Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 916: The Mark of the Soul

Xerith's skull is as white as jade and looks very beautiful.

It can also be seen from the side that her magic power is very strong, which can make her body so delicate.

The stronger the magic power, the more obvious the magic power fluctuations will be when the emotions fluctuate.

Now Xie Lisi is like this, the magic power around her is turbulent, like countless vortices circling around and rolling around each other.

Lilisna felt very uncomfortable, and she subconsciously got close to Hardy's body, which made her feel more comfortable.

"Do you care about Aya?" Hardy asked with a smile.

"She is the strangest thing I have ever seen." Xie Lisi's face was expressionless, but she had the leaping soul fire in her eye sockets, which still gave her the excitement she is now: "Obviously not a real person, and no spirit, but has the ability to be autonomous, just like a real living person."

"How do you know she is not a living person." Hardy said with a smile.

"You seem to know something."

Hadi nodded: "It can't be said that I know, but I infer it."

"Tell me." Xie Lisi said anxiously.

Hadi shook his head: "The price you gave is not enough. The magic principle of the life box alone has exceeded the transaction conditions I just proposed."

Xie Lisi took a deep breath: "But what if I really want it?"

"Find more valuable things to exchange."

Xie Lisi snorted.

As a necromancer, her material desires are very low. After all, without the flesh, money, sex, wealth and other things are just illusions and bubbles.

Now she lives in the world, which is the instinct of "living" and the pursuit of knowledge.

To put it more bluntly, she actually has no money.

"Write out the magic theory of the life box first, and I will put these souls back."

Hadi smiled and asked: "Do you have paper and pen here?"

Xie Lisi paused, and then she said awkwardly: "Or you can dictate!"

Now it can only be like this.

Hardy found a stone bench and sat down, and began to talk about the basic principles and detailed settings of the life box.

Although Hardy could not use this skill and could not learn it, it did not mean that he did not know the principle.

It takes a long time to orally describe a mature skill, because it involves the concept of a system.

Hardy just orally described it at first, but as he involved systematic knowledge points, he kept asking questions to Sherice.

"Soul division, how to ensure that the soul still belongs to oneself."

"Why does the life box need to be stored in a cold place?"

"How to determine the backup point of knowledge!"

Watching the two people discussing magic issues there, Lilisna was very bored. She could only watch those little souls "running around" in front of the sand table to pass the time.

About six hours later, Hardy finally explained the concept of the life box to Sherice.

"I understand." Sherice looked at Hardy and said, "The person who invented this magic is definitely a genius among geniuses."

Hady smiled, it was true.

The necromancer, also known as the lich, is a very difficult master in the world ten thousand years later.

"This magic has helped me a lot." Xie Lisi looked back at the sand table: "Just simply liberating these souls is not enough to match its value."

"So?" Hardy asked with a smile.

"So, I will teach you the magic technology of making this sand table." Xie Lisi stood up, walked to the sand table and said: "I believe it will be very useful to you, and it will also be a certain inspiration."

Xie Lisi could feel that Hardy's magic theory foundation was very solid, and it was also far ahead of the times.

For professionals, these things can be felt.

So she felt that Hardy would definitely be able to learn this ability of hers.


Hardy was very satisfied.

Although he now has the system ability, it is incomplete and has no small map function.

And this kind of sand table magic, as long as it is slightly modified, is a good terrain display tool.

Although it is not convenient to carry, it should be very useful in a state of war.

So the two exchanged the concept of sand table magic again.

Lilisina was even more bored.

But fortunately, the time was relatively fast this time, and it would only take three hours.

"You are smarter than I thought." Xie Lisi looked at Hadi with admiration.

In fact, it was not that Hadi was smarter, but that Hadi had undergone about twenty years of systematic education, and his learning ability and self-study ability were far beyond this era.

"Thank you."

"Next, you can go back." Xie Lisi waved her bone claws, and the sand table and souls emerged one by one, grew larger, and then quickly flew towards the direction of Green Lake Town.

Hadi stood up, and Lilisina immediately trotted over. She was really bored to the point of going crazy.

"I hope we will have a chance to meet in the future." Hadi smiled at Xie Lisi.

"Can't you really tell me about Aya's identity and ability?"

"Two years later... at most three years, even if I don't tell you, you will know."

According to history, Aya will ascend to heaven and hold the throne of God when she is about 19 years old.

At that time, everyone in the entire demon world will know her name as a god.

Xie Lisi's eyes lit up for a moment, then returned to normal.

After coming out of the swamp, Hadi looked back and saw that the lake was shrouded in fog again.

The two of them took advantage of the moonlight and returned to Green Lake Town.

Then they found that there were many people gathered at the entrance of the village.

The leaders were Aya and her mother, Leola.

Seeing Hadi, Aya came up first. She was a little excited and said strangely: "I don't know why my mother and others are waiting for you here."

Many people at the entrance of the village held torches. They looked at Hadi with gratitude in their eyes.

Their souls were in the sandbox, so they could probably hear something about what happened there.

Therefore, they also knew that it was Hadi who liberated them.

"Thank you, Mr. Hadi, for giving us freedom." A man who was probably the mayor came over and said, "You are the benefactor of all of us."

No one refuted, and they all looked at Hadi quietly.

But Aya was puzzled when she heard these words.

"You're welcome." Hardy smiled and said, "Do you plan to leave here?"

The mayor shook his head: "We were born here and will die here in the future. Besides, I heard that the environment outside seems to have become very bad."

"It may be very unsafe here as before."

"It doesn't matter. At most, we will die again." The mayor smiled and said, "In fact, we have already earned it."

Hardy did not persuade them again, but waved to everyone and returned to the hotel.

Aya, who followed him all the way, immediately stood in front of Hardy after returning to the hotel and asked, "What are you talking about? Are you hiding something important from me?"

Leola looked at Aya with sadness in her eyes. (End of this chapter)

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