Chapter 164 Disobedience to SOLO!!

【Well done! 】

【Well done! 】

【×! 】

【High-end operation! 】 】

After Su Wenhao killed Na Ke Lulu and snatched the big dragon, all his teammates sent congratulatory messages.

People’s sorrows and joys are not interconnected.

They are happy, and the other party’s foot has broken the defense.

(All) Nakolulu: Sister opposite, do you want a face?

(All) Hou Yi: Let’s give some game experience!

(All) Yao: Sister opposite, are you MM or GG? Next game together, I assist you, my Yao with 6!

(All) white: Shut me up the bastard, you actually threw away the bloody me just now!

(All) Angela: Daji, I’m a girl, let me develop, right?


Looking at the message sent from the opposite side, Yang Mi and Reba couldn’t help but laugh.

“Wen Hao actually broke the defense of the opposite side!”

“6 ah, the key is that Wenhao still got this result without an inscription and no flashing skills, it is simply a novice village of king maniacs!”

[The enemy surrenders and admits defeat! ] 】


Straight to the explosion of the opponent’s crystal, Su Wenhao, Yang Mi, Reba won 517.

Reba: “Why do I have a feeling of lying down to win?” ”

Yang Mi: “This game just looks at the literary hero in the show, then I will not be polite in the next game!” ”

Su Wenhao: “While the hand is hot, let’s hurry up and have a few more rounds!” ”




By ten o’clock in the evening, the three of them had won seven consecutive games.

Su Wenhao, who has [Intermediate E-sports], has a smooth ride.

Yang Mi and Reba, who have the strength of the king rank level, are no longer polite and take out their strength.

With the cooperation of the three of them, the matched enemies were destroyed like ruins.

In two rounds, the opponent was beaten to the point of losing confidence and threw in 6 minutes.


Reba exclaimed excitedly.

“So this is the pleasure of abusing vegetables!”

“Let’s start another round!”

Yang Mi glanced at the time: “No, it’s already ten o’clock in the evening, and Wen Hao and I will film tomorrow.” ”

“If you want to play, play yourself.”


Reba said with some disappointment: “Well, then it’s not for you.” ”

“Anyway, I have a day off tomorrow, or I will go to the set to find you.”

Yang Mi thought for a while and said agreed: “Yes, I will send the location of the set to your state letter.” ”

“Oh, Wenhao, I just presented you with all the heroes, you accept it.”


Su Wenhao said in surprise.

“Thank you Sister Honey, thank you Sister Honey.”

“I was still looking at the mall just now, and I haven’t used many heroes in it, but unfortunately I can’t afford it.”

Reba was not to be outdone when he heard this: “Since Sister Honey gave you all heroes, but without skin, it’s still a bad thing.” ”

“Senior sister will give you the full skin that can be bought now, just open the mailbox and accept it.”

“Some limited-time sales may not be possible.”

When Su Wenhao heard this, he was even happier: “Thank you, Senior Sister!” Seeing other people’s sisters with all kinds of skin, I am envious and jealous. ”

“I also want my young lady to be beautiful.”

“Thank you two, now all heroes, all skins, I’m so happy!”


Reba said happily: “Rest early, tomorrow Senior Sister will go to the crew to visit the class.” ”

Su Wenhao responded: “Okay, good night Senior Sister!” ”

After speaking, exit the team and open the mailbox.

【I’m Not a Fox】Give you a hero.

【Balabala Little Fairy】Give you a skin.

Su Wenhao’s fingertips gently swipe, rows of prompts, and then click [One-click collection].


Various flash pictures, colorful dumplings are superimposed.

Su Wenhao looked at every hero and skin that appeared, and his heart was very happy.

He is not short of money to buy skins now, after all, there are more than 1 million in the card, but others gave it away, there is a different feeling.

Looking at so many heroes and skins, Su Wenhao really wanted to immediately replace each hero with each skin and appear one by one.

However, reason told him that in order not to delay tomorrow’s affairs, he still had to rest quickly.

So he gritted his teeth and quit the king, and then slept in the group just now, Yang Mi and Reba had not yet withdrawn.

Yang Mi: “Hehe, give away all skins, quite a big deal?” Ms. Reba has developed recently? ”


For some reason, when she heard that Reba sent all her skin, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, as if she was being compared to others.


Reba proudly snorted: “What, my junior brother can’t hurt yet?” ”


Yang Mi sneered.

“This tone is a bit provocative, disobey me? Come to SOLO! ”

Reba immediately replied: “SOLO is SOLO, WHO is afraid of WHO?” ”

So the two girls opened a 1v1 and fought each other.

The next morning, Su Wenhao drove Yang Mi to the filming location of “Sword and Fairy III”.

The car is Yang Mi’s business car, in order to facilitate the crew, specially drove over, because Su Wenhao was there, simply did not let the driver and assistant follow.

After arriving on the set, Ding Zuo’s personnel gate was setting up the venue.

There are several RVs parked next to the set, some of which are resting places for the starring actors, and some of which are dressing rooms and equipment rooms.

Su Wenhao and Yang Mi walked into an RV to style according to the instructions of the staff.

The first scene at the start of the film today is the rivalry between Jing Shi and Kouyukimi.

Because it is a period costume, it is still quite time-consuming to wear clothes and get a hood, and it takes about half an hour for the two to get it right.

As soon as Yang Mi walked out of the RV wearing snowy red clothes, she saw Reba who came to visit the class.

“Yo, you’re not really here?”

Reba raised her eyebrows slightly.

“Yesterday I said that if you want to come to visit the class, you must come!”

“What about Wenhao? Still doing styling? ”

At this time, the door of the RV, which served as a men’s dressing room not far away, opened.

Su Wenhao was wearing a sedum costume and walked out of it with steps.


After Yang Mi and Reba saw him, they couldn’t help but feel brightened!

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