Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 937 Isn’t it?

Claire's words made Aya a little stunned.

She pointed at the face of the World Tree and said, "Why can't I see it clearly? Such a beautiful girl is very tall."

She looked at the figure of the World Tree with envy.

Obviously, she is so tall, so it should give people a feeling of being tall and mighty.

But there is no such shortcoming in the World Tree. No matter how tall she is, she still gives people a feeling of being slender and a little fleshy.

Very attractive.

The women headed by Qili were all shaking their heads. They really couldn't see the face of the World Tree.

And Judy and other succubi were trembling at this time.

For some reason, they were afraid of the woman in front of them whose face they couldn't see clearly.

Very scared, as if a mouse saw a cat.

The World Tree listened to Aya praising herself, she pulled Hardy's sleeve and asked, "Is this the friend you want to introduce to me?"

Hardy nodded.

The World Tree cheered, and went over to hold Aya in his arms, lifted her up, and rubbed her face.

The picture of a big beautiful girl and a small and exquisite beautiful girl hugging each other is actually quite beautiful.

"I knew it was her." After rubbing Aya twice, the World Tree said, "I was very happy when I saw her."

Aya was first rubbed on the face, and then she was held in the arms of the World Tree like a child, and she was completely stunned.

It was the first time she had seen such a passionate person.

But she couldn't get angry with this tall girl.

Claire and Qili looked at the World Tree with strange eyes, and then looked at the huge tree crown outside the window, and sighed slightly.

The two of them had already felt that this so-called World Tree was very strong.

Because it was too strong, they couldn't see her face clearly.

There is a record in the Lida tribe that few people in the God Killing Team three years ago could see the appearance of the Sun God clearly.

Therefore, the two seriously suspected that this World Tree was an alien god.

But they were also a little confused, why the gods could appear in front of them so easily.

And it seemed a little naive.

Seeing the reactions of the other women, Hadi said: "Aiya, you can be a guide and take the world tree around the city."

Aya patted the world tree's hand, let the latter put her down, and then nodded and said: "I know."

"At this time, you should say, 'Trouble you', right?" The world tree looked at Aya expectantly.

Like a happy child.

Aya looked at such a cute world tree, and the little jealousy before disappeared in an instant.

She took the initiative to pull the world tree's hand and said: "I don't know where Hadi tricked you from. Come on, sister will take you out to play."

"Okay, okay." The world tree smiled happily and followed Aya.

After the two left, the main hall door was closed again.

Hadi sat in the main seat, and the other women found a seat to sit down.

Several succubi patted their chests with lingering fears. They were so scared just now.

"Everyone here is one of us." Whether it was Claire, Qili, or Judy, they were all Hardy's women: "So I won't hide it. The World Tree is an outer god, an orthodox god."

When these words came out, several succubi turned pale.

Claire and Qili looked as if they had expected it, but then they showed surprise.

After all, for ordinary people, the appearance of a god is indeed a world-shaking event.

"Just keep this to yourself, don't tell anyone outside."

Several succubi nodded immediately.

Fina looked thoughtful. She felt that the world of the World Tree was familiar before, but she had never seen this person. Now she had a vague idea of ​​what was going on.

Whatever Hardy said, they would be what they said, and they would never refute it.

Claire also nodded gently.

Qili thought for a while and asked, "Can I tell my mother...?"

Because of the prophecy, Qili also considered her mother as Hardy's woman.

Therefore, in her simple concept, her mother and Hardy were not outsiders at all.

Claire didn't know about this. She gently pulled her sister's clothes and shook her head.

She was afraid that Hardy would be angry.

After all, in Claire's concept, her mother was very loyal to her father, and she always put the interests of the Rida family first.

If she knew that a god had come to Basov City, it would be strange if she didn't have any thoughts.

And if her mother had any thoughts, she would definitely have a conflict with Hardy.

Claire didn't want that to happen.

Qili also understood at this time and smiled awkwardly.

Hardy thought for a while and said, "Don't tell her for now. We'll talk about it when we have a chance in the future."

Qili breathed a sigh of relief and nodded slightly.

But Claire frowned slightly.

She was very smart and keenly discovered that there was something behind Hardy's words, and there seemed to be some little secret between Qili and Hardy.

It was about her mother.

Hadi tapped the table lightly and continued, "That's it for the World Tree. Now let's talk about the destroyed farmland. All of you take people out to count how many fields and houses were destroyed by the previous flood. We will make appropriate compensation and persuade all the farmers to resume farming."

"Do they need to be subsidized in terms of food?" Qili raised her right hand and asked, "Since it will take five or six months for the crops to mature again, I am worried that they will not be able to survive until then."

"For the farmers whose farmland was destroyed, a proper subsidy of one month's food is enough."

"Is that so." Qili was a little worried: "Is our food reserve seriously insufficient?"

Hadi smiled and said, "You can say that, but in fact, farming is no longer a problem. Because the World Tree has come, from now on, we don't have to worry about the food supply in Basov City."

Everyone was surprised and asked the reason.

Hadi smiled and said, "Because she is the World Tree, agriculture is her basic authority."

All the women were shocked.

After that, the meeting was adjourned, and everyone was busy, including Aya.

She had to deal with government affairs while a wave of water brought a lot of trouble to the whole city. She had to eliminate and solve these things.

At the same time, she brought the World Tree with her, just like bringing a younger sister who had just grown up.

It can be said that there were both bitterness and joy.

That night, Hardy went to Morado's crypt to meet her.

As soon as she saw Hardy, she rushed over and asked excitedly: "Hadi, that big tree, that big tree... is it a god, right?"

Looking at her excitement, Hardy nodded.

Then there was another exclamation next to him.

Looking again, it was a cute girl, who was leaning at the door, looking around.

"Can we let her study it for us!"

Morado's eyes lit up.

Hadi was pondering... Actually, if he went to ask in person, the World Tree would definitely be willing.

But... it always feels a bit bad.

"Well, if you can provide us with some of her skin or hair." The girl at the door stood up and said shyly: "I can accompany you with Morado."

Hadi looked a little helpless: "Do I look like such a lustful person?"

The girl at the door showed a shocked look: "Isn't it?"

Every time Hardy came to Morado, he always wanted to do that thing, and he did it for several hours.

Isn't this lustful?

Morado looked at the expressions of the two and couldn't help but laughed with his hands covering his mouth. (End of this chapter)

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