Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 923 You are qualified to become our member

Second brother?


Hardy had actually seen him before, but when they last met, Eurobet's face was covered with strips of flesh, but now the strips of flesh on his face have disappeared, and he is now a handsome young man.

"Oh, do you have any advice for Your Highness?" Hadi looked at the other person.

"I remember the last time I saw you." Eurobert pointed at Hardy's face: "It looks so much like a woman, but it doesn't make people think it's a woman's face. It was the first time I saw it and I was very impressed. "

Hardy laughed: "Thank you for the compliment."

"How are mother and seventh sister?" Eurobet's aura was obviously much stronger than that of Yago. He stood there as if he were a wall: "You just said that mother asked you to come to us and ask. Seriously, what’s the evidence?”

Hardy smiled and said: "Doesn't the sudden extra blood of Phoenix in my body not count? The princess specially gave it to me in order to let me come in and deliver a message."

"This can indeed be regarded as evidence. Only the mother and father have the blood of Phoenix's ancestors." Eurobet said gently: "This is enough, what did she ask you to ask?"

"Ask how you are doing, ask if anyone is injured, etc."

Eurobert nodded: "It is indeed something that mother will worry about. Everything is fine with us. The eldest brother found special things in the land abandoned by the gods. He rolled the meat strips on us and asked us to treat those things. We have resistance, but unfortunately, a new special disease has emerged in the God's Abandoned Land, making us very passive. "

Hardy smiled and said: "The poison of lust?"

"This name is what those in Russell are called." Eurobert walked up to Hardy and said, "And here we call it Silent Spring."

It's quite poetic.

Hardy smiled inwardly and asked: "Now that I have seen you, the task assigned to me by the princess has been completed, and I have to go back and report."

"You can't leave for the time being." Eurobert's smile was gentle, but his tone was unquestionable: "You can't leave until my eldest brother comes back."

Hardy sighed: "Are you Lida family so domineering?"

"It's not overbearing, it's just confidentiality regulations." Eurobert explained.

Hardy thought for a while and asked, "How long will it take."

If it's only within ten days, it doesn't matter if Hardy waits here.

Eurobert shook his head: "I don't know, it may be one day, or it may be two or three months. It depends on when the eldest brother can come back."

"Then forgive me for not complying with your wishes." Hardy flatly refused.

"You mean, you want to leave by force?" Eurobert asked in surprise.

Hardy nodded.

The smile on Eurobet's face disappeared.

When Yago saw this, he immediately came out and said: "Second brother, Hadi saved Qili, and now he is here under the entrustment of his mother. There is absolutely no problem with him. I think the confidentiality regulations can provide some relief for him."

Eurobet began to think deeply.

After a while, he said: "What the third child said makes sense, and since you are a bloodline of our Rida family, we should really trust you more."

Hadi smiled and said, "Thank you, Your Highness."

"Why are you so polite?" Eurobet looked at Lilithina: "You can leave, but leave this succubus to us."

Lilithina had tried her best to hide behind Hardy, but there was still nothing she could do.

Succubi are always eye-catching no matter what time they appear.

Hardy shook his head: "Sorry, she is my friend."

"It's just a succubus. Even if it's a friend, it's not as close as our blood relationship." Eurobet said matter-of-factly.

His eyes were full of plainness.

It seemed that there was nothing wrong with what he said.

Hardy still shook his head: "Sorry, she has special meaning to me."

At this moment Lilithina felt like her heart was drunk. Even if she died, she would be willing to do so without any regrets.

Eurobet was surprised. He looked at Hadi quietly for a while, and then said: "In this case, it is my fault. Since she is so important to you, then I will buy it at a high price."

"Your Highness..."

Hardy's expression was already a little unhappy, and he was about to say something, but was interrupted by the other party.

"My father once told me that everything in this world has a price, but for some people, certain things are particularly precious. And no matter how precious things are, they still have a price, as long as you can afford it. Eurobet took out something from his clothes and spread his palms: "I won't take advantage of you. How about using this thing in exchange for the right to use this succubus!"

Yago was shocked when he saw such a thing and couldn't help shouting: "Second brother, that is..."

In the palm of Eurobert's hand, there is a very irregular small crystal. It looks like glass, but it looks a bit like green rock candy, giving people a sweet feeling.

When they saw this thing, almost everyone around them swallowed subconsciously and wanted to swallow it.

But Hardy was not included.

Although Hardy didn't have many expressions, he was still very shocked inside.

Because the markings in the system interface of this thing are very outrageous.

Item: Inferior Microscopic Fragment of the Light Godhead (Myth)

Effect: Although it is a fragment of extremely inferior godhead, it is still something that countless creatures are crazy about. After swallowing and absorbing Chun, you can obtain the special rule power of the light system. But it is also possible to get nothing, because such items also need to be matched with qualifications. But no matter how bad the effect is, it can also provide a lot of character experience for the absorber.

He actually took this thing out.

Lilisina is really valuable.

De Yago jumped up at this time: "Second brother, a succubus is not worth this at all. If you don't want this thing, give it to me. I will wear women's clothes to solve the problem for you."

Orobet got angry when he heard this, and kicked his third brother directly, kicking him a few meters away.

He said angrily: "Do you think I want a succubus? I prepared it for my eldest brother."

De Yago got up, patted his clothes, and said: "Yes, my eldest brother is really not suitable to go with us to find ewes to play."

"Get out!" Orobet was a little angry. His third brother was not tight-lipped. How could he say these things casually?

Yago was frightened and hid aside immediately.

Orobet looked at Hadi at this time: "This is what my elder brother took out from the God-forsaken Land. It contains powerful power. I only have two pieces. Outside, this thing can be exchanged for a thousand succubi. You know what I mean."

Lilisina subconsciously grabbed Hadi's hand.

Although she didn't know what the crystal in front of her was, her intuition told her that the thing was very sacred and very rare. In comparison, she was a lowly thing like mud and dust.

Under normal circumstances, no one can resist the attraction of this thing.

Hardy probably can't either.

But at this time, Hardy said with a smile: "Sorry, no exchange."

Everyone around widened their eyes.

Orobet sighed, and then said happily: "Very good, you are qualified, you are qualified to become a member of our Ridda family." (End of this chapter)

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