Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 896: Another inside story

Fina sighed and gently pulled the crystal ball on the table, letting it spin.

Her predictions were generally very accurate.

She almost never missed the predicted things.

Even though it was difficult to judge the fate of Hadi, she could roughly infer the future of Hadi and herself from the future of others.

But she was a little strange.

Obviously, Princess Ilona and Claire have come to Basov City, and the big show between Hadi and this group of mothers and daughters is about to begin.

But why are there no signs of the scenes in her predictions, such as the sweet and blushing things between Hadi and them, happening?

She can also see that Hadi likes her and Aya very much.

There must be a reason for this!

Let's check it with the prophecy.

A strange sound came from the crystal ball, and Fina blushed. She saw herself, a much more beautiful self than now, looming in the clouds.

It seems painful, but also seems happy.

She also called out Hardy's name from time to time.

She listened for a while with a red face, and at this time, there was a knock at the door.

Fina was frightened and jumped up. She quickly turned off the sound and picture in the crystal ball, tidied her clothes, touched her face, and felt that it seemed not so hot anymore, so she went to open the door.

The door opened, and it was Qili.

"What's wrong with you?" Fina asked.

"Why is your face red?" Qili asked curiously.

"Oh, I just woke up not long ago."


Qili didn't think much, she stood at the door and said: "I want to ask you for a favor."

"Go ahead."

"I want you to help me predict the whereabouts of a person." Qili said a little embarrassedly: "Her name is Loronia, and she disappeared around our Basov City. Although she has certain magical abilities, her situation is not good now. I am afraid something will happen if it is delayed for a long time."

"Okay, come in."

The two entered the room without much nonsense. Qili directly told Loronia's information, and Fina immediately began to predict.

After all, it is a matter of life and death.

Soon, the crystal ball showed the picture, which may be because the information is detailed enough and it is very close to here.

Under a magic barrier, there is a beautiful woman, sleeping.

Qili breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that she is not in trouble...but where is this place?"

"Looking at the surrounding environment, it should be in a cave."

Qili nodded, and then he was a little worried: "It's hard to find it like this."

"Actually, you can ask Hardy for help." Fina suggested: "Hadi can use the mental network, which has a large range and can help find people and things."

"So powerful?" Qili looked a little surprised, and then thought it was normal: "Yes, he is very smart."

"That is the man we all like, how can he not be powerful."

Qili was a little shy, she waved and left.

Fina was relieved.

Luckily, it was the carefree Qili who came. If it was Aya who came, what she was doing just now might have been discovered.

But she was very curious about why she would become so beautiful in the future.

That clean and flawless, frighteningly white skin, that face that seemed to have a holy glow.

Is it because people become beautiful when they are with Hardy and are happy?

Fina held her face and fantasized with a smile.

Qili came to the study on the second floor. Hadi usually stayed here. If not, he would be in Morado's crypt.

But Morado was not at home now, so... she knocked on the door gently.

For some reason, she felt a little nervous.

"Come in."

Qili pushed the door open and saw Hadi holding Neferti and teaching her to read.

"What's the matter?" Hadi looked up and smiled.

The boy's charm was more exaggerated than that of a succubus, making him look friendly when he smiled.

"I want to find Lolonya, but... I haven't found her for two days. I'm afraid something has happened to her. I heard from Fina that you are very good at finding people!"

Hadi picked up Nephthy and said, "Dad has to go out for something. Can you go and play with Sister Fina?"

Nephthy's eyes were full of reluctance, but she nodded obediently: "Well, then Dad will come back early."

Then she held the paper and trotted to find Fina.

Qili and Hadi left the city.

The two rode side by side on horseback. Along the way, many citizens working outside greeted them.

After walking for a while, they were out of the range of the Illumination Tower.

Qili pointed outside and said, "I have searched that area. According to my mother, they should have been separated in that area."

Hadi looked into the dark woods and sighed, "It's a bit troublesome. Does she have a high status in the royal family?"

"Although Lolonya is just a court magician we hired, she has been with us for a long time and has become a good friend. It's not an exaggeration to say that she is a relative."

I see.

"Then let's go over there first." Hadi thought for a while and said, "First find the traces of your mother and sister."

