Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 827 Clumsy Means

The next morning, Hardy removed Judy's body from his.

Then he put on his clothes.

Looking at Judy who was still sleeping, Hardy knew that she probably didn't have the energy to eat breakfast.

There was no way. Without Morado's help to share the firepower, Judy had to work harder.

At the dining table in the main hall, Aya and Fina were already waiting for him.

Neither of them touched the breakfast in front of them. Seeing Hardy coming down, both of them smiled.

Aya looked at the stairs and asked, "Judy, isn't she going to eat breakfast again?"

Hardy nodded.

Fina couldn't help but say, "You don't love Judy at all. You torment her like this every day."

In fact, when Judy was in high spirits, she made a lot of noise, and her voice was very penetrating. The two of them could hear it clearly downstairs.

Aya's face flushed slightly, and she thought of the light kiss she had yesterday.

Hardy smiled and said, "But Judy likes it very much. You can't say Judy is unhappy."

Fina rolled her eyes at Hardy.

After the three of them finished breakfast, Aya imitated Fina and wiped her mouth with a white cloth, saying, "Hadi, the internal affairs officials have been reorganized. What should we do now?"

She felt that there should be more things to do next, but she couldn't think of it.

After all, she had not received much education and had not been a lord for long.

"How is the population of the city now? Have you counted it?"

Aya shook her head: "Not yet, but the population is obviously more than before, and the streets are much more prosperous."

"That means we have to prepare to expand the city." Hardy smiled and said: "By the way, how long does it take you to make a lighting tower like that?"

"It doesn't take long, but it requires concentration of strength." Aya thought for a while and said: "Now with the power I have concentrated, I can make seven."

Hadi estimated the "coverage range" of the lighting towers in the city, and then said to the head maid next to him: "Go get the map."

Soon, the map was placed on the table.

Hadi pointed twice at a large lake outside the city and said: "I plan to build a road leading to this lake, with two lighting towers in the middle as street lights. Then the other five lighting towers will be built around this lake."

"What are your plans?" Aya asked.

"Our city needs to expand, and before that, sufficient food resources are necessary." Hadi explained: "The population does not need so much food now, but we need to prepare for a rainy day. As a leader, we must be forward-looking."

Aya nodded repeatedly.

Fina asked curiously: "Hadi, you are familiar with some things. Have you been a lord before, or a lord's staff?"

Hadi smiled and said: "If I say that I once had three large territories, do you believe it?"

Fina naturally didn't believe it: "Boasting."

One territory is already very impressive, and three territories are the territory that only a great lord can have.

Hadi also forced her to believe herself, but continued to say to Aya: "What you have to do recently is to have people count the population, the resident population, and the approximate data of the floating population, and then go outside to build two high towers to lead the light to the edge of the lake. What happens next depends on the situation."

Aileen looked at Hadi with admiration, and she especially liked Hadi's powerful look.

Fina asked, "What did I do?"

"I kept trying to predict." Hadi said with a smile.

"I feel so useless." Fina was a little disappointed: "I always seem to be doing nothing."

Hadi shook his head and said, "Intelligence is very important. Although your intelligence source is not very stable, the intelligence you collect is unique. No one in the world can collect more timely intelligence than you, so you are also very important, understand?"

Fina's expression improved a lot.

Then Aya came over and whispered, "He said you are very important!"

Fina's face was pale at first, then cold, and she pulled Aya's face with both hands, saying unhappily, "You are the one who talks too much."

"Don't pull it, don't pull it, your face will break." Aya shouted.

Hadi ignored the fight between the two. After he finished breakfast, he left the city lord's mansion and came to the street.

He found an iron shop and walked in.

The owner was a Naga, who was very tall and muscular. At first glance, he looked like a person who had no worries about food and clothing.

In this dark age, being able to have enough food and clothing is a great skill.

Hadi looked around the environment of the store. There were not many ironwares in it, and they looked ordinary, not very sophisticated.

Naga came up and said neither humbly nor arrogantly: "Sir Hadi, may I ask what brings you to our store?"

Hadi's eyes fell on Naga and asked: "Do you know me?"

"A few months ago, when you took a group of women to attack the lord's mansion, I watched the whole process from behind." The other party laughed, and all four arms seemed to be a little out of place: "At that time, I thought you should not be human. Now it seems that you are indeed not a pure human."

"Why do you say that?" Hadi asked.

The owner smiled and said: "Because I can smell that there is a breath in your body that does not belong to humans."

"Your nose is so sharp?" Hadi was a little surprised.

There are also two female Nagas around him, and their sense of smell is not so good.

"Because I am also a mixed race." Naga shrugged helplessly: "My mother is a kobold."

Hardy was a little surprised, because there was no trace of the kobold on the other party.

"This is not the first time I have seen your Excellency's surprised look." The other party rocked a chair and said, "Please sit down."

Hardy waved his hand and said: "Shopkeeper, I remember that you have always supplied the weapons and equipment for the Lord's Mansion."

"Yes." The other party nodded: "So Mr. Hardy is here to talk to me about contract renewal?"

"Yes." Hardy looked at the weapons around him and said, "But I checked the account book and found that your weapons are very expensive and not cost-effective."

Naga said angrily: "That's not because the former lord's quartermaster was a corrupt official. He bought me a weapon for one silver coin and then gave him thirty copper coins as a rebate. I had to make do with the weapon materials. You have to do some tricks, otherwise you will lose money.”

"So what does your good weapon look like?" Hardy asked.

The Naga shop owner walked to the counter, opened the counter below, and took out a long sword.

The smooth and bright sword body is very eye-catching.

Even from Hardy's perspective, this is a good-grade weapon.

"It is indeed a good sword." Hadi gently stroked the sword and then asked with a smile: "So, when will you, the Naga tribe, attack this city?"

The shop owner Naga had a look in her eyes, and was about to fight back, but Hardy was faster, grabbed the opponent's head with his big hand, and knocked hard on the table.

Amidst the heavy groaning sound, blood spattered on the hard table.

Hardy pressed the other party's head, snorted and said, "I have been investigating you for several days. Do I really think you are hiding well?"

Naga wanted to struggle, but Hardy used magic. Several black magic ropes bound the opponent's body.

Naga turned around desperately, looked at Hadi, and asked, "Why did you discover my identity?"

Hardy sneered: "Your methods are too clumsy. Do you think that throwing out a traitor can interfere with my judgment?" (End of Chapter)

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