Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 886 Qili figured it out

Qili came back from the suburbs. Many people greeted her along the way, and she responded one by one.

Several "big shots" in the lord's mansion are very popular in Basov City.

Because they are all handsome men and beautiful women, and they are all kind-hearted.

When she returned to the lord's mansion, the maid told her that Hardy was back.

Qili's eyes lit up, and then she sighed, feeling a little gloomy.

She took a bath and was about to go to the kitchen to find something to eat when another maid came over and said, "Chili, the sheriff, Ms. Aya is waiting for you in her room."

"Okay, I'll be there in a while."

Qili smiled, took a piece of cake from the kitchen, and ate it while going up the stairs.

Not long after, she came to Aya's door, and after knocking gently on the door, a familiar voice came from inside: "Come in."

Pushing the door open, she was stunned, because in addition to Aya, there was also Fina in the room.

"Is there anything going on?" Qili entered the room and closed the door.

Aya sat on the bed hugging a pillow, she smiled and said: "Hadi is back, don't you want to go over and see him?"

Aya used to like to braid a pigtail, but now she prefers to braid a low ponytail, because she keenly discovered that when she combed a ponytail, Hardy's eyes would fall on her a little more often.

"Forget it." Qili smiled, her expression a little bitter.

She really wanted to see Hardy in her heart, but reason told her that she couldn't see that man too much, otherwise she would be more difficult to extricate herself.

But... she was reluctant to leave here.

This contradictory emotion made her very uncomfortable.

Fina sat on a chair on the side, the beautiful snow-colored fluff on her ears was moving slightly at this time, looking very cute.

"You look even more uncomfortable like this." Fina said a little irritably: "It doesn't matter whether you go in or out or not."

Qili likes to eat cake very much, but now...she doesn't have much mood.

But she was not angry either. Fina's words were indeed a little unpleasant, but they were also the truth.

"Do you want me to leave here?"

Fina slammed the table heavily: "I don't mean that. I just feel uncomfortable seeing you so tangled, okay."

Qili sighed faintly.

She was only a 15-year-old girl. She finally liked someone, but she didn't expect that the other person would have that kind of relationship with her mother in the future.

On one side was her first love, the white moonlight that lasted for a thousand years.

On the other side was her most beloved mother. She had no experience in this area and didn't know how to deal with it at all.

Aiya moved to Qili's side, took the latter into her arms, and gently stroked her smooth hair, saying: "Okay, don't be so uncomfortable, Fina and I will stand by you. No matter what your choice is, we will still be your friends."

It must be said that Aya has a gentle, maternal power that makes it easy for people to obey her and admire her at the same time.

She is obviously only sixteen years old, just a little older than Qili.

Qili felt much better. She turned her head and asked, "Fina, is there really no way to change fate?"

"I've said it many times. For now, only Hardy has this ability."

"Maybe I have it too." Qili's expression was a little stubborn.

Fina rolled her eyes helplessly. It must be said that if a person is beautiful, even if she rolls her eyes, it is pleasing to the eye: "Confidence is a good thing, but blind confidence is not desirable."

Qili's forehead was throbbing with veins when she heard it. She wanted to argue, but she didn't know what she thought of, and she suppressed her emotions again.

Aya said unhappily, "Fina, she is still a sister, don't tease her."

Among the three, Fina is the oldest.

Fina also fell silent.

Qili is confident, and Fina also has self-esteem.

As a prophet, she must value her own predictions very much.

No prophet likes his predictions to be broken or wrong.

Now there is already a freak like Hardy. If there is another one who can destroy fate, Fina will really be grateful.

Aya continued to stroke Qili's hair and whispered, "Actually, I think... even if the future is as predicted by Fina, there is nothing wrong with it."

"But my mother..." Qili blushed: "She was harmed by Hadi."

"Is she happy?"

Qili thought about it, and her face turned redder.

From the picture predicted by Fina and the sound heard at that time, mother Ilona was indeed very happy.

Looking at Qili's face, Aya said: "Since she is happy, you are also happy, why should you prevent such a future from happening?"

Qili immediately said: "But father..."

"Your father should have other women." Aya smiled and said: "Then it is not unforgivable for your mother to find another man occasionally."

Indeed, as the prince of the Lida family, Qili's father has many lovers, and there are more than a dozen illegitimate children.

Father can cheat, why can't mother cheat...wait, Qili suddenly found a blind spot.

