Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 794 We are allies

Fina looked at Aya, her snow-white hair falling on her shoulders. She asked in confusion: "What do you mean I don't know my own weight!"

"That's right, at least in my opinion." Aya looked at Fina, her beautiful blue eyes full of helplessness: "When you are unhappy, you will get angry with Hardy, quarrel with him, and make him upset. In my opinion, this is not knowing your own weight."

Fina snorted: "I am a prophet... I am very valuable to Hardy."

"How valuable?" Aya looked at her and sighed: "How many times has Hardy actually agreed with your predictions!"

Fina was speechless and looked a little confused.

In fact, she knew that Aya was right.

"In fact, you are very capable and beautiful." Aya blinked her big eyes, looking very cute: "If you are a little gentle, it would not be Judy who is accompanying Hardy now, but you."

Fina widened her eyes, as if she thought of that scene, and her face gradually turned red.

Because she did see some strange pictures in the prophecy, although there was no frontal view of Hadi, but... she knew it was him.

But then Fina reacted, and she asked in confusion: "Why are you helping me like this?"

Because it was unreasonable, after all, she could see that Aya also liked Hadi, and liked him very much.

The Ear Feather Tribe is a rare race that practices monogamy in their instinctive consciousness.

Only when one spouse dies or disappears for a long time, the other spouse will have the possibility of finding a new love.

So, Fina actually doesn't like Hadi's "fickleness".

Aya smiled generously and openly: "Because you met Hardy before me."

"Just because of this?"

Aya walked to the chair and sat down. She folded her hands on the back of the chair, rested her chin on her arms, and smiled: "That's why. I thought you were Hardy's woman before, so I took a roundabout way, but now that Judy has taken the lead, there is no need for us to fight openly or secretly. Let's join forces."

"Fight openly or secretly?" Fina asked in surprise: "Have we ever fought?"

In her impression, the two have always been in harmony.

Aya gave her the feeling of a very well-behaved and caring sister or younger sister.

Looking at Fina's surprised expression, Aya smiled and said: "You... If you hadn't met me, I don't know how other women would have died."

She sighed with some regret.

Fina was even more confused.

"Forget it, it's actually quite good for you to be like this." Aya shook her body gently and smiled: "Luckily it's you, if it was any other woman, I might not be able to win. For example, Judy, she was quietly pushed to the finish line."

Fina's mind was still a little confused.

"Don't think so much." Aya narrowed her eyes and said: "Now we have to stand on the same side, otherwise we might lose."

"Will we lose?" Fina shook her head vigorously: "Impossible, impossible! In my prediction..."

Aya snorted: "Hadi can crack your prediction, he ignores your prediction."

This sentence sank Fina again.

"That is to say, under the influence of Hadi, the future you foresaw will change." Aya said with some concern: "In fact, I asked Hadi before. You predicted that most of us would live a miserable life. I escaped from this city in an undignified way. But now... we are the masters of this city. We live comfortably and happily. But this means that your prediction is not so absolute."

Fina subconsciously asked: "What should we do?"

Although she felt a little uncomfortable with the picture in the prophecy, she was actually looking forward to such a future in her heart.

When she thought that such a future was gone, she was a little anxious.

"Have you noticed that Hadi has a strange closeness and estrangement to us!" Aya whispered.

Fina frowned slightly: "Don't you think this is a bit contradictory?"

"It's not contradictory." Aya pointed to her chest: "I can feel that Hardy trusts both of us! Much more than other people."

Fina thought for a while and said: "It seems to be the case."

She also felt that Hardy trusted her and Aya very much.

Aya sighed slightly and said: "But Hardy has a strange defense against us. He doesn't have much physical contact with us."

Fina recalled the first time she met Hardy, and then until now, and then a flash of inspiration came to her, and she couldn't help exclaiming: "I said why I always felt a little awkward before."

When she was alone with Hardy before, she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't find it.

Now that Aya reminded her, she understood.

Hady has been avoiding physical contact with her, whether intentionally or not.

This is very unreasonable.

She is very beautiful, and Hardy is a normal man.

When the two were walking in the wild, they were obviously alone, so even if they didn't do anything, they should have some ambiguity.

But in fact, except for occasionally holding her hand on some rough mountain roads, Hardy kept a certain distance from her at other times.

Even when sleeping.

Aya smiled and said, "It seems that you finally figured it out."

Fina looked disappointed: "Why?"

Aya shrugged cutely.

"Does he treat you the same way?" Fina asked.

Aya smiled bitterly: "Same."

She had always wanted to get close to Hardy, but whenever she wanted to do so and was about to create some small accidents, Hardy would distance himself from her.

She was a great beauty, and Fina was also a great beauty.

She didn't take advantage of him even though he was sent to her?

She even doubted whether Hardy didn't like women.

It made her quite distressed and uncomfortable.

But now Judy sacrificed herself to eliminate this possibility that frightened her.

Aya was actually very happy now.

"What should I do next?" Fina asked.

Aya thought for a while and said, "No need to do anything. Just get along with each other and slowly understand why Hardy doesn't contact us, and then eliminate this reason."

"Okay." Fina nodded, and then asked, "Aya, you are so beautiful, many people like you, why do you want to hang on to Hardy, you can choose someone else..."

Aya interrupted Fina's words: "Why don't you choose another man!"

"I..." Fina was speechless.

Aya sighed lightly: "Although I am a farm girl, I am actually a bad woman, with a lot of thoughts. Fina... We are friends, and even more allies. Don't let me hate you, otherwise I will be bad and have no bottom line."

When she spoke, there was a little bit of golden light in her blue pupils.

Looming. (End of this chapter)

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