Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 871 Prove it

The seventh child of the Rida family... a young girl who has just come of age, sweet and crisp at the age of eighteen.

She has a golden high ponytail, and the whole person is very slim, but also tall enough, estimated to be a little over 1.7 meters.

The most important thing is that she has an intellectual temperament that most people in the Rida family do not have.

Qili is also very beautiful, but she is more energetic, and she is born with the "simpleness" of a warrior-type female.

But Claire does not have that, she is only elegant and intellectual.

So much so that Hardy mistakenly thought that she was a rare mage-type talent in the Rida family.

It was not until he saw the giant sword in her room that was nearly two meters high and thirty centimeters wide that Hardy realized that he had made the mistake of judging people by appearance.

"What's the problem? Can you tell me?"

Claire asked while putting two drinks in front of the two.

Looking at the yellow liquid bubbling in the cup, the third brother Yago asked in a cautious tone: "Seventh sister, what is this..."

"Oh, when the front-line team comes out to receive supplies, they will bring some things from the red soil plains." Claire said with a smile: "Some of the plants can be used to make tea, which is good for the body and tastes good."

The third brother Yago's expression suddenly became alert and examined the liquid in his hand.

Hadi sniffed it, and then cast a detoxification spell on the cup!

The essence of detoxification is actually a poison detection spell. If the detoxification spell has no reaction, it means it is not poisonous.

If there is a reaction, it must be poisonous. It's a very simple truth.

The liquid in the cup did not react.

But Claire on the other side had some reaction. Her expression was a little gloomy, and she said with a fake smile: "Sir Hardy, if I want to harm you, I don't need to use poison."

The men and women of the Lida family are all arrogant. In their opinion, in this world, except for another royal bloodline, no one else can be their opponent.

But her mood is actually good. She didn't have an attack. She was just a little weird. It was already a very good character.

Besides, doing this without knowing it was indeed unreasonable for Hardy.

So Hardy was not angry, but just smiled apologetically.

The third brother hurriedly explained: "This has nothing to do with Hardy. There is a reason why he is so cautious. It is related to what we want to tell you."

"Oh?" Claire's eyes narrowed again. She bent down slightly and said: "Sorry, I am too sensitive, Sir Hardy."

"It's okay, it should be." Hardy waved his hand

Seeing that Hardy didn't care, Claire also smiled.

Yago took this opportunity to start telling what happened before.

After more than ten minutes, Claire showed an anxious expression on her face, but she was still very stable. She bit her right thumb gently, thought for a while, and said: "If it is really as bizarre as you said, then we can't just go in casually."

The third brother nodded: "I think so too."

Claire rolled her eyes at him: "Third brother, you are not the kind of person who likes to think. It stands to reason that you will rush in regardless of everything. This must be what Mr. Hardy thinks."

The third brother rolled his eyes helplessly, but couldn't refute it.

Claire bowed to Hardy again and said, "Thank you for your help, Mr. Hardy. We will always remember your kindness and help."

"You are too polite." Hardy said with a smile, "Di Yago, Mura, and Qili are all my friends. It is natural for friends to help each other."

"You are very different from ordinary humans." Claire also chuckled, and then said, "You came from afar and fought two battles. I think it must be very hard. Rest here first. There are several empty rooms here. In two days, people should come out. You can ask about the situation then."

The two nodded.

They were indeed a little tired.

Hardy randomly chose a house to stay and rest.

There was a ready-made bed and bedding inside.

Hardy lay on the bed and soon fell into a state of light sleep.

He even set up a small trigger-type magic barrier around himself.

This is not a very safe place. He dared not put his safety in the hands of others.

After sleeping lightly for four hours, Hardy got up and removed the magic barrier.

After becoming a LV14 professional, his physical recovery speed has reached a level beyond that of ordinary people.

After just four hours of light sleep, his physical and mental strength have almost recovered.

If it is a deep sleep, it only takes about two hours.

This is also the reason why he can fight with many women until late at night every night, and still maintain sufficient energy.

He walked out of the room and saw many soldiers patrolling around.

The private elite soldiers of the Rida family are also very mixed. Many races have been recruited, and even a few humans are mixed in.

He observed the surrounding environment and found that this level is well set up. It is on a relatively high platform, and there are no trees or other strange environments around to block the view.

It is very suitable for defense from a high position.

Hardy was watching hard when he saw a woman in white clothes coming over.

It was Claire.

"Sir Hardy, are you awake so early? Don't you want to sleep more?"

Hardy smiled and said, "Four hours of rest is enough."

"Then can you please come with me, I have some small questions to ask you."

"No problem."

Come to Claire's room again.

The candles are lit in this room, the light is dim and orange, and there is a warm feeling.

There are not many decorations in the room. In addition to the bed and the counter, there is only one bookshelf.

There are only a few books on the bookshelf, which looks empty.

"Please sit down, Sir Hardy." Claire sat down first. She was wearing casual clothes. Although the fruit was not ripe, it felt heavy and shook gently with her movements: "Just now, the third brother said that you woke them up from their fanatical mental state?"


"Why are you not affected?" Claire's blue eyes stared straight at him.

"Because my mental power is strong." Hardy smiled and said, "So Princess Claire is doubting me?"

"It's just a little unbelievable." Claire explained, "Our Lida family is naturally resistant to negative spirits. The abilities of the third and sixth brothers are not outstanding, but they are not comparable to those of ordinary people, so..."

Hardy nodded. He understood what Claire meant.

"I can prove that my mental power is strong." Hardy thought for a while and said, "And I have some very special skills in the application of mental power, which is not something that ordinary people can do."

"Oh, then please prove it." Claire made a gesture of invitation.

Her hands were as white as jade and flawless.

Hardy turned his head and looked around, then said, "There is a book under your pillow, and there is a piece of cloth mixed in the pages. I don't know what the cloth is. Mental power is not omnipotent."

Claire blushed! (End of this chapter)

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