Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 824: Hold on

To be honest, Hardy was a bit unresponsive this time.

Armed caravans going to rob a city?

Or a medium-sized city with nearly 100,000 people?

It took Hardy a few seconds for this fact to disappear.

He couldn't understand how courageous these people must be to dare to do such arrogant things as armed merchants.

"Where's Aya?" Hardy asked.

"She's already watching from the wall," Judy said.

Hardy thought for a while and said: "I just thought about it and felt that something was wrong with this matter. Generally speaking, armed merchants are unlikely to be so bold. There must be something wrong."

Judy was stunned for a moment: "You mean... collusion between inside and outside?"

Hardy nodded: "So, you go find some trustworthy people and helpers. For example, the group of people who have been following Aiya before come over and bring them to the city wall. I will go and take a look first."

Judy, who never doubted Hardy's judgment, turned around and left immediately.

After Judy left, Fina walked out from the side.

"Would you like me to go over and help?" Fina was not holding the crystal ball at this time. Now she has much less time to predict. After all, it seems that it really doesn't have much effect: "I am also half a spell caster."

Although Fina is not good at pure offensive magic, she is very good at mental interference. After all, predicting the future requires strong mental power.

"That's okay. Come and take a look. It will also be good for your growth."

When Fina heard Hardy agree, the corners of her calm mouth immediately rose.

The two immediately set out for the city wall.

The city is not that big, so after ten minutes, they reached the top of the city wall.

Then we saw a very interesting scene.

A group of soldiers guarding the city surrounded Aiya and the others, while a squad leader was clearly standing in the leader's position, smiling ferociously.

There was a golden magic shield around Aiya and the others, protecting them.

Otherwise, the team leader would have arrested them long ago.

When Fina saw this, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "How could this happen? This scene was not included in my prophecy."

And her voice immediately drew the attention of everyone in front of her.

Seeing Hardy, both parties had different reactions.

Aya's eyes were filled with surprise.

The captain's eyes were filled with fear.

Before Aya could speak, the team leader spoke with a straight face: "Sir Hardy, I don't want to embarrass you, but you should also understand that the situation is over now, so you should surrender obediently."

At this time, the city gate was rumbling. Looking to the side, several guards had already begun to turn the winch of the city gate.

The city gate is rising little by little.

Hardy stretched out his hand without any hesitation.

Five black magic arrows directly killed the five soldiers who were 'getting up'.

Every magic arrow shot directly hit the head. Without a miracle, he probably wouldn't have been able to survive.

When the team leader saw this, his face turned ugly: "Sir Hardy, don't make a mistake."

Hardy ignored the man, didn't even look at him.

He walked to the wall and looked down.

In front of the city wall, there is a 'caravan'.

Although there are many carts, there are also many beasts of burden, a special creature that looks a bit like a giant lizard, but has two humps on its back.

And the leader of this caravan is a fear demon.

The others are all miscellaneous creatures, including lizardmen, bone demons, naga, and even a few humans.

Put together here and there, there should be about three hundred people.

The description of a caravan of three hundred people as an armed caravan is indeed very appropriate.

These people all have a certain degree of strength, but the real threat should be the fear demon.

But Hardy chuckled.

The fear demon below is a bit 'small'.

The wings are not fully grown. The head is only three meters tall and the body is more than four meters long.

Probably a sub-adult.

This group of people who fear demons has a custom.

Their young male children, when they are close to adulthood, will be kicked out of their homes and left to wander outside.

If he can occupy a piece of territory, it will prove to be a success. He is a talented child and will be focused on training in the future.

Of addition to occupying the land, there are also other tests, such as earning enough profits, which is also possible.

But now, this fear demon has gathered enough wandering individuals of different races, and then he has set his sights on this city of humans.

After all, humans are easy to bully.

Hardy turned his head, looked at Aiya, and said with a smile: "It seems that your recent actions have been discovered by them."

Aya smiled awkwardly.

There was nothing she could do about it, she was originally a farm girl, and Judy was not an amazing person before.

Although the two of them acted in a low-key manner, they didn't know how to cover up. However, the people who were about to be eliminated saw the clues and took the initiative to attack.

"What are your thoughts next?" Hardy asked: "Should we fire them or kill them?"

Aya was lost in thought.

At this time, the team leader glared at Hardy and shouted: "Your Excellency Hardy, please don't ignore us. Right now, Mr. Bator outside is the future lord of this city. You'd better surrender early. I can do it in Bato." Please protect your lives."

Fina frowned when she heard this.

She is different from Aya. As a woman who dares to wander alone in the wilderness, she has very good fighting ability and good character.

"Aya, don't hesitate any more." Fina took two steps forward and said seriously: "Every second you hesitate, Hadi will be more disappointed in you."

Aya's face changed immediately.

She looked at Hadi's seemingly expressionless face, and there was panic in her eyes.

"Hadi, I'm not soft-hearted, I'm just thinking... can I get more benefits from them."

Aya explained hurriedly.

In fact, Hardy was not angry. After all, in Hardy's view, whether it is a kind and soft-hearted woman or a courageous and valiant woman, as long as she is beautiful and kind-hearted, she is a good girl.

Aya is very good whether she is gentle or capable.

Hadi waved his hand: "It's okay, you think slowly, I'll go and deal with the people below first."

These humans have no way to cause any substantial harm to Aya and Fina.

They are essentially ordinary people.

And Aya was surrounded by them, just because of a personality that doesn't like fighting.

As long as these shortcomings are eliminated, Aya's future can go further.

Now Hadi is doing this, and he is also giving her this opportunity.

After saying that, Hadi gave himself a "slow fall spell" and then jumped directly from the city wall.

Seeing Hadi leave on his own initiative, the captain showed a happy look on his face, and he was still laughing at Hadi for not knowing his own strength and daring to fight the fear demon in his heart.

Then he looked at Aya, and was about to speak, but saw that Aya's eyes had changed.

It was no longer the feeling of gentleness with timidity before.

But... stubbornness and a kind of firmness that was supported by hard work.

"Hadi... doesn't like girls who are too weak." Aya nodded: "I understand!"

Then the captain's expression became a little horrified.

At this time, before Aya made a move, Fina took action first.

Several purple-black magic light balls pierced the bodies of several soldiers.

Fina's face was full of sneers: "Eating our food, using our things, and now you want to deal with us! Traitors should die."

Aya also took a deep breath and stretched out her hand.

Several short, tiny coronal ejections flashed on the city wall. (End of this chapter)

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