Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 779: Fina comes to visit

Hadi had been out of the city for several hours.

Before he left the city, he also asked the people in the tavern if anyone knew where the person who made the lighting ball had gone.

A merchant who had just arrived told him that the city where he was born also had a lighting ball half a month ago.

Half a month ago, that time was quite close...Hadi asked for the specific location, and after buying a map at a high price, he headed east.

According to the merchant, the city where Aya last appeared was not too far away. The caravan took half a month to walk, and a normal person took about ten days to walk. A professional like Hardy could only reach it in about three or four days.

If there was a nightmare mount, it would probably only take half a day.

What a pity.

After walking in the wild for seven hours, Hardy camped by a pond, picked up dead branches and leaves from nearby, lit a campfire, and dispelled the surrounding cold.

The water in the pond was very clear, but Hardy still didn't dare to drink it directly. He took out an iron kettle from the system backpack, fetched some water and boiled it on the campfire.

Let it cool down, drink it, and chew the dry and hard Guokui.

It has a unique flavor.

It was very quiet around, so quiet that it was a little scary.

There were no animal sounds, no wind or water sounds.

It seemed that everything in this world had stagnated.

A dead world, but if the power of the sun could be rekindled, it could still be saved.

So Hardy was also very curious, why Aya would choose to hold high the throne in the world of the world tree in the future, instead of reviving this world.

Hardy was thinking, and then turned his head to look into the woods.

In fact, it can no longer be called a forest, because all the trees have died.

There were sounds coming from there, and many footsteps.

Hardy pointed his finger and put out the campfire, and it became dark here again.

Then he followed the sound and sneaked over silently.

It was just a simple sneak, not a shadow walk like an assassin.

As he approached, the sound became louder and louder.

Most of them were strange roars and some animal-like screams.

Hardy quickly came to the periphery of the scene.

Then he saw dozens of lizardmen surrounding a white-haired girl.

Hardy took a closer look and was a little surprised.

Because the white-haired girl in the middle of the lizardmen was pretty and held a crystal ball in her arms.

This was nothing, he had seen many beautiful white-haired girls.

But this one was slightly different, her ears were long, like an elf, and her ears were covered with beautiful white feathers, like two beautiful small wings.

Her eyes were pupil-less, light blue, and looked a bit weird.

And the girl's appearance, Hardy recognized... It was the goddess of fate Fina.

But it was very different from the Fina he had seen.

That is, this girl was not stunning enough.

Fina was divine, that was an indescribable beauty, an aura, and even a regular beauty.

This girl was beautiful, but lacked the visual impact of Fina.

To give a simple example, if the charm value of the girl in front should have reached the highest level of human beings, 10 points.

Then the charm value of the goddess of fate Fina should be more than 15 points.

It can't be Fina who has not yet become a god.

When Hardy was thinking about this, he saw the girl in the field suddenly look at his position.

He was hiding behind a big tree, and it was still in the blind spot of the girl's observation.

But the other party looked over.

She even said to Hardy: "I found you."

Just as the girl was talking, the lizardmen who surrounded her attacked her.

The crystal ball in the girl's arms opened a circle of magic defense shield to protect her.

A dozen lizardmen rushed to the defense shield and knocked hard.

The defense shield appeared with ripples, and the color became lighter and lighter.

It seemed that it would not last long.

And the girl's face became a little pale!

It seemed that she had suffered a lot of mental damage.

Hardy took out an ordinary steel sword from the system backpack.

He was used to storing spare weapons and armor in his backpack, which was a habit left over from when he was a player.

Although he didn't have the Green Scale Sword, he still had other weapons available.

They were just not as sharp.

After casting a few buffing spells on himself, Hardy charged into the enemy group.

These lizardmen could bully ordinary people or ordinary spellcasters, but they had no way to deal with Hardy.

A minute later, the battle was over.

Hardy put away his sword, looked at the girl, and asked, "Why did you come to this place alone!"

"I came to find you." The girl looked at Hardy and said happily.



The defensive magic shield on the girl was gradually disappearing. She 'looked' at Hardy and said softly, "I saw a ball of nothingness falling from the sky. This is a fate I have never seen before, so I was very curious and came all the way here."

That's it.

Hardy remembered that Aya had said that her fate was not in Fina's web.

And now this girl who was suspected to be Fina had not yet become a god, and it was even more impossible for her to see her own fate.

"Now that you've seen me, what do you think?" Hadi asked with a smile.

The girl looked at him: "You can save this world of death."

Hardy laughed: "I can't. The only one who can save this world is the next goddess of light."

"No, she can't do it." The girl looked at Hadi and said, "I have seen her fate. She will turn into a fire, ignite herself, and light up the sky. But... that way, she is just lingering."

"She can't do it either?" Hardy was stunned: "Then who can?"

The girl shook her head: "No one can do it. This world is already dead. This is a destined fate."

Then she moved her lips and continued: "But you are different. Your destiny is nothing but full of infinite possibilities."

"What's your name?" Hardy asked suddenly.


She is indeed the future goddess of destiny.

Hardy looked at the other person up and down for a while, and then said: "The smell of blood here is too strong, and it's a bit cold. Let's talk somewhere else."

Fina nodded slightly.

Soon the two came to the place where Hardy was camping just now.

The campfire was rekindled.

Boiling water in a pot again, Hardy took out the dried meat and some noodles from his system backpack, cut them into small pieces, and poured them all into the boiling water.

When you go out, just deal with it casually.

Fina waited quietly, keeping her eyes on Hadi, as if she wanted to see something from him.

Soon, a pot of simple boiled noodles was ready.

Hardy took out the cutlery from his backpack, poured a bowl and placed it in front of Fina.

"Please use."

Fina held up the big bowl and smelled the aroma of the food. She laughed: "It's been a long time since I've eaten something so fragrant. Thank you." (End of Chapter)

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