Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 820 You bastard, don't come back if you can.

Hardy went back to the camp while sitting in his outer body.

When he came out of his outer body, he was naturally warmly welcomed by Judy and others.

In contrast, the expressions of the bone demon captives were a little hard to describe.

Because Hardy's return meant that they could go back, but it also proved one thing, that they were captured in vain.

The lord had no intention of holding the kidnappers accountable.

They were somewhat resentful in their hearts.

If they were kidnapped by other races, such as fear demons, or minotaurs, etc., they could accept it.

After all, these powerful races kidnapped them, and they could accept it more or less in their hearts.

Now they were kidnapped by a "barbaric" race, which made them extremely unhappy.

After all, humans are only worthy of the same level as lizardmen. When did they offend their bone demon race and leave in a swagger?

Among these bone demons, the only one who was unique and different in his heart was Larrigan.

"Okay, you can leave." Hardy waved at the captives: "You have suffered recently, but there is no compensation."

The bone demons seemed to want to say something, but looking at the evil eye floating in the sky, they had to keep all their words in their hearts.

They turned and left.

Larigan walked to Judy and whispered: "Remember your promise to me."

"Of course." Judy nodded and smiled: "I will be in Basov, waiting for your arrival."

Larigan left with satisfaction. Before leaving, she looked at Hardy for a few seconds.

Of course, because her face was equipped with bone armor, no expression could be seen.

After a few seconds, she also turned and left.

Judy came over and asked: "Hadi, is the matter here over?"

Hadi nodded: "Yes, we can go back, and there will be a period of stability in the future."

"Sorry, we can hardly help at all." Judy said apologetically.

Indeed, when they followed out, most people had already believed that they would die.

It was just that they didn't expect that, apart from helping to guard the captives, they were not much different from those who were on a picnic.

This made them feel happy and a little disappointed.

After all, not many people want to be useless people who can't do anything.

Hardy waved his hand: "Don't say that, you helped us a lot."

Judy smiled bitterly, just taking this as comfort.

Seeing her like this, Hardy said: "Don't disbelieve it, now we have to receive the spoils."

Judy showed a puzzled expression.

"You will know if you follow." Hardy smiled at her.

After most of the day, Hardy took them to the outside of the Bone Demon Clan City, where several carts were already prepared.

Standing in the front was a bone demon wearing a black robe.

Judging from his figure, he should be a man.

The other party's eyes were full of disdain, but after seeing the huge evil eye floating in the air, he buried this emotion in his heart.

"Excuse me, is this Mr. Hardy?" The other party asked respectfully.

He looked down on humans, but facing the powerful evil eye in the sky, he had to put on a good show.

Hadi nodded: "Yes."

"The supplies our lord has entrusted are already in these carts." The bone demon continued to bow his head and said: "You can check it."

Hadi turned his head and looked at Judy and others: "Lift the tarpaulin on the cart and check the specific goods and quantity."

Judy and others immediately started to act.

Every time a cart was opened, there was a low exclamation.

This made the bone demon look a little proud, he liked the way these low-level human races had never seen the world.

But then he found that Hardy's expression was very calm, and he also restrained his proud attitude.

After a while, Judy came over and said, "Hadi, three cars are loaded with gold, two cars are loaded with magic materials, I don't understand much, two cars are loaded with several kinds of dried meat, estimated to be two tons in total, and the remaining car is loaded with very sharp swords."

"Okay, that's about it." Hadi smiled and said to the black-robed bone demon, "Thank you for your trouble, goodbye."

The bone demon nodded.

After Hadi left, he turned back to the city and took out a few gold coins from his bag.

The bone demon secretly deducted some of the gold coins from the two carts. Although it was just a drop in the bucket, it was already a huge sum of money for him.

"At least I can learn one more magic." The bone demon was full of joy.

Hadi led the team to Basov City.

Judy's expression was a little dazed along the way. She wanted to say something several times but stopped herself. Finally, she couldn't help asking, "Why did the bone demon tribe give us so many gold coins?"

In her opinion, the three carts of gold coins were the most valuable, enough to buy a city.

But in Hardy's opinion, the magic materials in the two carts are the most valuable and the biggest part of the spoils of this war.

Two carts of magic materials are not as valuable as the gold coins in six carts.

These carts are not equipped with livestock to pull goods, so they can only be pulled by people.

At this time, the role of more than 30 men is revealed.

