Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 785: Reward for the Ear Feather Tribe

Hadi didn't know much about the Rida family.

After all, the Linde people in the human world, that is, the brave Ryan, didn't know much about the history of their family.

Not to mention outsiders.

"Let's take a break." Hardy opened his spiritual perception and confirmed that there were no other people around and the surveillance in the air disappeared, then said: "Make some food, and tell me about the Rida family."

Fina nodded.

Then the two sat in front of the campfire, eating noodles and chatting.

Fina liked this atmosphere very much.

The warm firelight and the boy who made her feel safe.

Sometimes she felt that if it wasn't for saving this dying world, the two of them would travel like this for a lifetime, eating and drinking everywhere, which would be a very happy thing.

Her eating movements were very elegant, and even when chatting, she could maintain a gentle eating posture.

Hardy was more interested in what she said about the Rida family.

At the beginning, the royal family of the demon world was only the Lausel family. Lausel means "king" in the common language of the demon world.

The ‘king’ ruled the whole world, and all races maintained a state of fighting but not breaking under their supervision.

For example, today the lizardmen ate a few bone demons, tomorrow the bone demons bit a few humans, and humans occasionally ate a few flame imps.

Although there were certain conflicts, overall, it was ‘relatively’ peaceful, and no large-scale wars occurred.

Then the ancestor of the Rida family suddenly appeared.

It was a life form from the elemental world, with a body made of blue fire, and it looked like a bird, calling itself Phoenix.

After it came to this world, it first set fire everywhere, burning the lives of many races, and finally transformed into a human-shaped male, and had many wonderful connections with beautiful women of various races.

One of the very beautiful bone demon women gave birth to a boy.

A baby boy who could use blue flames freely at birth.

After Phoenix named it ‘Rida’, he disappeared without a trace.

After the first generation of Rida grew up, he was very powerful, extremely powerful, and the Lausel royal family at that time was no match for him at all.

In fact, even... the princess at that time was taken away by the first generation of Lida, and then gave birth to the second generation of Lida.

This strong combination of blood created a more powerful Lida tribe.

The Lausel royal family also tried to hunt the Lida tribe. The two sides fought for nearly 30 years. Later, they found that although they could barely win, both sides would suffer great losses.

As a royal family and a politician, the Lausel family knows how to compromise.

It just so happened that the Lida tribe after the second generation also had royal blood, so they simply started negotiations and cooperation. Both sides, as royal families, monitored and managed the entire demon world.

It was better than both sides perishing together.

Since then, the Lida royal family was born.

It may be because the royal identity was "fought" by the Lida tribe. They highly advocated the use of force and were more warlike and bloodthirsty than the Lausel royal family.

At the same time, the blue flames they used seemed to have a natural special damage bonus to all races.

Hearing this, Hadi couldn't help but ask: "How bloodthirsty is the Lida royal family?"

"If you can't pay the tax, you will kill. If you don't pay enough, you will kill." Fina smiled bitterly and said: "When you are unhappy, you kill a few people and roast them. When you are happy, you kill a few people and roast them."


This is indeed a bit cruel.

"Don't you resist?"

"We resisted." Fina's face was bitter: "We, the Ear Feathers, Giant Wings, Succubi and humans once formed a coalition to kill a Lida royal family member who was alone outside at that time. As a result, he was killed and escaped despite the siege of more than 4,000 people. In the end, the Lida people began to kill our four tribes. If it weren't for the mediation of the Lausel royal family, our four tribes would have been killed by them long ago."

"Outrageous." Hadi shook his head in amazement.

He thought that the demon world would be in dire straits ten thousand years later, but he didn't expect it to be almost the same now.

At the same time, he was very curious about how such a bloodthirsty tribe split up later.

Moreover, the ‘Linde’ family that ran to the human world actually took it as their duty to hunt down the demon king.

“The feud between our Ear Feathers and the Daxta family was also formed at that time.” Fina thought of her own people, and she felt sad again.

They did not die in the reckoning of the Lida royal family, but were taken away by the afterglow of the sun.

It was really fate.

The two chatted for a while, and then they both lay down to rest.

Hadi set up a defensive barrier, and he was not completely asleep. If there was any disturbance outside, he would wake up immediately.

In contrast, Fina slept very deeply.

It can be seen that she trusted Hadi 100%.

Six hours later, the two woke up one after another, ate some simple ‘breakfast’ casually, and continued on their way.

Hadi still maintained a high level of vigilance, but for five consecutive days, no enemies came to disturb him.

Then they finally came to the city that Fina mentioned.

Basov City.

A human gathering place.

Hadi could see this city from afar, because there was a bright light rising into the sky, which was very obvious in the darkness.

Hadi came to the city gate, and the guard stretched out his hand to Hadi: "Head tax, one silver coin per person."

The demon world has always implemented a metal currency system.

Hadi had exchanged a lot of money for dried meat before, and now he directly put two silver coins into the guard's hand.

The guard looked at him, then at Fina next to him, with a look of surprise in his eyes, and then said: "Double for aliens, you have to add another silver coin."

"I am the Ear Feather Tribe, and I don't need silver coins to enter the human city."

The Ear Feather Tribe used to be a large tribe, a 'strong' tribe.

Humans are relatively weak, and they dare not collect city entry taxes from the Ear Feather Tribe.

But now the guard said very proudly: "But there are no Ear Feather Tribes now. Even if there are, there are only a few, and you are already weak. You should be thankful that we humans at least don't treat you as slaves, but it's hard to say about other races."

Fina's expression was livid.

But it must be said that what the guard said made sense.

And several guards next to him also approached, seeming to be ready to move.

Hadi didn't want to make trouble, so he put another silver coin in the guard's hand.

The guard looked at Fina with some regret, and then said to Hadi: "For the sake of this lord, I will give you some information. Six days ago, a foreign race was in our city and issued a bounty order. Whoever can catch a female of the Ear Feather Tribe can get a gold coin... Please come in."

Fina subconsciously moved closer to Hadi when she heard this.

And several guards made way.

Hadi took Fina into the city. The city was not as prosperous as the Lord of Qinglin, but it also had a sense of order.

But the two of them had not walked a few steps when they felt that many people around were staring at Fina, looking at her long white ears.

Looking at her eagerly.

"Stay close to me, don't get separated."

Hadi held Fina's soft little hand tightly. (End of this chapter)

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