Hardy did not expect that the light ball used for lighting outside was actually made by Aya.

But it's normal to think about it. It's not too exaggerated for the future goddess of light to be able to do such a thing.

"Is Aya also in this city?" Hadi asked anxiously.

Mirage looked at Hadi's excited look and asked with some confusion: "Do you know this Aya?"


"She left two years ago." Mirage looked at Hardy's slightly anxious look, and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart: "The world is such a big place, and you may not be able to find her if you want to find her."

"That's not difficult." Hardy was very mentally strong and quickly calmed down. He shook his head and said, "Just follow these cities that have installed lighting balls and slowly search for them."

"You are quite patient."

"Without information, we can only use stupid methods." Hardy stood up: "Thank you Lord Green Scale for the information, and thank you for the drink, it tastes very good."

Mirage also stood up and looked at Hardy: "I'm quite curious now. Why did you call me Mirage? There must be someone who looks very similar to me."

"Yes, I know a woman named Mirage who looks almost exactly like you."

"Almost?" Mirage smiled: "Does she have such beautiful horns on my forehead?"


"Impossible!" Mirage narrowed her eyes slightly: "Then what is the difference between her and me?"

Hardy subconsciously landed on Mirage's chest, then looked away: "She is more mature."

Although the mirages of the future are not turbulent, they are still people with gaps in their chests.

The current mirage is still in the form of a girl, and it can only be said that Xiao He has sharp horns.

Although Hardy's eyes fell on a certain part of the other party for less than half a second, with a woman's keen intuition, Mirage still understood the inner meaning of Hardy's words.

Then people suddenly become unhappy.

"Come on, you're not welcome here anymore." Mirage waved his hand unhappily.

Hardy smiled and left.

After Hardy disappeared, Mirage looked at his chest and snorted: "I don't know what I'm talking about."

Hardy came out of the City Lord's Mansion and walked towards his hotel.

He planned to rest for two days, buy some supplies, and then take a trip to the Red Clay Plains to see if he could meet Aiya.

If you don't come across it, search for it city by city.

After all, cities with lighting spheres installed should have information on which direction Aya left.

He walked half a block and then stopped.

The road ahead was cleared, and someone was waiting for him.

It's the Rausel royal family with horns.

Behind Russell, there were ten armored soldiers, three Nagas, four bone demons, and three tauren.

A real tauren, and a scalper.

Russell looked at Hardy with a half-smile, full of malice.

Ten soldiers behind him immediately walked over from the side, trying to surround Hadi.

But this time, Hardy made the first move.

The other party had made it clear that they came with malicious intentions and even wanted to surround him. At this time, if you foolishly let the other party do what you want, you would be the one who would be the unlucky one.

The green scale sword appears in the hand, charging... Fire Phoenix Sword Technique!

In just a moment of confusion, a yellow-haired tauren who was more than two meters tall was cut in half diagonally by Hardy.

Blood spurted out and flesh fell to the ground.

Russell and the remaining nine soldiers stayed for a while.

This was the first time they saw someone who dared to resist under such circumstances.

Not only did he dare to resist, he was so ruthless.

While these people were stunned, Hardy charged again towards another bone demon not far away.

Warrior professionals above the master level can activate charge skills multiple times in a short period of time.

At this time, the other party seemed to realize that the Bone Demon was also a practitioner of both magic and martial arts.

He had already drawn out his sword and shield. As soon as he held the shield in front of him, Hardy's attack arrived.

In this charge, Hardy did not attack with a sword, but directly shoulder-butted.

He and his shield were forced to retreat to the limit, and at an unexpected speed, they were knocked into the wall next to them.

The back of his body suffered a strong impact, and the Bone Demon's entire body was briefly in a state of 'dizziness'.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Hardy directly broke the opponent's neck with a sword.

The green scale sword is very sharp.

Although the Bone Demon's neck was protected by bone armor, he was still killed by the Blue Scale Sword.

Easily like cutting off a piece of tofu, without any feeling of resistance.

Hardy pushed the bone demon's headless body aside, and then took the small square shield on his left hand into his own hand.

As a former magic warrior, he is also very good at using a shield.

As soon as the shield was in hand, Hardy quickly chanted two buff magics.

"Conquer the enemy first."

"Strengthened shield defense."

To take advantage of the enemy is to improve one's reaction ability, and to be able to intuitively sense the opponent's attack trajectory.

This skill is generally only effective for dual cultivators, because the masters' frontal combat capabilities are very average and they don't have such a fast reaction speed.

Pure agility professions don’t need this magic gain, because their ‘intuitive dodge’ is more effective.

Only those with dual professions can use this ability.

As for shield defense enhancement, it means that when blocking with a shield, it can remove more of the enemy's strength.

In order to avoid being cut down by the heavy sword, if the left hand cannot block it a few times, the bones will be broken.

When Hardy finished chanting these two spells, the enemy finally reacted.

Lausel rushed over first.

It was the most basic starting gesture of the warrior system, charging.

With a crisp sound.

Hardy's left hand shield directly blocked the opponent's fierce charge and cut.

At the moment when the heavy sword hit Hardy's left hand small shield, a huge muffled sound was heard.

Even the space around Hardy seemed to be distorted by the huge sound waves.

Then the two sides fought together.

The weapons of both sides were wielded so tightly that even the traces could not be seen clearly.

Only the sound of ding-dong-dong was heard.

It was like the frequency of dense raindrops falling on the lake.

The floors around both sides had begun to crack.

The energy spread to the surroundings.

In such a fierce attack, eight soldiers wanted to rush over to join the battle, but as soon as they approached Hardy, Hardy quickly retreated a distance.

Lausel immediately caught up, and the two of them distanced themselves from the other eight soldiers.

When the eight soldiers saw this and stood up again, Lausel roared: "Get out of the way, this is my own battle."

While roaring, he was still able to swing the heavy sword in his hand as fast and light as a light sword.

At the same time, his expression became quite solemn.

The two sides attacked each other more than 30 times in just four seconds. At this time, after a crisp sound, the small square shield in Hardy's left hand broke.

After all, it was just an ordinary equipment. Even with magic enhancement, it finally broke after blocking more than 30 attacks from the opponent.

But the moment the small square shield broke, a large number of fragments attacked Lausel.

He roared, and a white halo appeared on his body, blocking all the metal fragments.

And Hardy took this opportunity to quickly distance himself from the opponent by about three meters.

He cast two buff magics on himself again.

"Speed ​​improvement."

"Physical strength improvement."

Lausel looked at Hardy suspiciously and asked, "Fire Phoenix Sword Technique, but you are not from the Rida family, where are you from!" (End of this chapter)

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