Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 814 Your reaction was also calculated

The whole world is dark, so it is boring.

The sun has just fallen for about three years, so supplies are not as scarce as they will be in ten thousand years.

There are still many dead trees and weeds in the wild that can be used to burn.

The air is not as turbid and full of poison as it will be in ten thousand years.

Hardy stood at the window, looking at the sky in the distance.

Actually... I can't see anything.

He just habitually looks into the distance when thinking.

Nei Zan, the Lord of the Bone Demon, did not rest either. To be honest, he was a little nervous to be in the same corner with a powerful "ally".

After all... the bone demon is a magic profession, and its melee ability is not very strong.

Although there are many detachment magics that can allow him to burst out terrible speed in a short period of time and distance himself from the enemy.

But who can guarantee that the enemy does not have a faster and faster ability.

Just the ability of gigantism, Nei Zan now feels that Hardy is a bit mysterious. After all, they summoned the nightmare warhorse, but how come they made it, and it became stronger than the original in the hands of others?

He walked behind Hadi and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I'm thinking that this world can still barely function now, but in ten or a hundred years, when the materials outside are consumed, how will the creatures in this world live?"

Nezan heard this and said with a smile, "You are worrying too much."

"Why do you say that?"

"The sun will rise again." Nezan said with a smile, "The strong men of the whole world have gathered in the Red Earth Plain, whether they are the royal family or the strong men of other forces. They are trying to snatch and analyze the sun godhead. In five or six years at the shortest, or ten years at the longest, someone will hold up the throne and hang the sun above the blue sky."

"Well, this is very likely." Hadi smiled.

According to the time and space he came from, someone did hold up the throne, but it was not those so-called strong men, but an underage girl.

But according to the fate that Fina said now, Aya did not succeed in holding up the throne.

In other words, the so-called fate is actually changing all the time.

It depends on how you choose and to what extent you can do it.

"Come to think of it." Hadi suddenly said: "Since most of the strong men have gone to the Red Soil Plain, why don't you go there, Lord Nezan?"

Nezan shook his head: "Forget it. If the Lida royal family doesn't go, I might still have a chance, but the strongest of the Lida royal family, Moliwola, has already gone there, so I won't join in the fun. If it doesn't work well, people will die."

The Lida royal family, because of their special blue flames, has a special damage bonus to magicians and can directly burn magic power, so they are very domineering.

They are the nemesis of magicians.

And among the high-level professionals in the demon world, except for pure warriors, who doesn't know a few magic tricks.

Therefore, the Lida clan, which can restrain magic, is the natural enemy of pure magic races.

Hadi smiled and didn't persuade him anymore.

Nezan looked at Hadi and said, "It's been two days now. According to estimates, the lord will be here soon."

"In fact, I think you know the lord of the minotaur quite well."

Nezan shook his head: "I just know him, but I don't know him well."

Hadi was about to say something else... At this time, Nezan looked out the window and smiled: "He's here just when I was talking about him."

In the darkness, a group of people came over.

The leader was a very strong minotaur.

In fact, the minotaur race is larger than humans, but it is not particularly huge in the demon world.

But their muscles are quite developed, and they also have some innate magical abilities.

It is also a very powerful race.

These minotaurs walked into the store, and the noise started below.

Nezan smiled and said, "It's our turn to go on stage."

Hadi nodded, checked the equipment in his system backpack, and after confirming that it was correct, he followed Nezan down.

The two came to the hall, and then saw a larger minotaur in gorgeous clothes standing in the middle of a group of minotaurs.

The other party had a similar face to a human, but with more hair, and looked like a bearded face.

Hearing the footsteps, these people moved their eyes over.

The minotaur lord's eyes fell on Hardy first, his eyes burst into brilliance, and he nodded subconsciously with satisfaction.

Then he saw Nei Zan, and his face suddenly became difficult.

"It turned out to be you!" The minotaur lord snorted: "You actually have the nerve to come to my territory."

Nei Zan smiled and said: "Tolkien, don't be so cold. I'm not bringing your favorite little thing to apologize to you."

"Human!" The minotaur lord named Tolkien looked at Hardy's face and said, "Don't think that this kind of thing can offset your hatred of stealing your wife."

Hardy couldn't help but click his tongue when he heard this.

This Nei Zan is really a tough guy. He said he didn't know Tolkien, but he didn't expect that they were old acquaintances.

Although there seemed to be some grudges.

"What do you want?" Nei Zan stood a little further away, spread his hands and said, "This human is a good thing that I have been looking for for a long time."

Tolkien snorted proudly, "Don't think that one is enough. You have to find at least two, and they have to be at least this level of good stuff."

A group of minotaurs laughed nearby, and the sound was very obscene.

Their race has a tendency to kill both men and women.

Hardy stood aside, keeping a straight face the whole time and saying nothing.

But this appearance gives outsiders a feeling of being at a loss as to what to do.

"Okay, I will continue to help you keep an eye on it." Nezan then looked at Hardy: "Go over and show your face and body to Lord Tolkien, and remember to make him satisfied."

Hardy walked over slowly.

Tolkien watched Hardy approach.

As the distance got closer, Hardy's ridiculously handsome face fell into everyone's eyes.

Many minotaurs lick their lips subconsciously.

And Hardy walked up to the Minotaur.

When he was about to speak, he found that Tolkien's eyes suddenly widened, a long knife appeared in his hand, and he slashed directly at Hardy.


There was a loud bang.

Hardy drew his sword from the system backpack and blocked the opponent's attack.

"Nezan, your plan has been exposed." Tolkien laughed loudly: "Do you think I didn't put spies in your city? You were just surrounded."

He laughed arrogantly and waved his sword.

Amidst the intensive sound of iron strikes, Hardy blocked all the opponent's attacks.

"When did you become smart in this business..." Nezan asked calmly.

"I have always been very smart." Tolkien sneered: "Nearly a thousand troops have been deployed outside, as well as a large number of masters. You can't escape."

At this time, Nezan also smiled: "Is there a possibility that your reaction was within our expectations?"

Tolkien's eyes widened slightly! (End of chapter)

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