Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 803 Your head is also a message

Larrigan felt that his family had paid enough attention to their goal, the southern city of Basov.

But now it seems that they still didn't pay enough attention.

Even his father still misjudged them.

In their speculation, the human city in the south should have some strength and could consume a lot of their manpower.

But the gap between the two sides is still a big gap.

And the reason why they want to find allies is not that they don't have the confidence to beat humans, but they want to minimize casualties and preserve their strength to deal with the malice from the royal family.

But now, they were actually "checked" by humans first!

They were beaten by a weak race!

If this matter gets out, Dolan, a member of other races, will not believe it, and may even think that the bone demons are doing something weird and performing a political drama.

"Why, why do you dare to attack first." Larrigan looked at the huge evil eye floating down from the sky: "Relying on this lord of the evil eye tribe? He is indeed powerful, but my father is not easy to mess with either. After all, he is the Lord of the Bone Demon. You only have one evil eye tribe. As long as you can contain him, the rest of you will die."

Hardy smiled and said, "That may not be the case."

His current strength is only one step away from becoming a legend, and he may become a legend at any time.

In the demon world, with the fall of the sun god, the strength of the high-end combat power of the entire demon world has been affected to a certain extent.

After all, the problem of elemental chaos has a great impact on everyone.

And because of the E.P.R mental power theory, he was not affected much.

Therefore, there are people in the entire demon world who he cannot beat, but not many.

It should mainly be concentrated on the demon world royal family.

Not to mention the Rida family, the Lausel who met in the first three months was a very difficult opponent.

Larrigan looked at Hardy's calm appearance and couldn't help but snorted in his heart.

She couldn't stand Hardy's arrogance in her heart, but she didn't dare to show it because the situation was stronger than people.

The huge eyeball fell to the ground, and then a strange spiritual power emanated from the former's body.

The human side was not affected, but all the bone demons groaned, feeling as if their brains were stirred by needles.

This was the mental shock that Morado cast against the bone demon race, only attacking the mental power of a specific frequency band.

Originally, Morado had no way to achieve such a precise "attack", she could only cast a full-band mental shock against all intelligent creatures.

After learning the E.P.R mental theory from Hardy, she could do this.

And in this way, because the attacking mental power frequency band is more concentrated, the power is also stronger in disguise.

Morado attacked the mental power of the bone demon, confirmed that they cast the same method in a short period of time, and then walked out of the outer body.

In fact, more than 30 people on the human side have all seen Morado's true appearance.

But for Larrigan, it was the first time she saw the true appearance of the Evil Eye tribe.

She touched her head, even though her head hurt so much, the moment she saw Morado, the flames in her pupils jumped like an earthquake.

The true appearance of the Evil Eye tribe... It was the first time she had seen it in her life.

Didn't the Evil Eye say that it would not show its appearance in front of outsiders!

Why did she do that?

Is she very confident in her own strength?

But Larrigan could feel that the strength of the Evil Eye tribe without the outer body had dropped by at least 50%.

It was only a little bit higher than herself.

In other words, Morado was not that strong now.

So who did she trust... Larrigan's eyes turned around and finally fell on Hardy.

It must be him.

A human?

This was even more incredible.

At this time, Morado put her hands behind her back, stepped lightly, and hopped to Hardy. She said happily: "Now their mental power is affected by me. No matter what you ask, they will answer truthfully."

Larrigan was more and more horrified.

What the hell is this!

Why would this powerful evil eye tribe show such a girlish posture in front of a human.

Are they a couple?

Is this reasonable!

From Larrigan's perspective, the relationship between Morado and Hardy is very unreasonable.

It's like a beautiful elf saint married to a short and weak goblin.

It's almost that feeling.

Although there are no elves now, the meaning is no different from this.

At this time, Morado looked like she was asking for credit.

Hardy reached out, touched her hair, and smiled: "Well done."


Morado laughed happily.

And Larrigan watched from the side, not knowing what expression to use to express his shock.

At this time, Hardy walked up to Larrigan and asked, "What do you want to do when you go out of the city to the east this time?"

"We plan to form an alliance with the lord in the east."

After saying this, Larrigan looked ugly, and felt as if she had eaten shit.

She obviously didn't want to say it, but she couldn't control her mouth and said what was in her heart.

This kind of mental control method is actually not very powerful, and can only be used on people who are much weaker than her mental power.

And targets with similar mental strength will hardly be affected.

But it is still very useful when used at the right time and under the right circumstances.

For example, now!

Hadi asked again: "Are you forming an alliance to deal with our Basov City?"

Larrigan obviously didn't want to say it, she began to mobilize her mental strength, trying to eliminate the influence on herself.

But unfortunately, it had no effect at all.

Two seconds later, Larrigan slowly said: "Yes, it is to deal with Basov City."

"Why?" Hadi was also quite surprised: "You bone demons are already very strong, why do you want to unite with other forces to deal with us, is it necessary?"

"Because we don't want to consume too much manpower." Larrigan bit her lips hard, blood flowed from the corner of her mouth. She wanted to use this method to regain her control, but it was still useless: "We suspect that the royal family has evil intentions towards us, so we must be prepared for both situations."

Hadi understood that the royal family is not only killing with a borrowed knife, but also dancing with a sword, aiming at Pei Gong.

But this is reasonable. So-called politicians are almost like this.

Hardy is now a qualified politician.

He smiled slightly and said, "I see. Then, dear Ms. Larrigan, how about we make a deal?"

"What deal?"

"You can't make the decision on this matter. I need to talk to your father." Hardy pointed to the city in the distance: "So you have to be responsible for sending a message and ask your father to come out and meet us."

"You are dreaming!"

Hardy laughed: "It's a good thing for people to have dreams. You can send a letter to inform your father. If you don't want to, I don't mind sending your head over. It can also express that I need the surface meaning, and he should come out to meet me!" (End of this chapter)

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