Qili nodded.

Then the two abandoned the horses and ran back to the city by themselves.

This is what it means to say that an old horse knows the way.

Stepping on dry leaves, their footsteps echoed in the woods.

The surroundings were very quiet, there were no other sounds, just their footsteps and breathing, which seemed a bit scary.

However, both of them were very powerful and weren't afraid of ghosts or anything like that, so they didn't think anything of it.

But Hardy could faintly hear Qili's heart beating very fast, and she seemed a little nervous.

Arriving at the place where Qili found her mother and sister, Hardy found the place in chaos.

The dead leaves on the ground were so messy that nothing could be seen at all.

"Is this place this messy when you came here before?" Hardy asked with a frown.

"I came here with the patrol team before." Qili said a little embarrassed.

Hardy estimated the direction of the Red Clay Plains sentry post, and then followed this place to find it.

It didn't take long before two traces were found.

Looking at the slightly messy appearance of the marks, it can be seen that the person who made these two marks at that time was already walking unsteadily.

"This should be the direction your mother and sister came from, follow it and look for it."

Qili nodded.

She felt a little shy... In fact, she was not good at tracking, and she couldn't even think of finding traces.

In fact, this is mainly a difference in experience.

As a princess, she usually studies and practices swordsmanship, and has no awareness of tracking traces.

The so-called knowledge monopoly and disconnection are pretty much the same thing.

The two walked very fast, and soon found the third trace.

It's very bright, and the trace is to the left.

Hardy and Qili looked at each other and searched faster.

Soon they found a very messy scene with many broken and fallen trees.

There was even blood on the dead leaves, some of it blue.

There is also a part that is red.

"Encountered a battle?" Qili became a little nervous.

After inspecting the scene for a while, Hardy said: "Based on these traces, it can be seen that Lolonia was in much better condition than your mother and sister at the time. She found out that there were enemies behind her, so she asked your mother to She left with her sister first, and then she led the enemy here... A battle ensued, and Lolonia should have the upper hand. "

Qili took a deep breath: "How can I tell? You know so much."

"It's just common on-the-spot reasoning." Hardy looked around: "Can she fly?"

"Probably not."

"Then search nearby separately. You should be able to find some other traces."


The two of them searched nearby for a while and found a relatively... smaller trace.

"She only has one person, it should be this one, keep looking for her."

Then the two people followed this relatively 'shallow' trace, just looking for it, and suddenly there was another relatively large, messy trace coming from the right.

"She was targeted by the enemy." Hardy waved, and the two of them immediately sped up.

Not long after, a faint voice appeared from the front.

The Lida tribe's hearing was better, Qili made a quiet gesture, and the two immediately lowered their voices while walking.

After a while, a faint light appeared in front.

Then there were voices.

The two used the trees as cover and quietly touched up.

After approaching a certain distance, the two hid behind a tree and listened to the voices in front of them.

"That woman should be nearby. Look carefully."

"Yes, Prince."

"It's a pity that that bitch Ilona escaped. What a rare opportunity."

Qili's eyes gradually opened wide, filled with incredible emotions.

One of the voices was very familiar to her, almost since she was a child.

"They arrived at a human city called Basov. They should be unconscious there now. I heard that Qili was also there and rescued them."

"We will discuss the matter of Ilona and her daughter later. This prophet has obviously figured out our actions. We must kill her first."

"Keep looking."

"As commanded."

Qili looked at Hardy, her eyes full of anger and questioning.

Hardy understood that the other party was asking him if he could get out.

Hardy shook his head at her.

Qili gritted her teeth, suppressed her emotions, and waited quietly.

Not long after, an excited voice came from far ahead: "Found...she is hiding in a pit."

"Pull her over."

"There is a magic ward around her."

At this time, Hardy said to Qili: "Do it."

Qili, who could no longer hold back, transformed into a blue fire phoenix, first flew into the air, and then suddenly plunged down.

Hardy then caught up.

"Who..." A handsome middle-aged guy with blond hair and blue eyes turned around suddenly, and then saw the firebird flying down from the sky. He was stunned for a moment, and then a look of madness appeared in his eyes: "Qili, I didn't go to find you. You delivered it to your door yourself." (End of Chapter)

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