Two people pull and one person pushes. Although it moves slower, it can still be pulled.

In the end, Morado felt that these people were too fast, so he put the "wind magic" on all the carriages, which made them move much faster and easier.

Even so, it took them nearly a month to return to Basov City.

And they came and went again and again, and two months passed.

The sky in Basov City is still so bright. Compared with the Bone Demon Clan, this place is like heaven.

And because the light was relatively sufficient, some land was reclaimed outside the Basov city wall and some food was planted.

At this time, it happens to be the time when the buds are sprouting, and they are green and green, which looks very attractive.

"Finally home!"

Judy looked at the familiar city wall with joy in her eyes.

The expressions of other people were similar.

They were happy, but the guards on the city wall were frightened.

The huge eyeball was suspended in mid-air. They saw it from a long distance, closed the city gate early, and notified the Lord's Mansion at the same time.

Hardy looked at the closed door, feeling quite helpless.

Just when he was thinking about how to go, Aya came to the city wall.

She first looked nervously at the evil eye not far away. Even though she was a farm girl, she had heard about various deeds of the evil eye.

For a weak race, this powerful magical race is a real natural disaster.

It doesn't even take much time for the other party to destroy a medium-sized city.

But then she discovered that the evil eye seemed to have no malicious intent. At the same time, with her sharp eyes, she quickly saw Hardy and others in front of the city wall.

"Ah, it's Hardy!"

Aya screamed excitedly, then she looked at the sky, then at Hadi, and ordered to the defenders: "Open the door."

"But... the evil eye!" The team leader on the city wall is an officer left behind by the former lord: "In case it has bad intentions."

Aya's face suddenly turned cold. She looked straight at the captain and said, "If he really has any bad intentions, can such a short city wall stop him? Besides... the people waiting below , don’t tell me, you don’t know.”

The squad leader looked a little embarrassed. He looked left and right, clenched and unclenched his fists, and finally shouted: "Open the door."

The city gate rumbled upward, and Hadi looked up and saw Aya, waving to her.

Aya waved back even more excitedly.

The convoy entered the city, and Morado drove his outer body and flew higher, hovering over the city, motionless.

In this way, she showed that she had no ill intentions towards the city.

Hardy entered the city and found that the whole city was quiet, and then he immediately understood that the people in the city were frightened by Morado in mid-air.

He said to Judy: "Transport all the carriages to the Lord's Mansion."

Judy nodded.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard brisk and rapid footsteps, and turned around to see a girl rushing towards him.

"Hardy, you are finally back. I miss you so much."

With a fragrant breeze, the girl threw herself into Hadi's arms and looked at her with smiling eyes. She didn't know how cute she was.

Judy smiled beside her and said, "Why, don't you miss me?"

"Of course I want to." Aya left Hadi's arms and hugged Judy again: "Sister Judy, if you are not here, we won't be able to enjoy our meal."

Ha ha ha ha! Judy laughed happily.

That's what Aya is good about. While she has a good character, her emotional intelligence is also very high.

Anyone can chat with her.

Then Aya pointed to the sky and asked: "Hadi, do you recognize the evil eye above?"

"Yes, we know her." Hardy looked up at the sky and said with a smile, "She is our friend."

Aya saw tenderness and affection in Hadi's eyes.

She curled her lips slightly: "She... turns out to be a girl."

"Don't be ridiculous." Hardy's emotional intelligence is not low. He touched Aiya's head and said: "Morado will eventually be one of our top combat forces and will also be the face of our Basov. Having her here will save us a lot of unnecessary trouble.”

"That's it..." Aya thought for a while, nodded and said, "Then I will respect her as Sister Judy."

"It should be like this." Hardy was very satisfied with Aya's answer, but he seemed to think that there was something else in Aya's words.

"Let's go back to the Lord's Mansion first," Hardy said.

"Okay." Aya jumped up and led the way: "Fina will definitely be very happy. She stands on the top floor of the tower every day, looking in the direction you left for two or three hours, and every day she wants to predict when you will come back. , but I can’t predict it.”

"Really?" Hardy smiled.

As soon as the group returned to the Lord's Mansion, they saw Fina standing at the door holding a crystal ball.

When she saw Hadi, her eyes turned red, but she quickly wiped away her tears and snorted: "It took me so long to come back, why don't I just die outside." (End of Chapter)

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