long time, so the bedding exuded a strange smell.

The humans living here are used to it and should accept it, but Hardy can't accept it for the time being.

So he put himself in a continuous cold-resistant state, then leaned against the corner, sat on the ground and closed his eyes to rest.

The quality of rest in this state is not very good, but it is much better than not being able to rest.

After about five hours of resting with eyes closed, Hardy opened his eyes and went downstairs.

Then he saw the owner of the hotel walking back from outside with his daughter. He was carrying a big bag behind him, and the little daughter was holding a piece of dough or something in her hand, eating it in small bites, with a happy face.

"Sir, are you awake?" The middle-aged man asked with a diligent smile.

Hardy smiled and said, "Yes, I want to walk around. Is there any taboo in this town?"

"That's not the case, but be careful if you go outside the town. The lizardmen in the north have been troublesome to us."

"Thank you."

Hardy nodded and left.

He could see that the middle-aged man had exchanged the piece of dried meat for a large bag of food.

This was normal. Although dried meat was valuable, it was quickly eaten up.

If it was food, it could be boiled into paste and eaten slowly, and it could be eaten for a long time.

This was the way to live.

This world was still very dark and the weather was cold.

But it had not dropped to the point of freezing, just close.

Occasionally, people walked on the street, but they were in a hurry. Some children came in from outside holding some dry grass and dead wood.

I think it should be for heating.

The clothes on each child were quite tattered, and most of them were not wearing shoes. There were overlapping black scars on their feet.

These were traces of ice sores.

Hardy walked around and finally came to the town entrance.

Where the battle took place yesterday, most of the human bodies and lizardmen bodies were transported away.

But there were still a few people squatting there, seemingly doing something.

Hadi used his dim vision to look over and found that they were using stone knives that were not too sharp to cut the bodies of several lizardmen.

They put the cut meat and internal organs into the basket beside them.

One person even picked up a piece of meat and ate it on the spot.

It looked quite barbaric, but Hadi thought it was normal.

Not to mention that this world without the sun has no "output" and there are hungry people everywhere.

It's already very good that there is no cannibalism, so what's wrong with eating some lizardmen!

Besides, Hadi could see that the lizardmen came here to hunt humans, and it was natural for humans to "eat" them back.

Hadi stood there and watched for a while, and then there were footsteps behind him.

He turned around and saw the old man Moklang walking towards him.

"Sir Hadi, you are here."

"Are you looking for me?" Hadi asked curiously.

The old man smiled, walked over, stood with Hadi, and said, "Don't blame them, there is really no other way, we can't waste any food."

Hadi was a little surprised, the old man seemed to be quite "afraid" of himself.

Then he understood that Moklang still regarded himself as "Rida", a member of the royal family.

All intelligent races in the demon world are under the management of the royal family. Logically, the royal family should prohibit intelligent races from eating each other.

Hadi didn't say anything, but just asked, "Old man, do you think this world can be saved?"

"Of course." Moklang smiled and said, "With the royal family leading us, of course there is salvation. And I heard that the Lausel royal family is ready to raise the sun throne to the sky again. Soon, our world will become warm again, and everything will grow."

The Lausel royal family raised the sun throne? Shouldn't it be Aya?

It seems that the timeline has not reached that point yet, maybe I can do something.

He thought for a while and asked, "Old man, do you have a map of the area? I often get lost."

"Yes!" Moklang nodded.

As the mayor, he still has a map of the area.

Generally speaking, a map is one of the important strategic "resources" of a region and will not be shown to others casually.

But Moklang thought that Hadi was a member of the Rida family, so he was not wary.

"Please follow me, sir."

Hardy followed Moklang to his home again. In the study, the old man took out a yellowed parchment map from a drawer.

The map was very rough, with just a few icons indicating what areas were nearby.

But for Hardy, this was enough.

After looking at it for a while, he returned the map to the old man and gave him a piece of dried meat as a reward: "Thank you."


The old man wanted to refuse, but after seeing the dried meat, he took it over for some reason.

He and his wife haven't tasted meat for more than a year.

After all, he would not eat the corpse of a lizard man.

After leaving the mayor's house, Hardy did not rush to leave, but continued to wander around the town and inquire about the nearby information.

Four days passed quickly.

During this period, he learned a lot of information that should be considered relatively important.

For example, the plan of the Lausel royal family to raise the throne of God will be carried out in more than a year.

Why the whole demon world knows about this? The reason is very simple. In such a harsh environment, all intelligent creatures need "hope".

And holding high the throne of the sun god is the hope of the entire demon race.

The more people know about this, the more stable the demon world will be.

Another piece of news that Hardy cares about is that the evil eye tribe has been exiled.

Because they are the main murderers who caused the death of the sun god, the entire evil eye tribe is now being hunted down by everyone.

The evil eye tribe has now left their original place of residence and scattered.

In the valley next to the lizard camp, there is an evil eye tribe living there.

Evil eye tribe?

The evil eye tribe of this era is a real scientist and great wizard.

If it weren't for the long-term unrest that led to the loss of a large number of their technologies later, the evil eye tribe would definitely have surpassed the elves and become the strongest race.

Hardy is quite interested. He wants to trade some spells of this era from the evil eye tribe.

As a half-researcher, Hardy is also very interested in new magic theories.

"Then let's go and have a look."

Hadi nodded, left the town and headed north.

After walking for more than four hours, he found the place where the lizardmen lived, a group of small thatched houses that were tilted from side to side, and some strange square earthen houses.

Hadi did not alarm the lizardmen, but bypassed it and headed east.

Then he came to a valley and stopped here.

Because when he arrived here, he had already sensed a powerful source of magic in the valley.

And the other party seemed to have discovered Hadi and was "walking" here.

Half a minute later, a huge eyeball appeared in the air in front of Hadi.


"Why are there such powerful humans!" (End of this chapter)

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