She pouted and asked unhappily: "According to your theory, Hadi has so many women, you Aya can also find other men."

Aya smiled and said: "There is a tradition in our village that a woman can only have one man in her life. And I will never make Hadi unhappy and uncomfortable."

Qili looked at Fina.

Fina also immediately said: "Our Eryu tribe has had the same customs of women since ancient times."

"Then why do women from our Lida family have to steal people?" Qili said angrily: "You have double standards, okay?"

Aya smiled and said: "But... is there a possibility that even if you change your destiny, it will only change your own destiny, and then your seventh sister and your mother will still be Hardy's lover, and you One person is excluded!”

Hearing this, Qili's pupils kept trembling.

It doesn't matter that he has no connection with Hadi, but he is still excluded by his mother and sister?

The thought of such a thing made her feel terrible.

At this time, her head was a mess.

From a rational point of view, it is definitely wrong that his mother, himself, and the seventh sister have all become Hadi's secret lovers.

But... I don't know why, but she now feels that this future doesn't seem too bad.

And she also likes Aya and Fina, and also likes Judy and Neferti.

Basov City has a sense of warmth that Rida's family does not have.

Qili thinks it will be very comfortable to live with them.

However, she still couldn't get over the hurdle in her heart.

At this time, Aya continued: "Besides, the matter may be irreversible."

"What do you mean?" Qili's heart was filled with alarm.

Aiya said with a smile: "When Hadi came back, he told us about his recent experiences. He has already met your mother and seventh sister."

"How is it possible? Mother is in the royal city..."

Fina said with a smile: "It's too late, the gears of fate have already started turning."

Qili was stunned and didn't speak for a long time.

After a while, he buried his face in Aiya's generous chest: "I'm tired, let's destroy it."

Hardy naturally didn't know what happened between the three girls. He brought Neferti back from Morado the next day and met Qili.

At this time, Qili's mental state was obviously not right. When she saw Hadi, she walked up directly and poked Hadi's chest with her slender fingers: "Tell you Hadi, if you dare to let down your mother and us in the future, I will give it to you." Even if he dies, he will turn into an evil spirit and come to trouble you, haunting you every night, huh!"

Then she flicked her head, swept her long hair across Hardy's face, and was gone.

Hardy was confused for a moment, and then understood what the other person was talking about.

He didn't understand. Qili was obviously resisting this before, so why did she suddenly figure it out now?

Moreover, the matter of Ilona has not been settled yet.

It's too early to say this now.

At this time, Aya came over and said with a smile: "Hadi, has Qili become very cute like this?"

Hardy thought for a while, then looked at Aya and asked, "Did you do it?"

Aiya shook her head repeatedly: "I won't do those things, she figured it out by herself."

Oh... Hardy didn't believe it because he saw Aya looking obviously embarrassed.

"I'm leaving first, there are still some government affairs that need to be dealt with."

Then Aya left with brisk little steps.

Although Qili was very awkward before, when she saw Hadi, she felt resentful and bitter.

But after she figured it out, she became very candid.

Over the past few days, her 'offensive' against Hardy has become more and more intense.

Before, I still looked for opportunities to touch arms with Hardy and blushed for a long time.

After two days, I dared to be next to Hardy, even though my face was still red.

A few days later, I was waiting outside Judy's door with a sleeping pillow in my arms.

Hardy estimated that in a few days, she would dare to break in.

It was also at this time that Hardy said during lunch: "I plan to go to Tatu De City."

"Why?" The first person to question was Qili.

She finally plucked up the courage and started to chase Hadi. Now that she was making good progress, Hadi was about to run away?

"Someone has to handle the things over there." Hardy said with a smile: "We don't have many people now, so we can only do many things ourselves."

"Are you going alone again?" Aya said with some distress: "At least you have to ask someone to serve you along the way."

At this time, the eleven succubi acted almost simultaneously.

Originally there were only ten succubi, but now that Judy has become a succubus, there are eleven.

Fina looked at them angrily: "You accompany Hadi there, he will be even more tired."

A group of women laughed.

"I'll go there by myself. I'm not a person without limbs." Hardy said with a smile: "Besides, Basov City is in the construction stage now. There are many things that need to be dealt with. There are not enough manpower in the first place. Give them to me now." , your affairs will be more and more difficult.”

"Hadi, come back soon." Aya whispered: "We, this group of people, can't live without you."

Hardy smiled and agreed. (End of chapter)

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