Looking at the struggling ‘Gregor’, Hardy sneered softly.

“Your people come to save you?” Hardy said with a smile: “That’s what I wish for.”

‘Gregor’s’ struggle suddenly stopped, he looked at Hardy, and there seemed to be fear in his eyes.

Hardy controlled the magic hand and threw it out from the balcony, and then he jumped from the atrium.

The magic hand was still pressing Gregor, and Hardy sat aside and waited quietly.

He was waiting, he wanted to see how many of these strange parasitic lives would come to save Gregor.

‘Gregor’ didn’t speak, Hardy waited for a long time, at least four hours, but no one came.

In fact, it’s not right to say that no one came. Some soldiers came in to see the situation, and after seeing a terrible monster, they retreated.

During this period, Gregor didn’t speak, but his eyes became more and more desperate.

After waiting for another hour, no one came.

Hardy stood up and opened his hand to Gregor. A ball of orange flame was generated in front of Hardy's palm.

Gregor felt the powerful magic in the flame and his body was trembling.

"Can you spare my life?"

Gregor asked in a horrified tone.

In essence, he was just a 'child' who had just hatched not long ago.

However, such a child, because he would absorb the soul fragments of the host, knew a lot of knowledge and was particularly mature.

Hadi shook his head.

The flame was launched, and the ground produced a violent explosion.

Gregor rolled in the flames, wailing in pain. The sound was very loud at first, but it gradually became smaller as time went by, and finally he could not move.

Hadi used his spirit to sense it, and after confirming that the other party's soul had been dissolved, he nodded.

Then he came to the outside of the lord's mansion.

A large group of guards had gathered here, surrounding the gate of the lord's mansion, at least more than 300 people.

But when they saw Hardy coming out, they not only did not surround him, but even stepped back a few steps.

Hadi swept his eyes among the soldiers, then pointed at one of them and hooked his finger.

The man pointed at by Hadi had fear in his eyes. He didn't dare to step forward, but he didn't dare to run away.

Hadi looked at him with a smile and didn't say anything.

After hesitating for a few seconds, the man finally came over.

"Are you their leader?" Hadi asked.

The man was afraid and his voice was a little stuttering: "Yes, yes... I am... a sheriff."

Hadi also guessed the other party's identity, because officials and ordinary people have different temperaments, and experienced people can recognize them at a glance.

"How much food is left in the lord's mansion?"

"I don't know." The sheriff shook his head vigorously: "But the butler may know."

"Call the butler over."

The sheriff breathed a sigh of relief, and he shouted to the soldier next to him: "Go find the butler for me, quickly..."

A group of soldiers rushed into the lord's mansion, and not long after, an old man was forcibly escorted over by several soldiers.

"How much food is left in the lord's mansion, and where is it stored?"

"A lot!" The butler's expression was also full of fear: "Very much, enough for the people of the entire city to eat and drink well for a year."


That's really a lot.

Hadi smiled and pointed at the sheriff and said: "From today on, you are the acting lord, and you continue to be the butler."

This order shocked both of them.

"In addition, you have to open the warehouse to provide certain assistance to the people in this city." Hadi said in a light tone: "I will come back in a while. If you do well, you can become a formal lord, but you will be subject to the orders of our Basov City, but if you don't do well... For example, the help is not in place, you know the consequences."

The sheriff's eyes showed a gleam of ambition.

He nodded heavily.

"Very good!" Hadi patted his shoulder: "Remember, be good to the people, I will come back again."

After that, Hadi left.

It doesn't matter who controls Tatude City. What matters is that it belongs to their side, which can create a certain strategic vertical and horizontal space for Basov City. When encountering enemies, they can have enough reaction time instead of letting the enemies hit them in the face.

Moreover, with their own strength, even if the sheriff has a different mind in the future, he can have enough ability to make the other party submit to him again.

After these people took action, Hardy came to the Lord's Mansion again, and this time he came to the secret room.

Saw, that pool!

The black pool was very sticky, and it was subtly wriggling at the same time, as if it had life.

Hardy smelled a smell similar to heather, and then he understood what these were.

Then he set a fire and set the pool on fire.

It burned for three days... There was a strange smell in the whole Lord's Mansion.

Three days later, there was only a thick layer of ash at the bottom of the pool.

Hardy left Tatude City.

It took him a few more days to return to Basov City.

This round trip took nearly a month.

So the women were very excited to see him, and Neferti was even more tearful.

But now Neferti is more autonomous and independent. She can start sleeping in a bed by herself and no longer needs someone to accompany her.

For this reason, Morado is a little lonely.

She liked to sleep with Hadi in her arms, and the second was to rest with Nephthys, which made her feel calm.

But now, although Nephthys also drank with her mother, respected and loved her, the little girl had already had the consciousness of doing her own things in her mind, which made Morado feel a little lonely.

Then he caught Hadi and got intimate with her, and then he eliminated this negative emotion.

After another round of lovemaking, Morado rested her head on Hadi's arm and counted the stains on the ceiling.

Now her soul was still soft and soft, and she didn't have much thinking ability. Counting stains was just an instinctive behavior.

After a while, Hadi said: "I was outside, in Tatude City, and met the evil god's followers."

"Evil god's followers... It doesn't matter..." But then Morado suddenly woke up: "What? Evil god's followers, what is that?"

Hadi told him about the evil god.

After listening, Morado said in surprise: "There really is such a thing."

"You know?" Hadi asked curiously.

"Our people have calculated that if the Sun God is considered the God of Order, then there must be an evil god who controls negative spiritual power. This is just an inference. Because there is no actual evidence, we just treat it as a theory and don't think..."

"Are those people special?"

"Does extremely strong pollution and infectiousness count?"

"Yes!" Morado stood up and looked at Hardy: "I'm going to be away for a few days."


"Let my teacher come over." Morado's eyes were full of light: "She is the one who proposed the evil god theory, and she will definitely be interested in these things." (End of this chapter)

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