Fun people from Blue Star

Chapter 945 Goodbye Larrigan

Looking at the other person's slightly red eyes and aggrieved look, Hardy felt helpless in his heart.

He did provoke a lot of girls, but generally speaking, he remembered every woman.

But he really had no impression of the girl in front of him.

The other person came over with a very seductive face. She stood two meters in front of Hardy and said slowly: "It's been so long, don't you remember me?"

The voice sounded a little familiar, but Hardy still shook his head.

I really have no impression.

The other person is very beautiful. If he had seen her, he would definitely remember her.

Then she put a white mask on her face: "In this case, do you remember it?"

There was a faint sense of expectation in the language.

Hardy was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered: "Larrigan! The daughter of the Bone Demon Lord, long time no see."

Larrigan took off the mask and seemed to be in a better mood. She smiled and said: "It seems that I am not an insignificant person."

Her voice was a little lonely.

"You've changed your appearance, so of course I can't recognize you." Hardy is the kind of person who recognizes faces but not voices.

He can only recognize the voices of people who are more familiar to him.

It turned out that she had already "taken off her armor", but Hardy found it very strange. He heard that the bone demon tribe must be at least at the master level to start "taking off their armor".

"I'm here to take out my father's ashes." Larrigan smiled with difficulty and said, "I hope you can allow it."

Hardy looked at her, carefully observing her expression, and asked after a while: "You don't seem to have much hatred."

Larrigan looked at him, his expression a little bleak: "Before my father set up the trap, I actually advised him not to come. I said you are not an ordinary human, and with the help of the evil eye, it is almost impossible to win you. But he didn't believe it, he thought it was okay, and put me in the back and put me under house arrest. I can only say that it's all fate's fault."

The girl was very slender and her face was miserable. In the dim light, there was a kind of bleak taste.

"Go and get it, it's just a little ahead." Hardy made way.

He was not a man who killed people indiscriminately. If the other party wanted to avenge his father, he would certainly not be soft-hearted. But at this moment, he could see that Larrigan really did not have much hostility.

What he had seemed to be just the resentment between men and women.

Larrigan looked at Hadi deeply, then walked forward, and soon she found the ashes left by the Bone Demon Lord Nei Zan.

A pool of human-shaped white ash fell on the ground.

She took out a jar and put the white ash into it one handful at a time.

Hadi watched for a while, and didn't want to see others in such sorrow, so he walked away.

He walked around the city for a while. At this time, the public security in the city had stabilized. Qili had been a sheriff in Basov City for several months. With her current experience, it was still very easy to suppress a small city.

Besides, there was Claire to help her.

Hadi walked around the city for a while, occasionally helping people who needed help, and soon he went to the city lord's mansion.

At this time, Claire was inside, talking with a member of the Lida tribe who looked very similar to humans.

"This city is handed over to you, do a good job, understand?"

"Okay." This is a middle-aged man, he smiled gently: "I will always be loyal to the Lida family and never change."

"You don't have to be loyal to us, just obey the dispatch of Basov City." Claire said seriously.

"Yes!" The middle-aged man agreed.

Then Claire turned her head and saw Hardy. She walked over happily and asked: "Why don't you take a rest, just leave the trivial matters here to us."

"Just come and take a rest."

The middle-aged man looked at Hardy with a face full of curiosity.

Claire pointed at Hardy and said to the middle-aged man: "This is your immediate boss, Hardy. He is also one of the actual rulers of Basov City."

The middle-aged man bowed slightly to Hardy.

This man also has the blood of the Lida family in his body, although it is very thin.

With a history of more than a thousand years, it is normal that there are many illegitimate children living outside.

However, there are only a few illegitimate children who can obtain the "Fire Phoenix Sword Technique", which is also known as the Phoenix Wing Attack Technique.

Hardy also nodded to the other party.

At this time, Qili came in from outside and shouted: "Okay, I'm working hard outside, and you two are so good, you are here to be affectionate, I don't care, I want it too!"

Claire blushed: "No way, and there are outsiders here."

Qili only realized that there was a middle-aged man next to her at this time.

And this middle-aged man was very tactful, facing the other side, as if I didn't see anything and heard nothing.

Qili was a little embarrassed, then walked towards Claire and pulled her away: "Come out and help, don't stick to Hardy all the time, don't sneak away."

"I didn't..."

In this way, the two gradually walked away.

After the two men left, the middle-aged man looked at Hadi. After looking at him for a while, he said, "Mr. Hadi, this is our first meeting. You can call me Lazar-Li."

"Nice to meet you." Hadi smiled at him.

"You should also have the blood of the Rida family." Lazar asked curiously, "We are all from the side branch. Please take care of me in the future. Of course, if you need me for anything, I will do my best."

Looking at the smooth smile on the other person's face, Hadi knew that this person was very good at dealing with people.

“You’re welcome.” Hadi nodded gently.

“Your Excellency has a good relationship with the two princesses.” Lazar asked in amazement: “Have you already…”

Lazar made a gesture that all men understand, but it was not very obscene.

Hadi did not speak, but just smiled.

The other party understood, and he said enviously: "You have done something that most of us can only dream of."

"Oh?" Hadi asked curiously: "Have you thought about it too?"

Lazar sighed: "Of course I thought about it when I was young. Who among the descendants of Lida who are five generations away from the fifth generation does not want to reunite with the princess of the family and give birth to a child with purer blood? You should also understand that the purer the blood, the stronger the power we can inherit. Maybe such descendants will have the opportunity to return to the Lida family."

"Then do you have children?"

"Yes." Lazar sighed: "Their blood is thinner than mine, and it has even reached the point where they can no longer condense the blue divine fire. It is estimated that our bloodline will completely lose the blood of our ancestors in a few generations."

"So, what do you want to tell me?" Hadi asked.

"As expected of a member of the Lida family, you have seen through my unpresentable thoughts so quickly." Lazar knelt on one knee to Hadi: "Sir, please allow me to be your retainer." (End of this chapter)

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