Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 907 Mo and the Experimental Subject

A glance that lasted for a thousand years would never happen to Hardy.

As for who it happened to, Hardy didn't care at this time, and he wouldn't know.

He came to Morado's crypt.

Of course, he used a magic device to notify Morado before coming. After all, there was not only Morado but also her teacher there.

When Hardy was "allowed" to enter the crypt and arrived, she saw Morado waiting there.

And her teacher hid in the outer body again.

The huge eyeball was suspended three meters above the ground, blinking at Hardy.

"How did you come here..." Morado looked at Hardy, and then said in surprise: "Wait, your taste has changed, and the frequency of mental fluctuations has also changed slightly."

She circled Hardy twice and asked in surprise: "Have you made some "transformations" to yourself?"

Hardy smiled and said: "It's not a transformation, but a fusion."

Then he told the story of the Phoenix Blood.

After hearing this, Morado was surprised. She was about to speak, but her teacher, Mo, shouted.

"What? You got the blood of Phoenix?"

Hadi looked at Mo and nodded.

"Hiss...Princess Ilona is really generous."

Hadi asked curiously: "What's the story behind this Phoenix blood?"

Morado took Hardy's hand and walked towards the laboratory, explaining: "Phoenix is ​​a demon god, and the blood he left behind is naturally extraordinary and has a high research value. Back then, our evil eye tribe also begged the Rida family to give us some blood for research, but was rejected, and some bad things happened. It can be said that Phoenix's blood is a top research topic that we, the evil eye tribe, cannot get, and it is also a special obsession."

"Such a precious thing?" Hardy was a little surprised: "The princess just gave it to me like this?"

At this time, the two had already walked to the door of the laboratory. Morado smiled and said: "Recently, the situation of the Rida family is not too good. She needs strong combat support. At the same time, it also means that they are optimistic about you and want to pull you into the group."

Hadi was a little impressed. So, Princess Ilona is still quite visionary and decisive.

"Give me a few drops of blood, let me study it." Morado begged, "Just a few drops, it won't hurt you."

"You can draw a tube if you want."

Morado was very happy, kissed Hardy on the cheek, and then took him into the laboratory.

At this time, 'Mo' who was following behind was anxious.

She shouted, "Hey, I want to see it too, I want to..."

She was so anxious that a huge eyeball floated outside, and then she 'lay down' to look into the laboratory.

But the size of the evil eye was too huge, just like a normal person lying on the ground to look at the ant hole in the corner of the wall, and she couldn't see anything at all.

She was so anxious that she turned twice in the air, and finally fell to the ground, closing her eyelids.

Afterwards, a small figure appeared behind the huge evil eye. She tiptoed to the door, stuck to the wall, and looked out.

Then she saw that Morado was using magic to draw blood from Hardy.

The bright red blood formed a small ball in the air, emitting a faint blue light dust.

"It is indeed the blood of the Phoenix family. Although it is not very pure, it is better than nothing." Morado looked at the blood ball in the air excitedly and continued: "Also, Hardy, tell the people of the Rida family that we drew your blood, otherwise they will fight with our evil eye tribe again."

Hadi nodded. He naturally would not say anything about this matter.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded outside the door, with some reprimands: "Morado, didn't I teach you that the living experimental materials must be kept fresh at a constant temperature immediately? You actually have time to talk to others, hurry up!"

Morado immediately used a special magic on the blood ball in the air, and then a translucent, glass-like substance wrapped the blood ball up.

Hadi looked in the direction of the sound and found a very cute little head swaying outside the door.

She saw Hardy looking over and immediately shrank her head back in fear.

Then there was the sound of running fast outside, followed by a thud, as if someone fell down.

At the same time, there was a faint cry of pain.

Morado tried hard to hold back his laughter.

Hardy also had a smile on his face, and he asked: "Was that your teacher 'Mo' just now?"

Morado nodded: "Very cute."

"Why does she still look like a girl!"

Morado's body is already very mature, and it is not an exaggeration to say that she is a queen.

And Mo looks like a girl, and it seems that her personality is also like that.

"The teacher is more than 400 years old." Morado explained with a smile: "She rarely contacts outsiders, and most of the time she is reading, studying, and researching... At the same time, her strength is also very strong, which makes her always maintain the mentality of a girl. The heart is a girl, and the appearance will naturally not grow much."

That's it.

Morado gave Hardy a healing spell, and then hugged Hardy tenderly for a while before saying: "Next, I will study these bloods with the teacher. I may ignore you a little, you must not be angry."

Hadi smiled and patted her head: "It's okay, I'm just going to go out for a while. If Aya needs your help in an emergency, you have to take care of her."

"No problem."

Hadi then left the laboratory. He saw the outer body of 'Mo' floating in the air with his back to him.

It seemed very shy and didn't dare to look at him.

"Teacher Mo, see you next time."

Hadi waved to the outer body and left the cave.

Half an hour later, he appeared in Ilona's room.

At this time, Ilona had changed into a black tights that was convenient for movement, and the other three women did the same.

"Hadi, have you finished explaining the matter?" Ilona asked.

Hadi nodded.

Ilona looked at Hardy with satisfaction: "The blood of Phoenix is ​​unexpectedly compatible with you. Are you interested in joining our Lida family? We can allow you and your descendants to use the surname 'Lida'."

The meaning is very clear, that is, to make Hedi a royal family.

Hadi shook his head.

Claire and Qili were both a little disappointed.

Ilona said: "Don't rush to refuse, you have enough time to think about it, it's just an accident now."

Loronia echoed from the side: "Being a royal family has many privileges. At least from now on, you can legitimately conquer the territory of lower races."

Lower races... Hardy looked at Loronia with some curiosity: "I'm curious about what race Ms. Loronia is from, why she looks so much like us humans."

Loronia looks almost like a human, without the characteristics of other races.

But Hardy knows she is not.

Because her mental frequency is very strange, not the human frequency band.

Loronia said with a smile: "Guess!" (End of this chapter)

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