Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 809 No other



Hardy looked embarrassed, but helpless.

After the Bone Demon Lord stood still for more than ten seconds, he finally spoke.

As soon as he made a sound, he burst into laughter.

He had never found anything so funny.

Laughing till tears came out.

After a while, he wiped the corners of his eyes and said, "Sir, you are quite humorous and quite narcissistic."

Hardy also felt distressed: "Although it sounds ridiculous, it is the truth."

"Lord Green Scales was already very famous hundreds of years ago." Nezan's eyes were full of smiles: "There is a prince from the royal family of Lauser who fell in love with Lord Blue Scales. It is indeed a fact. I have also heard about it. . But what you mean is that Lord Qinglin has fallen in love with you, which is too..."

Hardy said seriously: "I didn't say that Lord Bluescale fell in love with me, I just said that she is our ally. My relationship with Lord Bluescale is very pure, just an ordinary friendship, but Russell Prince, it was obvious that he had misunderstood, and that’s why this happened.”

"I don't think this is possible!"

"Then how do you explain that Prince Russell would target our small human city?"

Nezan thought for a while and said, "Maybe it's your human genius that inspired the other person's jealousy?"

"He is just jealous that the Blue Scale Lord looks at our Basov City differently." Hadi said calmly: "If you don't believe it, you can ask someone to check outside. Now the Blue Scale Lord is still a guest in our territory. Woolen cloth."

Nezan's smile gradually disappeared, and he suddenly felt that Hardy was not joking or telling a lie, because it was unnecessary.

Basov is not too far away from here. If you want to investigate, it will only take five or six days to get the results.

Besides, as a strong man, Hardy had no need to lie about this kind of thing.

Then Nezan felt it was ridiculous: "If you didn't tell lies, then the Russell royal family wanted us to fight over this?"

"It can't be said that it's a good thing to kill three birds with one stone." Hardy smiled: "That prince still has some pursuits."

Weaken the Bone Demon, defeat your love rival, and finally take all the resources of both parties into your palms.

This is Russell's wishful thinking.

The spiritual fire in Nezan's eyes gradually changed from lavender to dark red.

This is one of the signs that they are angry.

After a while, he snorted: "Then what do you think? We can't disobey the royal family."

Hadi smiled and said: "Actually, Lord Nezan made a mistake. The order you received was not from the royal family. It should have been from the royal family. Do you understand?"

Although the royal family and the royal family sound similar, they represent completely different meanings.

The Crown refers to an institution.

The royal family is an individual, or a plurality of individuals.

One is power, the other is a personal title.

Nezan nodded: "Your Excellency guessed it correctly. What we received was indeed a verbal order, not a royal announcement."

"Then we don't have to pay attention to the orders given by the royal family."

Nezan snorted and said, "But the one who gave the order was the eldest prince, and he is the future crown prince."

"The future prince!" Hardy laughed: "He is not even the prince now, let alone the future king. Besides, you should also know that the current king is in the prime of life."

The Russell royal family is also a long-lived race. Although it is only more than 300 years old, which is not comparable to the elves, it is also a long-lived race.

The current king is only over 70 years old, which is equivalent to a human being of 28 years old.

He can still stay on the throne of the king for a long time.

Nezan looked at Hadi: "What you mean is that the eldest prince may not be the future king. It is indeed possible. But the question is, can we disobey the eldest prince's order and do us any good? And you don’t have to do anything, just leave everything to us, is this what you mean?”

His eyes were full of ridicule.

"We have no intention of completely staying out of the matter." Hardy said with a smile: "After all, we are both victims of this matter. If there is a fight, no matter who starts it, the final result will not be good."

Nezan nodded, and then sighed: "It doesn't matter if I fight, or if I don't fight, it's difficult."

Attacking Basov City...the two monsters in front of them can cause them heavy losses. If Lord Green Scale is really a guest in Basov, things will become even more unending.

But if they don't fight, the Bone Demon Clan will face strong pressure from the royal family.

"Actually, we can change our thinking." Seeing that Nezan didn't speak, Hardy said: "We just need to make the eldest prince stink and make him lose his competitiveness in the royal family, isn't that enough? You know, Russell There are more than twenty princes or princesses in the royal family who are qualified to become princes. "

"You mean, I join a prince's power?"

Hardy smiled but said nothing.

Nezan just asked the question subconsciously. In fact, he already had the answer in his heart.

"But no prince would accept a force that suddenly wants to join for no reason."

Mainly to keep spies and spies.

Hadi said nonchalantly: "So at times like this, the vote is very important. Just go and destroy the powerful organization of a great prince, and then find a certain prince, wouldn't it be enough?"

"A force that is very helpful to the eldest prince?" Nezan was stunned for a moment, and then subconsciously said: "The Minotaur in the west is a good target."

The names of Minotaur and Minotaur look very similar. Under the influence of convergent evolution, they don't even have much difference in appearance.

But Minotaur and Minotaur are indeed two different races.

The core is completely different.

Minotaur is a native creature of the demon world, belonging to the demon race, bloodthirsty and barbaric, violent and ruthless, and can use magic.

Minotaur is a half-orc in the human world, with a relatively mild personality.

It is a warrior race and is good at farming.

"We can reach a cooperative relationship." Hardy said with a smile: "Conquer the Minotaur in the west and weaken the power of the prince, then you will have a letter of surrender, and you can also occupy one more city. It is also a good thing to kill three birds with one stone, do you want to do it?"

Minotaur is very strong... It is indeed very difficult to break through those two cities.

But with these two giant creatures, it is completely different.

After all, all super-large creatures are essentially good at siege.

Whether it is a fear demon or a giant flame demon.

"I have to say that you are very good at bewitching people." Nei Zan looked into Hadi's eyes and said, "But how can I guarantee that you won't betray us? What if you suddenly stab us in the back at a critical moment? That would be a big problem for us."

"I can't make you believe it, so you can only gamble." Hadi shrugged.

Without the gods, even writing a contract is impossible.

Nei Zan sat there without saying anything. After a while, he suddenly said, "If you can invite Lord Qinglin to come over and let her be a witness, we can make a verbal agreement."

"Why call Lord Qinglin?"

"Because she is the most trustworthy person in our world!" Nei Zan paused, then continued, "No one else!" (End of this chapter)

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