Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 898 Another annoying prophet

There was a bluestone by the lake, and Qili sat on it.

She looked at the blue lake and said with some emotion: "The lakes in other places are frozen, but the lake here is still blue, and there are fish and aquatic plants in it. I have to say that Aya is really amazing."

Hadi stood by and said with a smile: "I am more interested in the third uncle you mentioned now."

Qili rolled his eyes at Hardy unhappily: "You really don't understand romance at all."

Hadi shrugged indifferently.

Only men with insufficient hardware and software need romance.

For a Sigma man like him, as long as he doesn't deliberately ruin his reputation and talk about disgusting topics in front of women, it is still very easy to chase girls.

"Third uncle, she had a good relationship with us before I was ten years old." Qili sighed: "But later I don't know why, his relationship with us became very bad. I asked my father and mother why, and they didn't tell me."

Hadi frowned slightly, he didn't want to hear these.

"Do you think Third Uncle is very powerful?" Qili asked in a low voice.

Hadi nodded.

He gave Hardy the same feeling as Brave Tiger.

You have to know that Hardy was only a master at that time.

Now Hardy is at the legendary level, but he still feels that the other party is very strong, and there is a feeling of sharp edge behind him.

This shows that the strength of this 'Third Uncle' is stronger than Brave Tiger.

"Third Uncle is known as the strongest man in our Lida family in the past two hundred years." Qili said a little disappointedly: "My swordsmanship enlightenment teacher is him."

No wonder Qili's expression was so excited before, it turned out to be like this.

It's hard for him that his former idol has become an enemy.

Qili continued: "His strength has reached the legendary level, and it is said that he is heading towards demigod. He used to respect his father and mother very much, but now his mind has become very..."

Qili didn't know how to describe her elders.

"Close to the demigod level, no wonder." Hardy nodded subconsciously: "In fact, I don't have the confidence to beat him."

This is Hardy's heartfelt words. Of course, if he can be promoted one or two levels, the situation will be different.

After the legendary level, the attribute improvement of each level of the professional is much greater than before.

And more and more powerful skills are "awakened".

It can be said that there is a gap between the strong who have entered the legendary level and the masters.

"In addition to the swordsmanship of the Lida family, does he have other specialties?" Hardy asked.

Qili thought for a while and said: "His magic theory is very solid, although he is not very good at magic?"


The magic theory is very solid, but he doesn't know much about magic.

"Because he has no talent for casting spells." Qili explained with a wry smile.

"Then why does he want to learn magic theory?"

Qili hesitated for a while, then sighed and said: "Because he wants to pursue my mother. My mother was the so-called first beauty in the kingdom back then."

When saying this, Qili felt a little embarrassed.

But that's the truth.

"And he lost?" Hardy responded: "He learned magic theory in order to get close to your mother?"

Qili smiled helplessly.

Qili didn't really want to pay attention to the information about the older generation of Ien.

But thinking of the scene in the prophecy crystal ball, Qili felt a headache again.

A love-struck man like Uncle San, who has not touched other women for more than 20 years, can't get the favor of his mother.

And Hardy, a young man who doesn't understand romance at all, can actually win the heart of his mother in the future... And it's mother and daughter together. She really can't believe that such a proud mother would do this.

Hardy is not much better than Uncle San... Qili looked at Hardy.

Then her face turned slightly red and turned to one side.

Apart from anything else, Hardy's face is very attractive to women.

Is my mother also a superficial woman who likes to look at faces?

How is it possible?

But then again, Hardy is actually very powerful. At such a young age, he is already so powerful as a human being.

If he lives another ten or twenty years, he may not be a match for the third uncle.

In fact, after careful comparison, Hardy's comprehensive qualities are extremely strong, whether it is swordsmanship, magic, or internal politics and management.

In comparison, the young people of the Lida family seem too "thin".

You don't know until you compare. After comparing, Qili found many reasons why she and her mother like Hardy.

She pursed her lips and said a little unhappy: "Isn't such an infatuated man good?"

"It's good."

"Then why don't you try to learn it?" Qili looked at Hardy with bright eyes, her expression full of expectation.

Hardy laughed immediately: "Who do you want me to give up, and who do you only like."


"Isn't this your choice?" Qili's expression was obviously confused.

"Give me an answer to your suggestion first." Hardy said unhappily.

Qili was speechless immediately.

Who to give up?

If you can only choose one, who should you choose?

There are several women around Hadi now. If she really persuades Hadi to do this, then she will probably be dead on the street the next day, and her body will have to be packed in several sacks.

Then she smiled awkwardly and said nothing more.

"It seems that your third uncle's matter is not simple." Hadi laughed: "The princess came back from the sentry post and was targeted before she even arrived in Basov City. It would be strange if there was no traitor in this matter."

"Who do you think the traitor is?"

"How do I know the composition of your Lida family?" Hadi thought for a while and said: "In fact, this matter is not troublesome. Wait until Loronia wakes up and ask her. She took the initiative to cover the rear, obviously she knows something."

"That's right." Qili stood up: "Anyway, thank you this time, Hadi, without your help, I may not have any clues at all."

"You're welcome, let's go back too."

The two of them returned to the city lord's mansion together. As soon as they arrived at the courtyard, they saw Claire running over in a white dress.

In the sun, the girl in a white dress running on the green grass has a kind of summer love and passion.

"Hadi, Qili, you are finally back, mother is waiting for you."

"Well, what's wrong?" Qili asked curiously.

"About Loronia." Claire said anxiously, "Something is wrong with her condition."

When the two heard this, they immediately quickened their pace.

Soon, they came to a house under Claire's lead.

At this time, in addition to Loronia lying on the bed, there were also Aya and Princess Ilona in the room.

"What's the situation?" Hardy asked.

"She has been talking nonsense." Ilona pointed at the woman on the bed.

At this time, Loronia was on the bed, covered with a thin sheet, but it could be vaguely seen that she was not wearing any clothes.

Because two protruding points appeared faintly on the sheet.

At this time, Loronia's mumbling was also heard.

"Get out... I'm determined to watch Princess Ilona's play... It's better for Claire to lie down..."

Except for Ilona and Claire, Aya, Hardy, and Qili all seemed to understand something.

The expressions of the three people were a little bit unbearable.

How come this woman also seems to know about the future.

Qili already wanted to cry a little. (End of this chapter)

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